好了,言归正传;下面列出工业设备类外贸营销中常用的一些产品中文及英文名称的翻译译文供参考。在外贸推广过程中,无论是通过youtube, gofair发布视频,还是自己官网关键词优化,记得务必多放外商最可能搜的相关关键词,比如:China, Factory, Price... 自己发挥想象吧。
* 0* 不锈钢水箱/* 0* stainless steel water tank
* d打印设备/* d print device
* d软件/* d software
7* 00牛变发动机/7* 00 cattle change engine
ats注油器/ats oiler
bb肥设备/bb fertilizer equipment
cnc机床/cnc machine
cnc加工/cnc processing
cnc加工中心/cnc machining center
cnc数控机床/cnc CNC machine tools
ktv设备/ktv device
led灯/led lights
led灯管/led tube
led灯具/led lamps
led泛光灯/led flood light
led工程灯/led engineering lights
led老化综合线/led aging integrated line
led面板灯/led panel lights
led日光灯/led fluorescent light
led日光灯管/led fluorescent tube
led射灯/led spotlights
led台灯/led lamp
led天花灯/led ceiling light
led筒灯/led downlight
led投光灯/led flood light
led吸顶灯/led ceiling lamp
led洗墙灯/led wall washer
mtv合成机/mtv synthesis machine
oca贴合机/oca laminating machine
oca真空贴合机/oca vacuum laminating machine
pcb设备/pcb equipment
pet清洗设备/cleaning equipment
pke智能锁/pke smart lock
pvc输送带/pvc conveyor belt
smc气缸/smc cylinder
smt设备/smt device
t恤印花机/t shirt printing machine
uv固化机/uv curing machine
uv固化设备/uv curing equipment
uv光固机/uv light curing machine
v型混合机/v-type mixer
wsa自动清洗/wsa automatic cleaning
x光透视仪/x-ray instrument
安防监控设备/Security monitoring equipment
安防监控系统/Security monitoring system
安全阀/Safety valve
凹版印刷机/Gravure printing presses
奥的斯电梯技术/Otis Elevator Technology
扒渣机/Slag machine
拔丝机/Wire drawing machine
霸州机械/Bazhou Machinery
摆管淋雨试验装置/Swing tube rain test device
摆环箱/Ring box
搬运工具/Handling tools
搬运设备/Handling equipment
板金加工/Sheet metal processing
板框压滤机/Plate and frame filter press
板链输送机/Plate chain conveyor
板式换热器/Plate heat exchanger
板式塔/Plate tower
钣金设备/Sheet metal equipment
办公家具/office furniture
办公设备/office equipment
半导体激光打标机/Semiconductor laser marking machine
半导体设备/Semiconductor equipment
半球摄像机/Dome camera
半自动车床/Semi-automatic lathe
半自动灌装机/Semi - automatic filling machine
邦定机/Bonding machine
棒磨机/Rod mill
包边机/Wrapping machine
包覆机/Covering machine
包装机/Packing Machine
包装机械/Packaging Machinery
包装机械设备/Packaging machinery and equipment
包装设备/Packaging equipment
包子机/Buns machine
煲仔饭机/Claypot machine
保洁车/Cleaning car
保温车/Insulation car
保温风机/Insulation fan
保温砂浆设备/Insulation mortar equipment
报废汽车/Scrapped cars
抱砖机/Hold the brick machine
爆米花机/popcorn machine
北京水处理/Beijing water treatment
北京自动门/Beijing automatic doors
泵管厂/Pumping plant
闭式冷却塔/Closed cooling tower
壁灯/wall lamp
变频供水设备/Frequency conversion water supply equipment
变频器/Frequency converter
变位机/Positioning machine
变压器防盗锁/Transformer anti - theft lock
变压器设备/Transformer equipment
便携式轴重仪/Portable axle loader
标牌机/Signing machine
表箱锁/Table box lock
冰激淋机/Ice cream machine
冰激凌机/Ice cream machine
冰淇淋机/ice cream machine
冰水机/Ice water machine
波峰焊回流焊等电子设备/Wave soldering reflow and other electronic equipment
波纹管补偿器/Bellows compensator
玻化微珠/Glass beads
玻璃打砂机/Glass sanding machine
玻璃倒角机/Glass chamfering machine
玻璃钢管/Glass pipe
玻璃钢管道/Fiberglass pipe
玻璃钢罐/Glass steel cans
玻璃钢冷却塔/FRP cooling towers
