吉印通 2022-06-25 06:51 187
What we do during our working hours determines what we have;
what we do in our leisure hours determines what we are.
——George Eastman
▲George Eastman(柯达创始人)
1* * * 年,George Eastman研制出第一架自动照相机,并给它取名为“柯达”,柯达公司从此诞生;
19* 0年,柯达占世界摄影器材市场7* %的份额,利润占这一市场的90%;
19* * 年,立即自动相机上市,当年销掉7* 0万架,创下了照相机销量的世界最高记录;
19* * 年,海外销售额达21.* 亿美元,在《财富》杂志中排名第* * 位,纯利居第10位,当时位于感光界第2的爱克发销量仅及它的l/* ;
199* 年,在品牌顾问公司排名的10大品牌中,位居第四,仅次于麦当劳、迪士尼、可口可乐,是感光界当之无愧的霸主。
然而,2000年开始,数码市场疯狂扩张,消费者对胶卷的需求急速下滑,柯达公司市值甚至一路从* 10亿美元跌倒21亿美元,陷入破产风波,哪怕怀旧引起的胶卷热潮也无法阻止数字系统取代胶片的步伐。一百多年的历史中,柯达经历过弱小的创业初期,享受过全球市场的瞩目和追捧,也正经受着时代椎心泣血的碾压。
201* 年,饱经沧桑却有着换骨夺胎勇气的柯达公司重组资源,转型成为一家专注商业图文印刷的公司,并对全球B2B市场展开进攻,满血复活走出破产保护的阴影。柔版包装印刷技术是近年来柯达公司研发的拳头产品,能够减少印刷浪费,总体消耗可达到20%,帮助企业用户在瞬息万变的市场中提升性能,严控成本。
我们非常荣幸地在第九届北京国际印刷技术展览会中邀请到柯达公司柔版包装印刷事业部董事长Christopher J. Payne作客吉印通 直播间。
吉印通 :此次参加大印展柯达为我们带来了柔版包装印刷技术,目前公司该技术的发展状况如何?
Christopher J. Payne:Thank you for having a sit. I'm Christopher J. Payne. I’m the president of the Flexographic Packaging Division. We are involved in the packaging business and we are innovating flexo as a packaging printing technology. Within Kodak, this is one of our great technologies. Obviously Kodak is also involved in offset printing,work flow and inkjet.
很高兴来到这里,我是柯达柔版包装印刷事业部董事长Christopher J. Payne. 柯达公司已经介入包装领域多年,在柔版包装印刷方面做了很多创新。在柯达内部,柔版印刷是一个非常重要的技术支撑,同时还有胶印、工作流程、喷墨印刷等其他的印刷事业部门。
吉印通 :您之前是否参加过大印展?此次参展的感受如何?
Christopher J. Payne:This is my first time to China Print,but my fourth time to Beijing, and I’d been to Shanghai many times. For me this is a very exciting show, because you get to see how the technology be deployed to package printing and other printing applications.
吉印通 :柯达柔版印刷事业部是第一次参加大印展,在展位布置方面,有什么特点来吸引参观者,提升关注度呢?
Christopher J. Payne:We are basically focused on Flexographic printing,and our technology is a key piece of driving flexo to the next generation. We are involved in helping the brands to produce better quality packaging which helps sell consumer products better. Specifically, our technology is helping sustainability, and it is able to produce the same quality package as produce gravure printing for packaging,and is making the flexo printing process more productive. When you think about some of the new government regulations regarding package printing and solvents, our technology is going to help, in trems of reducing the environmental conditions as well helping the brands at printing more efficient.
吉印通 :柯达公司在展位上的新技术新产品相较同类产品又有哪些优势?
