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  主题:严重投诉BCN总经理舟仓忠幸(Seriously complain BCN general manager)


  太田 义胜 社长:

  BT 木谷 社长、儿玉 阁下 及柯尼卡美能达控股株式会社全体董事会成员:























  6) 一个企业可以为了保全名誉和形象而暂时不采取激烈的行为, 但并不表示可以不作为,甚至纵容不良现象的延续,并对知道内情的员工施加报复。这是任何企业,任何国家的文化都不能接受的。



  1) 作为公司员工,难道可以和经销商有私人的经济合作吗?我们普通员工可以效仿钟登根那样和经销商存在利益关系吗?难道作为柯尼卡美能达公司的雇员不需要职业道德吗?

  2) 企业内部有严重隐患问题,我们员工不应该和管理层沟通吗?





















  1) 钟登根以其妻子的名义和我公司经销商共同注册公司的工商登记资料

  2) 该公司股东清单等(请核对一下我们的经销商队伍)

  3) 钟登根与该公司法人代表、董事长、总经理陈亚青的夫妻关系证明













  TO: Konica Minolta Holdings, Inc.

  Mr. Opa Yoshikatsu san:

  Mr. Kitani Akio; Mr. Kodama Atsushi and board team of Konica Minolta Holdings, Inc.


  We, Hu Bin and Fang Bo are the employees work for Konica Minolta company sales department. We are very sorry to declare that we have no choice but to complain our general manager Mr. Tadayuki Funakura and the upper level management team. The problems that those people caused already affected our company's benefit and damaged our company's image in China.

  Please refer to the attachment for the detail information.

  1) In 2003, our sales sub-dealers in JiangShu province complained to our general manager Mr. Funakura about sales manager Mr. ZhongDengGen. Mr. ZhongDengGen and some of our dealers established their own company to take advantage of our company. Their behavior is illegal. At that time, Hu Bin was the rep to take care of the business in JiangShu province. In earlier 2003, general manager Mr. Funakura had conversation with Hu bin several times .But during the conversation, Mr. Funakura always tried to avoid touching the problem. He even wanted Hu Bin to bring evidence to him. Otherwise, he was not able to do anything about it. At that time, since Hu Bin think this is already cross his line, he felt this should be taken care of by the general manager. That time, Mr. Funakura didn't give any reply and didn't take any action.

  After that unfortunately, Hu Bin was threatened by Mr. ZhongDengGen. He asked Hu Bin to take the responsibility of all the bad consequence. And he would retaliate Hu Bin. He gave lots of pressure and harassment to Hu Bin. From that point, Hu Bin has experienced lots of difficulty in terms of his work. In 2004, Hu Bin was assigned to in charge of Shanghai market. Mr. ZhongDengGen sacrificed benefit of our Shanghai market to make road stone for Hu Bin. He even canceled all of the contact to make Hu Bin look bad. Some of dealers in Shanghai had to seek the legal help to solve the problem. It’s actually already becoming a laughingstock in the shanghai market. During that period of time. Hu Bin has reported situation and related evidence to general manager Mr. Funakura. The report listed lots of market related problem. The fact that ZhongDengGen already started his own team to take advantage of our company is already very obvious. We kept reminding general manager but were ignored by him.

  2) In the end of 2006, we provided detail evidence to our general manager Mr. Tadayuki Funakura. But the answer we got were'

  a) Company canceled the working contact with Fang Bo. And he had to quit his job right away.

  b) General Manager had a talk with Hu Bin and wanted to change Hu Bin's current job position. It’s funny; the reason he explained was Hu Bin would not cooperated with Mr. ZhongDengGen very well. Hu Bin rejected the request.

  c) Mr. ZhongDengGen threatened Hu Bin. He told Hu that complaining to general manager is useless. And nothing he would be afraid of.

  d) At our company's business party, our general manager Mr. Funakura talked to Hu Bin in Chinese that Hu had to follow ZhongDengGen’s rule if Hu wanted to stay in his current position.

  3) Since the first time we complained to General Manager, he has been trying to cover the truth at first. From 2004 to 2005, he shielded all the problems and even indulged ZhongDengGen. He promoted ZhongDengGen to vice general manager in 2006. Since Mr. Funakura felt it became harder for him to cover the truth anymore, he started retaliating to us when we provided our further investigation report to him in the end of 2006.