玻璃机器/Glass machine
玻璃机械/Glass machinery
玻璃夹胶炉/Glass clamp furnace
玻璃冷凝器/Glass condenser
玻璃磨边机/Glass edging machine
玻璃清洗机/Glass cleaning machine
玻璃水设备/Glass water equipment
玻璃水生产设备/Glass water production equipment
玻璃纤维网格布/Glass fiber mesh
玻璃制品/Glass product
玻纤纤维剑杆机/Glass fiber rapier
剥皮机/Peeling machine
补水阀/Water valve
补胎机/Tire repair machine
不干胶模切机/Self-adhesive die-cutting machine
不锈钢电解抛光/Stainless steel electrolytic polishing
不锈钢电解抛光设备/Stainless steel electrolytic polishing equipment
不锈钢阀门/Stainless steel valves
不锈钢反应釜/Stainless steel reactor
不锈钢管件/Stainless steel pipe fittings
不锈钢机械加工/Stainless steel machining
不锈钢链板/Stainless steel chain plate
不锈钢抛光/Stainless steel polished
不锈钢切管机/Stainless steel pipe cutting machine
不锈钢酸洗钝化工艺/Stainless steel pickling passivation process
不用托板砖机/Do not have a pallet machine
擦鞋机/Shoe shine machine
财务装订机/Financial binding machine
裁断机/Cutting machine
采金船/Gold mining boat
采棉机/Picking machine
采暖炉/Heating furnace
彩钢板设备/Color plate equipment
彩钢设备/Color steel equipment
彩钢瓦机/Color steel tile machine
彩瓦机/Color tile machine
餐巾纸机/Napkin machine
餐巾纸机器/Napkin machine
餐具包装机/Tableware packaging machine
仓储设备/Warehousing equipment
草帘机/Grass curtain machine
草坪机/Lawn machine
测试仪器/test instrument
测试治具/Test fixture
测振仪/Vibration meter
插头模/Plug mold
插秧机/rice transplanter
茶叶包装机/Tea packing machine
拆装机/Disassembly machine
柴油发电机/Diesel generators
柴油发电机组/Diesel generator sets
柴油机/diesel engine
柴油机水泵/Diesel pump
柴油滤清器/Diesel filter
缠绕包装机/Wrapping machine
缠绕管/Winding tube
缠绕膜包装机/Stretch film packing machine
铲车秤/Forklift scale
肠粉机/Intestinal powder machine
超纯水机/Ultra pure water machine
超纯水设备/Ultra - pure water equipment
超低温技术/Ultra - low temperature technology
超低温制冷/Ultra-low temperature refrigeration
超级木工车床/Super Woodworking Lathes
超滤机/Ultrafiltration machine
超滤膜/Ultrafiltration membrane
超滤设备/Ultrafiltration equipment
超声波点焊机/Ultrasonic spot welding machine
超声波发生器/Ultrasonic generator
超声波焊接机/Ultrasonic welding machine
超声波加湿器/Ultrasonic humidifier
超声波清洗机/Ultrasonic cleaning machine
超声波清洗设备/Ultrasonic cleaning equipment
超声波设备/Ultrasonic equipment
超声波水表/Ultrasonic water meter
超声波塑料焊接机/Ultrasonic plastic welding machine
超声波细胞粉碎机/Ultrasonic cell grinder
超声波振动筛/Ultrasonic vibrating screen
超声冲击/Ultrasonic shock
超市设备/Supermarket equipment
超微粉碎机/Ultrafine grinder
超细磨粉机/Ultra - fine milling machine
炒冰机/Fried ice machine
炒瓜子机/Fried melon machine
炒货机/Roasting machine
车床工具/Lathe tools
车床加工/Lathe processing
车顶箱/Roof box
车辆检测器/Vehicle detectors
车牌识别/License Plate Recognition
车牌识别摄像机/License plate recognition camera
车用尿素设备/Vehicle urea equipment
车用尿素生产设备/Vehicle urea production equipment
车载钻机/Vehicle rig
成型机/Forming Machine
成型设备/Forming equipment
程序锁/Program lock
齿辊破碎机/Roller crusher
齿轮泵/Gear pump
齿轮测量中心/Gear measuring center
齿轮加工/Gear processing
齿轮加工机床/Gear machining machine
齿轮减速机/Gear reducer
赤铁矿选矿/Hematite beneficiation
冲击夯/Impact ram
冲击破/Impact broken
冲击式破碎机/Impact crusher
冲击压路机/Impact roller
冲击钻机/Impact rig
冲孔机/Punching machine
