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白城画册印刷4年前 (2021-02-27)广告91



  Administrative, chairborne坐办公室工作的, clerical文书的, deskbound内勤(后勤)的, functionary职务的, in line of duty执行公务时, inaugural就职的, incumbent在职的, managerial管理的, sitting现任的

  To assume a post/take office就职, be in office执政, be out of office在野, be sworn in as宣誓就任, die in office殉职, do the office of host尽地主之谊, enter upon office就职, exercise a public function执行公务, featherbed任闲职, inauguration就职典礼, lay down one’s office/resign辞职, officiate行使职务, presume on one’s position滥用职权, sell promotions卖官

  Abuse of office滥用职权, administration行政管理, administrative unit of government, agency, appointive office委任的职务----elective office竞选产生的职务, authority, bureaux办公室, cubicle斗室--room/closet, dafter(印)办公室, department--division/bureau/section/ headquarters/workplace/studio/commission部门, desk-bound job办公室工作, duty, enthronement登基仪式/即位, function职务, induction就职, installation就职, investiture任职仪式, management管理, mandate授权/任职期, ministry, office copy公文, position/post职位, promotion晋升, relegation降级/降职, role, ruling party执政党--opposition party在野党, service, sinecure闲职/美差, vacancy空缺

  A sitting cabinet member在职内阁成员, clerk办公室人员, office clerk/worker职员, officeholder/official公务员, pen pusher文书/办公室工作人员, staff职员

  Bullying威吓, coworker backstabbing背后使坏, cronyism任用亲信, divide and rule分而治之, gaming the system钻空子, gossip风言风语, harassment骚扰, machiavellianism权术主义, nepotism裙带关系, one-upmanship高人一等的作风, Parkinson’s Law帕金森法则, social networking

  Advancement晋升, appointment, business, capacity, commission, daily routine事务性工作, duty, employment, function, job, obligation, occupation, place, position, post, public affairs公务, responsibility, role, service, situation职位, station, task, trust, workload工作量

  Office Stationery:

  All-in-one multifunctional machine一体机, binding machine装订机, cardpunch考勤机, cash register收银机, duplicating machine/ photocopier/ditto machine/ manifolder/copier复印机, electronic whiteboard电子白板, fax machine传真机, ink-jet printer喷墨打印机/ laser printer激光打印机/ stylus printer针式打印机, office automation (OA)办公自动化, (overhead) projector投影机, safe/strongbox/ coffer/ lockfast保险箱, scanner扫描仪, shredder碎纸机, stylus printer针式打印机, typewriter打字机

  Ballpen, chalk粉笔, crayon蜡笔, drawing pen绘图笔, gel-ink pen中性笔, laser pointer激光笔, marker pen记号笔, nite writer pen荧光笔, pen, pencil, painting pen油漆笔, refill笔芯, sharpener削笔器, sign pen签字笔, writing brush毛笔

  Adhesive tape胶带, attendance book签到簿, briefcase公事包, clip夹子, correction fluid修正液, daybook/journal/logbook日记簿, double-faced adhesive tape双面胶, drawing pin/thumb pin图钉, filing cabinet文件柜, gem clip回形针, glue, hole puncher打孔器, ink pad印台, loose-leaf book活页簿, magnifier放大镜, memo pad/blotter记事簿, minute book会议记录本, nail puller起钉器, newsstand报刊架, office supplies办公用品, paper clip回形针, pen container/brush pot笔筒, pin大头针, plate holder板夹, portfolio文件夹, rubber/plasticine橡皮泥, ruler/set square三角尺/scale比例尺/tape measure卷尺, scrap paper便条纸, stamp pad ink印台油, staple订书钉, stapler订书机, stamp seal印章, stationery case文具匣, stationery scissors文具剪刀, stationery and envelopes信纸信封, tellurion地球仪, tray文件盘, zippered bag拉链袋

  A new broom sweeps clean新官上任三把火

  Glass ceiling and sticky floor透明天花板和扯脚的地板

  He was appointed deputy minister, and then minister proper a year later.

  →参见Agency, Authority, Bureaucracy, Clerk, Department, Desk, Duty, Job, Manage, Ministry, Paper, Pen, Post, Secretary, Staff

标签: 上海装订机



