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chinese oral english

克拉玛依门头制作5年前 (2020-08-09)礼品159

  As you know,english is getting more and more popular in China.Nowadays,the young people like to speak some oral language such as no three no four(不三不四),give you some color see see(给你点颜色看看)。 Now I try to create an article with these egg pain(蛋疼)sentences.If I made any mistake you can remind me.

  When you met a man who told you that you are so cute with his soft voice.Maybe he is a gay if you found him so kind to the handsome men.One of my colleagues A told me that he found a gay.I asked him how to figure out one man is a gay or not?He said :“ the gay is mother mother gun(娘娘枪).One day, the gay went to a party with us.He was normal before he drunk wine.And he always try to have a hug with me when he was drunk.”I said what did you do when he hugged you.A said:“I kicked him off and blamed him‘you grandmother a bear(你奶奶个熊)。I scared him that he escaped into a room.I shouted‘you give me out of his mother(你他妈的给我出来)’.”I asked him what did the gay do.A said:“The gay said I don’t bird you(我不鸟你)with his tremble voice.”The gay is disgusting.I have a suggestion to the gays.If you are a gay,you can find some gays to fuck.Don’t annoy us.You are a turtle egg(你个王八蛋).you are two goods(你个二货)。It’s big fast person heart (大快人心)that A kicked the gay off.

  It’s too late now.Maybe I will attack plane(打打飞机) and wash wash sleep(洗洗睡).I hope I can have a date with a hot girl in my sweet dream.

  these egg pain sentences were found in the internet.