冲孔设备/Punching equipment
冲孔网/Punching net
冲压机/Punching machine
冲压模具/Stamping die
冲压设备/Stamping equipment
充电宝/power Bank
充电宝摄像机/Charger treasure camera
宠物食品设备/Pet food equipment
抽油机/Pumping unit
抽油烟机/Range hood
臭氧发生器/Ozone generator
臭氧设备/Ozone equipment
臭氧消毒/Ozone disinfection
除尘机/Dust removal machine
除尘配件/Dust removal accessories
除尘器脉冲控制仪/Dust collector pulse controller
除尘设备/Dust removal equipment
除盐水设备/Separate salt water equipment
厨房设备/kitchen equipment
厨房设备维修/Kitchen equipment maintenance
厨房自动灭火设备/Kitchen automatic fire extinguishing equipment
畜牧风机/Livestock fan
触摸屏/touch screen
触摸屏贴合机/Touch screen laminating machine
传动设备/Transmission equipment
传动轴/transmission shaft
传输设备/Transmission equipment
传真机/fax machine
传质设备/Mass transfer equipment
船舶电子电气/Ship electrical and electronic
船舶辅机/Ship auxiliary
船舶设备/Ship equipment
船用变压器/Marine Transformers
船用柴油机/Marine diesel engine
床身式数控铣床/Bed type CNC milling machine
吹干机/Drying machine
吹膜机/Blowing Machine
吹瓶机/Blow Molding Machine
吹塑机/Blow molding machine
炊具机械/Cooking machinery
炊事机械/Cooking machinery
垂直提升机/Vertical hoist
锤式破碎机/Hammer crusher
纯净水处理设备/Pure water treatment equipment
纯净水设备/Pure water equipment
纯水机/Pure water machine
纯水设备/Pure water equipment
纯吸扫路车/Pure suction road vehicles
醇基燃料锅炉/Alcohol-based fuel boilers
磁粉离合器/Magnetic clutch
磁粉探伤机/Magnetic particle testing machine
磁粉制动器/Magnetic brake
磁力泵/Magnetic pump
磁力吊/Magnetic hanging
磁力反应釜/Magnetic reactor
磁力搅拌高压反应釜/Magnetic stirrer high pressure reactor
磁选机/Magnetic separator
磁选机厂家/Magnetic separator manufacturers
磁选设备/Magnetic separation equipment
磁窑挖掘机/Magnetic kiln excavator
磁座钻/Magnetic drill
粗糙度仪/Roughness Tester
萃取设备/Extraction equipment
萃取塔/Extraction tower
淬火机床/Quenching machine
存包柜/Storage cabinet
搓丝机/Threading machine
搓牙机/Roll machine
打包带机械/Packed with machinery
打包带设备/Packed with equipment
打标机/Marking Machine
打钉机/Nailing machine
打粉机/Powdering machine
打胶机/Glue machine
打井机/Drilling machine
打码机/Coding machine
打毛机/Hair machine
打圈焊接一体机/Circle welding one machine
打圈机/Circle machine
打砂机/Playing sand machine
打头机/Head machine
打桩机/Pile driver
大豆榨油机/Soybean oil press
大方机械/Generous machinery
大方集团/Generous group
大金中央空调/Daikin central air conditioning
大拉皮机/Large leather machine
大米机/Rice machine
大棚支架机/Shed support machine
大水磨/Big water mill
大蒜收获机械/Garlic harvesting machinery
大拖拉机/Large tractor
大型低温液体贮槽/Large cryogenic liquid storage tank
大型机械设备/Large machinery and equipment
大型破碎机/Large crusher
大型水洗机/Large washing machine
大型撕碎机/Large shredder
大型游乐设备/Large amusement equipment
大型玉米脱粒机/Large corn thresher
带锯/Band saw
带锯机/Band saw machine
带锯切纸机/Band sawing machine
带锯条/Band saw blade
带式干燥机/Belt dryer
带式输送机/Belt conveyor
带式压滤机/Belt filter press
单饼机/Single cake machine
单点黄油自动加脂器/Single point butter automatic greaseer
单点润滑器/Single point lubricator
单点数码润滑器/Single point digital lubricator
单级双吸离心泵/Single stage double suction centrifugal pump
单绞机/Single twist machine
单针绗缝机/Single needle quilting machine
单柱液压机/Single column hydraulic press
