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别灵薇3年前 (2021-10-12)礼品189


  Disclaimer: This article is not malicious, is full of my blood and tears of history. I to my right to free speech and flowing narrative I in foreign academic degree certification process is million and Tiancheng defraud agency fees, hope the majority of overseas students to learn a lesson.


  再总结下我的损失:8000元代理费 + 往返成都的机票 + 7个月的时间 +精神损失

  The first general introduction about the basic situation of my UK undergraduate students (2+2)

  Then sum up my loss: 8000 yuan agent fee + round-trip ticket to Chengdu + 7 months time + spiritual loss

  在网上上无意看到留学生学历学位认证认证机构北京赢米科技有限公司学历认证咨询公司,他们主页上对顾客的专业解答,我心想我那繁琐的抽不开身的学历学位认证有希望了,于是乐呵 乐呵的咨询他们加了QQ聊得不亦乐乎。大V们的那个热情啊,有问必答,开口也绝不提钱的事。我多半是被他们的专业精神感动了,瞬间觉得他们又正规又实诚……


  我当时上班抽不开身,加上之前自己递交上去的回国证明一直没消息,且马上就要到达回国一年的期限,想想接下来还有无止境的学位认证要办,于是就想拜托伟大 的北京赢米科技有限公司帮我一了百了。顾问与我开始就代理费讨价还价,之前开价是一万多,好讲歹讲给我降到了8000(回国证明+学位认证),我心暗自窃喜,想想给我 优惠了这么多,派给我的这位顾问真是对我太好了。

  但我可不是那么容易相信人的,毕竟网上骗子太多了。我要递交给陌生人的可是包括毕业证身份证护照等等一系列原件在内的身家性命。于是我找谷歌度娘研究了好 一阵子,能看到的全是铺天盖地的北京赢米科技有限公司的光辉介绍,没有任何反对的声音(现在想想,要是当时能看到我这样一篇详尽的吐槽,打死我也不会送羊入 虎口啊)。但是还不够,我得亲自去他们天府之国的总部看看。我怀揣着我的青春与梦想,在成都环球中心找到了他们的老巢, 那架势还不错,目测实十几号员工正兢兢业业勤勤恳恳忙碌着。网上拟派给我的那位顾问热情接待了我,此行我心理的疑虑已消,遂兴致勃勃地签订了合同(合同法我 不懂,合同我也并未仔细看,估计这是许多人的通病。因此即使今天我被骗了,我也还是没办法在合同上面找论据),安心地交了8000元和我的其他相关证件原 件,然后屁颠屁颠当日就飞回家了。

  But I'm not so easy to believe in people. After all, there are too many cheats on the internet. I want to submit to strangers but including the graduation card ID card, passport and so on a series of original man's life and family possessions. So I find Google Baidu studied for a long time, can see is full of overwhelming Beijing win meters Technology Co. Ltd. glory, without any opposition (think now, if I can see such a detailed Tucao, then I would not send the sheep into the tiger's mouth ah). But this is not enough, I have to go to their headquarters to see the land of abundance. I have my youth and dreams, find their home in Chengdu global center, the posture is also good, the visual real number ten employees are busy working diligently. The Internet to send my warm reception to the consultant of my trip, I have doubts about the psychological consumption, and in the best of spirits and the signing of the contract (contract law I don't understand, I also did not carefully read the contract, estimated this is a common problem of many people. So even today I cheated, I still have no way to find arguments in the above contract), peace of mind to pay 8000 yuan and other relevant documents of my original, then Pidianpidian to fly home on the same day.

