复印机东芝2055,开机显示0188,是否有显示:time for periodic maintenance,意思是 定期维护时间,如果是这样的问题:进入(08)模式,复印机开机后,按住0和8。 251是复印数,直到它显示该消息,252是自上次维护时计数。重新改为252将清除该消息或将251设成比252的值更高的值将清除这个错误信息。(我没有上机试过,附上英文原文,你自己尝试一下)Go into (08) mode by holding 0 and 8 when turning on the copier. 251 is the number of copies until it displays that message and 252 is the count since last Preventative maintenance. Resetting 252 will clear the message or putting 251 higher than the value of 252 will clear it as well.