弹花机/Playing machine
弹花机设备/Playing machine equipment
弹簧机/Spring machine
弹簧式安全阀/Spring type safety valve
弹簧圆锥机/Spring cone machine
弹簧支吊架/Spring hanger
刀削面机/Cut the face machine
刀削面机器人/Cut the face of the robot
导轨防护罩/Guide guard
导轨平台/Rail platform
导热油泵/Heat pump
导热油锅炉/Heat conduction oil boiler
导热油加热器/Heat conduction oil heater
导热油炉/Conducting oil furnace
捣固机/Tamping machine
道路清障车/Road wrecker
德国电梯/German elevator
灯光设备/Lighting equipment
登车桥/Boarding bridge
等离子表面处理/Plasma surface treatment
等离子表面处理机/Plasma surface treatment machine
等离子粉末堆焊机/Plasma powder surfacing machine
等离子切割机/Plasma cutting machine
低温萃取油/Low temperature extraction oil
低温冷冻机/Low temperature freezer
低温真空泵/Low temperature vacuum pump
低压电器/Low voltage electrical appliances
低压铸造/Low pressure casting
地板采暖/Floor heating
地磅秤/To scale
地瓜机/Sweet potatoes
地基打桩机/Foundation pile driver
地脚螺栓/Anchor bolts
地爬车/To crawl
地坪机械/Floor machinery
地坪研磨机/Floor grinder
地毯清洗机/Carpet cleaning machine
地下穿孔机/Underground piercing machine
地源热泵井/Ground source heat pump well
地源热泵空调/Ground source heat pump air conditioning
递进式润滑设备/Progressive lubrication equipment
点焊机/Spot welding
点胶设备/Dispensing equipment
电饼铛/Electric baking pan
电波钟/Radio clock
电池设备/Battery equipment
电吹风/hair dryer
电磁阀/The electromagnetic valve
电磁流量计/Electromagnetic Flowmeter
电磁炉/Induction Cooker
电磁式振动台/Electromagnetic vibration table
电磁吸盘/Electromagnetic sucker
电动扳手/Electric wrench
电动餐车/Electric dining car
电动叉车/Electric forklift
电动车/Electric car
电动车行业交流/Electric car industry exchange
电动单梁起重机/Electric single girder crane
电动缸/Electric cylinder
电动隔膜泵/Electric diaphragm pump
电动工具/electrical tools
电动葫芦/Electric hoist
电动环卫车/Electric sanitation car
电动卷扬机/Electric winch
电动冷藏车/Electric refrigerated trucks
电动螺丝刀/electric screw driver
电动螺旋压力机/Electric screw presses
电动喷雾器/Electric sprayer
电动千斤顶/Electric jack
电动伸缩门/Electric retractable door
电动升降平台/Electric lift platform
电动石磨/Electric stone mill
电动四轮车/Electric four-wheeler
电动推杆/electric putter
电动洗地机/Electric scrubber
电镀电源/Electroplating power supply
电镀设备/Electroplating equipment
电镀污水处理/Electroplating wastewater treatment
电工设备/Electrical equipment
电工仪器仪表/Electrical instrumentation
电锅炉/Electric boiler
电焊机/Welding machine
电弧炉/Electric arc furnace
电化学单点自动注油器/Electrochemical single point automatic oiler
电化学自动加脂器/Electrochemical automatic fater
电化学自动注脂器/Electrochemical automatic greaseer
电火花机/EDM machine
电机车/Electric locomotive
电机设备/Motor equipment
电机自动化/Motor automation
电加热管/Electric heating tube
电加热搅拌罐/Electric heating agitator
电加热器/Electric heaters
电解槽/Electrolytic cell
电解抛光/Electrolytic polishing
电解抛光设备/Electrolytic polishing equipment
电开水器/Electric boilers
电缆设备/Cable equipment
电力表箱锁/Power meter box lock
电力机车/Electric locomotive
电炉/Electric furnace
电炉变压器/Electric furnace transformer
电路板回收设备/Circuit board recycling equipment
电脑弹簧机/Computer spring machine
电脑雕刻机/Computer engraving machine
电脑绗缝机/Computer quilting machine
电脑刷车机/Computer brush machine
电脑绣花机/Computer embroidery machine