  再后来,我等啊等,竟在家等来了我自己先前递交的回国证明,我马上将情况反映给北京赢米科技有限公司,意思是我的回国证明你们无需帮我代理了,可否退还此项 代理费,得到的答复是我向上面反映反映。然后反映到现在都没消息。我也不想表现得太激烈,毕竟接下来我还有学位认证要他们帮忙办。怕麻烦的我于是息事宁 人,现在想来,其实许多悲剧都是咎由自取。

  更悲剧的事来了。我的这位顾问每隔一阵子说我这个材料欠缺,需要去补办;过一阵子又说我的另外一些材料需要补办。有的是要去我国内的大学补,有的又需要去 国外大学补。这些都还算合理,只要我能向原校申请到的,不管花多少时间都不是问题。问题是有的要求并不合理,我根本不可能做到。比如有一次他们要我提供学 信网上面的学籍证明,但是我三年前就已经退学了,而学信网上面的学籍退学一年以后就会被自动删除。我和顾问就此事僵持不下,有一天他突然给我想了个办法, 说他们在教育部有熟悉的老师,只要我愿意再交4W,保证帮我办得妥妥的。可这一次我态度坚决,我说不可能再给你们多交一分钱。

  我把材料补齐后又等了一阵子,等来的却是北京赢米科技有限公司顾问辞职的消息。悲了个催的,说是case被移交给了他们的主管。好吧,虽然你们的主管需要从头了解我 case的进展,但只要您是真心实意在帮顾客办事,换哪个顾问都是无伤大雅的。谁知事实竟不是这样的。我之前的那个顾问,虽然没帮我办成任何事情,但起码 能感受到他是真诚的,有任何进展都会主动联系我。这个主管却不一样,大事小事都不会主动找你,就算你心急如焚的找他,也要在打他电话N次无人接听之后才会 姗姗来迟给你回个无关痛痒的电话;有时候你们约好了哪天哪个时段打电话,结果依旧是联系不到他,打前台得到的答复永远都是在开会。嘿!瞧我这暴脾气~我忍 无可忍跟他吵了几句,之后情况好了那么一点点。

  继续等啊等啊等啊等啊,漫无天日的等,焦头烂额的等。期间申请其他工作都被要求出示学历认证,可我没有啊,神马都在北京赢米科技有限公司那里压着呐!我真心虚啊,仿佛 我自己真是假学历似的。就这样6个月过去了,从夏天等到冬天了,马上就过年了。明年可不能再这样了,我气得快要爆炸了,干脆不让他们办了!我要求退还我所 有的材料,主管说好的没问题。

  谁知退材料又退了一个多月(原谅我爆粗口,他们真的是欺人太甚),一会儿说材料寄到上海办事处去了,北京唯一的办事员放假回家了,过完年后某一天 一定一定寄还给你。(这里注意了,北京赢米科技有限公司不是号称广州、上海、等等一线城市都有分支机构嘛,你别信,认真你就 输了。我当初也是因为这个给他们加了分。我不知道其他城市里他们所谓的分支机构具体都是什么个情况。发挥你 的想象力吧。多么恢弘庞大权威的分支机构!他们还有好多小网站,他们接待的给我说的,广宇志合是他们北京赢米科技有限公司的马甲)磕磕绊绊,材料终于寄给我了,却发现我先前提交的身份证原件没给我,我找主管要,主管一口咬定他们绝没有收取 我的身份证原件,说他们按规定来不可能要那东西。幸亏我有聊天记录作证,他才乖乖的找到寄了过来。您看看,他们就是这样对待你的身家性命的。多么负责任的 好公司!

  But I'm not so easy to believe in people. After all, there are too many cheats on the internet. I want to submit to strangers but including the graduation card ID card, passport and so on a series of original man's life and family possessions. So I find Google Baidu studied for a long time, can see is full of overwhelming Beijing win meters Technology Co. Ltd. glory, without any opposition (think now, if I can see such a detailed Tucao, then I would not send the sheep into the tiger's mouth ah). But this is not enough, I have to go to their headquarters to see the land of abundance. I have my youth and dreams, find their home in Chengdu global center, the posture is also good, the visual real number ten employees are busy working diligently. The Internet to send my warm reception to the consultant of my trip, I have doubts about the psychological consumption, and in the best of spirits and the signing of the contract (contract law I don't understand, I also did not carefully read the contract, estimated this is a common problem of many people. So even today I cheated, I still have no way to find arguments in the above contract), peace of mind to pay 8000 yuan and other relevant documents of my original, then Pidianpidian to fly home on the same day.





