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抚摸竟然有这样的神奇效果 | 酷我新专辑更新!(187-188附文案)

天水台历厂家2年前 (2023-04-15)百科21




187 Healing Touch

188 Global Treasure Hunt




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Healing Touch

The skin is the body's largest organ. Doctors recommend applying sunscreen to it to protect it from the sun's harmful rays. Drinking plenty of water keeps it properly moisturized as well. Hygienists advise you to bathe daily and wash your hands frequently to keep your skin free of harmful bacteria and fungi. These are common ways to keep your skin healthy, but there is something so beneficial to your skin and your life that you may have overlooked it, and that is the power of touch to stimulate health.

Touch is a powerful healing tool. Premature babies who are massaged daily gain weight 47 percent faster than babies in the same condition who are not massaged. They also go home from the hospital an average of six days sooner. Massage relieves an adult's aching muscles, relaxing both body and mind. In the form of a hug, touch causes people of all ages to smile.

At the University of Miami's Touch Research Institute (TRI), they have discovered that touch is the first sense humans develop—and the last one to fade. Researchers set up a volunteer program with senior citizens aged 60 and over. The seniors were given three weeks of massage and were then trained in giving massages to toddlers. The old proverb, "It is better to give than to receive", held true in this study. The senior citizens showed fewer signs of depression and had lower stress hormone levels. Thus, it is clear that the importance of touch is both universal and ageless.





Global Treasure Hunt

021yin.com, where other hikers can use them, along with a global positioning system (GPS), to join the worldwide goose chase. Geocaching works on an honor system: When a geocacher takes something, he leaves a cache of his own behind. Vacationers can get in on this trend at resorts like Utah's Red Mountain Spa, where they can learn to use GPS and coordinates to find caches filled with spa products.


021yin.com这个网站上,其他徒步旅行者就可利用这些坐标以及全球卫星定位系统 (GPS) 参与全球性的大搜索。“地理藏宝”按荣誉制度进行,意即:搜寻者取得宝物时,也必须留下自己的宝物。度假者可以在犹他州红山水疗区 (Red Mountain Spa) 之类的度假胜地搭上这个热潮,在这里他们可以学习使用GPS及坐标来搜寻装有水疗用品的宝物。