电气成套设备/Electrical equipment
电气柜空调/Electrical cabinet air conditioning
电气设备/Electrical Equipment
电器设备/electrical equipment
电热板/Heating plate
电热管设备/Electric tube equipment
电刷镀/Brush plating
电线电缆检测设备/Wire and cable testing equipment
电液推杆/Electro-hydraulic putter
电泳设备/Electrophoresis equipment
电主轴/Electric spindle
电子测量仪器/Electronic measuring instruments
电子产品/electronic product
电子产品制造设备/Electronic products manufacturing equipment
电子存包柜/Electronic storage cabinet
电子拉力机/Electronic Rally Machine
电子拉力试验机/Electronic tensile testing machine
电子汽车衡/Electronic truck scale
电子散热器/Electronic radiator
电子设备/Electronic equipment
电子巡更/Electronic patrol
电子镇流器/Electronic ballast
电子自动化设备/Electronic automation equipment
电阻焊机/Resistance welding machine
电钻/Electric drill
垫片切割机/Gasket cutting machine
淀粉设备/Starch equipment
雕刻机/Engraving machine
雕刻机大全/Engraving machine Daquan
雕刻机多少钱一台/Engraving machine how much money one
雕铣机/Engraving and milling machine
吊运机/Lifting machine
吊装机械/Hoisting machinery
蝶阀/Butterfly valve
丁基胶涂布机/Butyl rubber coating machine
鼎犇负压风机/Ding Ben negative pressure fan
钉角机/Nailing machine
定硫仪/Fixed sulfur instrument
定型机/Stereotypes machine
定制家具/customized furniture
动力机械/Power Machinery
动平衡机/Balancing machine
动物油设备/Animal oil equipment
斗式提升机/Bucket elevator
豆腐坊/Tofu Square
豆腐机/Tofu machine
豆腐皮机/Tofu skin machine
豆浆设备/Soy milk equipment
豆丝机/Beans machine
豆芽机/Bean sprouts machine
豆制品机械/Bean products machinery
豆制品加工设备/Bean processing equipment
豆制品设备/Equipment for soy products
镀膜机/Coating machine
端面铣床/Face milling machine
锻钎机/Forging machine
锻压机/Forging machine
锻压机床/Forging machine
锻压机械/Forging machinery
锻压设备/Forging equipment
堆焊耐磨/Surfacing wear
对辊破碎机/Roller crusher
对焊机/Butt welding machine
对讲机/Walkie - talkie
多点润滑器/Multi-point lubricator
多点自动注油器/Multi-point automatic oiler
多功能保洁车/Multi-function cleaning car
多功能剪切机/Multi-function shearing machine
多功能洗地机/Multi-function scrubber
多功能钻机/Multi-function rig
多级泵/Multi-stage pump
多级离心泵/Multi-stage centrifugal pump
多乐信除湿机/Duoxinxin dehumidifier
多吸头排污泵/Multi - suction head sewage pump
多线切割/Multi-line cutting
多仪阀门/Multi-instrument valve
多轴钻床/Multi-axis drilling machine
鹅卵石制砂机/Pebble sand making machine
鄂式破碎机/Jaw crusher
颚破机/Jaw crusher
二保焊/Two welding
二通插装阀/Two-way cartridge valve
二氧化硫试验箱/Sulfur dioxide test chamber
二氧化氯发生器/Chlorine dioxide generator
二氧化碳保护焊机/Carbon dioxide protection welding machine
发电厂/power plant
发电电焊一体机_电焊机带发电机/Power generation welding machine _ welding machine with generator
发电机组/Generator set
发电机组厂家/Generator manufacturers
发动机燃烧室/Engine combustor
发酵设备/Fermentation equipment
发卡机/Card issuer
阀门厂/Valve factory
阀门电装/Valve Denso
阀门品牌/Valve brand
法兰机/Flange machine
翻斗车/Dump truck
反击锤式破碎机/Counter hammer crusher
反击破/Fight back
反击破碎机/Counterattack crusher
反击式破碎机/Impact Crusher
反渗透纯水设备/Reverse osmosis water equipment
反渗透膜/Reverse osmosis membrane
反渗透设备/Reverse osmosis equipment
反渗透水处理设备/Reverse osmosis water treatment equipment
方向机/Direction machine
防爆/Explosion protection