Christopher J. Payne:As you know, there are number different printing products to be printed by flexo, such as flexibles,labels and fluting paper. Our technology is unique in terms of we can get the higher print quality compared to any other flexographic printing technology. Specifically, we use one single process to print all of the applications and to create the plates for all of the applications. Our technology was introduced in 200* , and we have about * * 0 installations worldwide. Of the * * 0 installations there are over one hundred in Asia, and more than 1/* in China. What we are experiencing is that the technology has really been successful in the European and US, and we‘re now beginning to see the change in China given the importance of packaging and the growth of fast moving consumergoods.
的确,现在有很多不同的印刷方式来印制软包装、瓶罐标签、彩盒和瓦楞纸外包装。但在我们柯达展台上展示的柔版包装印刷技术相比目前大量使用的印刷技术,质量更好效率更高。仅需要一套柔版印刷工艺一个板材和胶片,就能满足不同的包装印刷的需要。200* 年,柯达柔版印刷技术正式推向市场,目前已经在全世界安装了* * 0条生产线,其中有100多家在亚太地区,中国市场大概占据1/* 。柔版包装印刷技术已经在欧洲和美国广泛使用,中国市场也出现了柔印技术替代其他技术的趋势。
吉印通 :柯达柔版包装印刷技术什么时候进入中国市场?中国消费者的使用情况如何?
Christopher J. Payne:Our technology enters China about 2011 and 2012. We today have a number of partners in China, and then we have a whole set of the print using technology for fluting paper,flexibles and labels. We are very excited about the opportunities in flexible packaging in China, as our technology compete and help our customers do a better job than gravure.
吉印通 :柯达公司进入中国市场发展状况较好,那么公司近五年有怎样的发展目标和规划呢?
Christopher J. Payne:To the development of flexo packaging, we’ve been involved in finding the key customers in China who can use our products to help us understand how the Chinese market works. So we see a great opportunity as we move forward. We established the Flexographic Technology Center in Shanghai two months ago, so we’re beginning to invest to the growth market and help our customers more broadly in China. The Flexographic Technology Center in Shanghai augments the development of the flexographic industry in China, and towards not just our customers but also their partners you see here in the booth, the printing press facturers and manufacturers. Be actually, over the next * years , we see the marketplace for flexography in packaging printing continue to grow and we’re very excited.
吉印通 :201* 年以来中国市场中“互联网+”成为热门话题,柯达公司在互联网方面有没有什么计划呢?
Christopher J. Payne:We see packaged goods gone to retail store but also been sold online, from a package printing point of view, we see the means very similar. For package printing in general, sales online and sales in the retail stores is good because packaging will be slightly different which means more printing and more versions of the package for these different channels. There will be differences in times, quantity, size even the marketing message, but the final products will be the same. The basic package in the package printing will still be basically the same but just different versions. The Kodak flexo technology will be helpful in the online sell products because they are going to reduce the wait time of the package and that requires even more sophisticated printing.
吉印通 :参展期间,柯达公司向参观者展示了大量的样品和柔印技术的优势,展台目前的状况如何?
Christopher J. Payne:We’ve been very encouraged so far. We have a lot of customers from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. The show has also attracted a lot of customers and potential customers from around the region. We have customers from Malaysia, Indonesia and India, so the show is very good for us at this point.
吉印通 :最后谈一下您第一次参加展会有什么体验有什么感觉?
Christopher J. Payne:I’ve had a great time at the show. I think the show chooses the appropriate period of the boom seasons of the Chinese marketplace and all of the great things are happening. For Kodak itself, it will be good to show our flexographic technology and we had great reception. I see a great opportunity for flexographic printing, particularly with flexo driving next generation, higher quality, better sustainability and better productivity. So just a big thank you to the HC* * 0, and I'm glad to be here for an interview.
中国印刷展令人鼓舞,观众很多,对我们未来的业务发展有着巨大帮助。而且我也看到了柯达柔版包装印刷技术将在未来几年中成为主流的技术,它相比其他的印刷方式更环保,更高质高效。很荣幸在这里接受吉印通 的采访。
▲Christopher J. Payne(左)
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