  Hereby, we are here to seriously complain general manager Mr. Tadayuki Funakura of our Konica Minolta Business Solutions (China) Co., LTD.

  1) In order to protect company's benefit, we complained the people in the upper management team to general manager. This should be confidential. But the fact general manager Mr. Funakura discloses this to ZhongDengGen already hurt our career and even put our company in further dangerous situation. Is this considered as professional??!

  2) As a general manager, he didn't or not able to take care of this kind of problem .on the contrary, he told us that we had to follow some illegal rule. This is totally against our moral. Is this what a general manager supposes to do?! Is this his moral standard?!

  And is this our company's moral standard?!

  3) Our upper management has serious problem which is harm to our company's overall success. General Manager didn't take care of this matter in time, but also tried to cover the truth. Even In 2006, he promoted defendant as vice general manager. With him, He even plays hardship on us. Again, we have to question whether this is our company's moral?!

  4) We have reason to believe that general manager already had some kind of agreement with Mr. ZhongDengGen. If the agreement is exist, then it must be harm to our company and really putting our company's future at high risk.

  5) As a general manager that identified by our company, his management skill is really doubtful to us. How can he just take the high salary but sacrificed our company's benefit. This is totally unacceptable. When his duty is over, what kind of problems he will leave to the next person who will be appointed at this position. This is an insult to the company. This is irresponsible to all our employees. We doubt whether our general manager sent for vacation to China instead of in charge of company's business.

  6) It’s no doubt that the company didn’t take immediate actions thus to protect image temporarily when it was facing quite big problem, but it doesn’t mean that you can shielded all the problems and even indulged badness continuous and retaliate person who know the truth.

  It’s totally unacceptable!!


  Hereby, we question our company's board team seriously!

  1) As an employee, can he establish his own business related with our sales vendor?? Is this a good example for the rest of employee?! Can the rest of employee all follow this kind of behavior?!

  2) When we see the problem inside of our business unit, as an employee, we shouldn't let our upper management team know?

  3) What is our company's culture? What is our standard on what is right or wrong?

  4) When our government faced the similar problem, it used to ask itself what would be the cost of letting those people in the leader team? Therefore, we are here to ask the same question: Have you ever calculate the lost from our company's gain due to those people?

  5) Our company has been operated in China for more than ten years. How come we don't have the total control of the Chinese market? Is that because our leader doesn't know market and business?

  Why the company is still totally controlled by certain people who only knows how to play the political game without any professional moral all along.

  6) There is an old saying in China. If we know what's wrong, then we have to correct it.

  As an internal business conductor, our company should have at least understood that?!

  7) As a state own company in China, we should take the positive responsibility when we conduct our business.

  If we allow these kinds of situation continue, and then we are not going to set up a positive image for our company, even exert quite negative impact on our society and world community.

  We always believe that positive, virtuous are the nature of our human being. So we did really want to exert quite positive impact on our culture and deeply affect fickleness and wickedness during the past four years. But our kindly efforts were misunderstand as loose-principled compromise and recreance. Cultures of our company are being lost.

  So we have to request the fairness and the respect here now!!!

  We are here to demonstrate an ardent protest and ask the reply from our headquarters:

  1) No matter what, please direct the company healthy culture to all of our Chinese employees.

   If what Mr. Funakura did reflect the company's culture, please also notify our entire employees to avoid same situation happened again.

   If this is not our company's culture, please correct the mistake and apologize to all of employees in China.

  2) Many staffs were forced to leave their job because of this issue. We just want to get the fairness to those people. And request the respect from our company now!

  The following are the attachments. The rest of the evidence will be provided upon request:

  1) Mr. ZhongDengGen's wife registered a company with some of our sales dealers.

  2) That company's investor name list and property list.(please compare with our dealer’s team, and check the supports we provided annually)

  3) Mr. ZhongDengGen and the general manager of that company Ms. chen's marriage certificate proof.


  Indicted by

  Hu Bin

  MFP Dealer Sales Div.

  Konica Minolta Business Solutions (China) Co., Ltd.

  Fang Bo

  Vice Section Manager

  East China Sales Dept.

  MFP Dealer Sales Div.

  Konica Minolta Business Solutions (China) Co., Ltd.






2007年的邮件门---柯尼卡美能达销售员PK大老板(转载) 期待您的回复!