防爆电动叉车/Explosion - proof electric forklift
防爆风机/Explosion - proof fan
防尘试验箱/Dust test chamber
防尘罩/Dust cover
防盗报警系统/Anti - theft alarm system
防冻液设备/Antifreeze equipment
防腐工程/Anti - corrosion works
防腐设备/Anti - corrosion equipment
防护罩/protecting mask
防雷器/Lightning protection device
防汛打桩机/Flooding piling machine
仿生机器人/Bionic robots
仿形机/Copy machine
纺纱机/Spinning machine
纺织彩印机/Textile color printing machine
纺织机械/Textile machinery
非标自动化设备/Non - standard automation equipment
非晶合金变压器/Amorphous alloy transformer
废机油炼油设备/Waste oil refining equipment
废机油设备/Waste oil equipment
废旧轮胎炼油设备/Waste tire refinery equipment
废轮胎炼油设备/Waste tire refinery equipment
废气处理/Exhaust gas treatment
废气处理设备/Exhaust gas treatment equipment
废水处理/Wastewater treatment
废塑料炼油设备/Waste plastic refinery equipment
废铁剪切机/Scrap iron cutting machine
废铁破碎机/Scrap iron crusher
废纸打包机/Waste paper baler
沸腾干燥机/Boiling drier
沸腾炉/Boiling furnace
分级机/Grading machine
分离设备/Separate equipment
分析仪器/Analytical Instruments
分页机/Paging machine
分子筛/Molecular sieves
粉干机/Drying machine
粉煤灰烘干机/Fly ash dryer
粉磨机/Grinding machine
粉末堆焊机/Powder welding machine
粉皮机/Fenpi machine
粉皮机器/Fenpi machine
粉墙机/Powder wall machine
粉丝机/Fan machine
粉碎机械/Crushing machinery
粉碎设备/Crushing equipment
粉碎式割台/Pulverized cutting table
粉条机/Vermicelli machine
风铲/Wind shovel
风镐/Picks up
风机厂/Fan factory
风机盘管/Fan coil
风机设备/Fan equipment
风机水帘/Fan curtain
风冷冷水机/Air-cooled chiller
风冷模块/Air cooling module
风冷却器/Air cooler
风力发电/wind power
风力发电机/Wind Turbines
风力发电机组/Wind Turbine
风淋室厂家/Air shower manufacturers
风幕机/Air Curtain
风炮/Wind gun
风批/Wind approved
封边机/Banding Machine
封箱机/Sealing machine
蜂窝煤机/Honeycomb machine
缝纫设备/Sewing equipment
缝制设备/Sewing equipment
佛珠机/Buddha beads machine
孵化机/Hatching machine
孵化设备/Incubation equipment
服装打样机/Clothing proofing machine
服装机械/Clothing machinery
服装设备/Clothing equipment
服装印花/Clothing printing
浮吊/Floating crane
浮选机/Flotation machine
浮选机设备/Flotation machine equipment
腐蚀机/Corrosion machine
负压风机/Negative pressure fan
复合肥料设备/Compound fertilizer equipment
复合机/Complex machine
复合破碎机/Composite crusher
复合式破碎机/Composite crusher
复混肥设备/Compound fertilizer equipment
复频筛/Compound screen
复印纸/Copy Paper
覆膜机/Laminating machine
改性沥青设备/Modified asphalt equipment
改装灯/Modified lights
改装汽车/Modified car
感应加热/Induction heating
感应加热器/Induction heater
感应加热设备/Induction heating equipment
感应炉/Induction furnace
干豆腐机/Dry tofu machine
干式磁选机/Dry magnetic separator
干鞋器/Dry shoes
干燥车/Dry car
干燥机械/Drying machinery
干燥炉/Drying furnace
干燥设备/Drying equipment
干燥箱/Drying oven
钢厂洗轮机/Steel wheel washing machine
钢轨探伤车/Steel track car
钢化炉/Steel furnace
钢筋加工/Reinforcement processing
钢筋加工机械/Reinforcement processing machinery
钢筋加工设备/Reinforcement processing equipment
钢筋设备/Steel equipment
钢筋调直机/Steel straightening machine
钢筋弯箍机/Steel bending hoop machine
钢卷尺/Steel tape
钢球设备/Steel ball equipment
钢丝绳/Wire rope
港口设备/Port equipment
港口洗轮机/Port washing machine
高低温冲击试验机/High and low temperature impact testing machine
高低温交变湿热试验箱/High and low temperature alternating hot and humid chamber
高低温交变试验机/High and low temperature alternating test machine
高低温交变试验箱/High and low temperature alternating test chamber
高低温湿热试验箱/High and low temperature hot and humid chamber
高低温试验箱/High and low temperature test chamber
高低压吹膜机/High and low pressure blown film machine
高端商用制冷设备/High-end commercial refrigeration equipment
高尔夫球车/Golf carts
高尔夫设备/Golf equipment
高空作业车/Aerial work car
高空作业平台/Aerial work platform
高能激光/High energy laser
高浓度泵/High concentration pump
高频淬火/High frequency quenching
高频淬火设备/High frequency quenching equipment
高频感应加热/High frequency induction heating
高频感应加热设备/High frequency induction heating equipment
高频焊机/High frequency welding machine
高频焊接/High frequency welding
高频焊接机/High frequency welding machine
高频红外碳硫分析仪/High frequency infrared carbon and sulfur analyzer
高频机/High frequency machine
高频加热机/High frequency heating machine
高频加热设备/High frequency heating equipment
高频炉/High frequency furnace
高频筛/High frequency screen
高频退火机/High frequency annealing machine
高强磁选设备/High-strength magnetic separation equipment
高清摄像机/HD camcorder
高速分散机/High speed disperser
高速卷帘门/High speed shutter doors
高梯度磁选机/High gradient magnetic separator
高温沸腾炉/High temperature boiling furnace
高温炉/High temperature furnace
高温马达/High temperature motor
高温灭菌锅/High temperature sterilization pot
高温试验箱/High temperature chamber
高效电机/Efficient motor
高压超细磨粉机/High - pressure ultra - fine milling machine
高压电力设备/High voltage power equipment
高压反应釜/High pressure reactor
高压风机/High pressure air blower
高压辊磨机/High pressure roller mill
高压均质机/High pressure homogenizer
高压清洗机/High pressure cleaner
高压球阀/High pressure ball valve
高压水枪/High pressure water gun
高压水清洗/High pressure water cleaning
高压往复泵/High pressure reciprocating pump
高压无气喷涂机/High pressure airless sprayer
割草船/Mowing boat
割草机/Lawn mower
阁楼伸缩楼梯/Attic stretching staircase
格栅灯/Grille lights
隔膜泵/Diaphragm pump
给料机/feeding machine
亘德扫地机/Tengde sweeping machine
工厂设备/factory equipment
工程车/Engineering vehicles
工程车辆洗轮机/Engineering vehicle washing wheel
工程灯/Engineering lights
工程灯具/Engineering fixtures
工程机/Engineering machine
工程机械/Engineering machinery
工程机械配件/Construction machinery parts
工程拖链/Engineering towline
工程洗轮机/Engineering washing machine
工程钻机/Engineering rig
工地喷雾机/Site sprayer
工地洗车槽/Site wash car
工地洗车机/Site washing machine
工地洗车设备/Site car washing equipment
工地洗车台/Site washing station
工地洗轮机/Site washing machine
工地自动洗车机/Site automatic washing machine
工控机/Industrial computer
工控设备/Industrial equipment
工控系统/Industrial control system
工控主板/Industrial motherboard
工业超声波清洗机/Industrial ultrasonic cleaning machine
工业除尘器/Industrial dust collector
工业电炉/Industrial furnaces
工业动力工具/Industrial power tools
工业反渗透设备/Industrial reverse osmosis equipment
工业风扇/Industrial fan
工业缝纫机/Industrial sewing machine
工业锅炉/Industrial boilers
工业烘干机/Industrial dryer
工业机器人/Industrial robot
工业机器人技术/Industrial Robotics
工业加湿机/Industrial humidifier
工业监测设备/Industrial monitoring equipment
工业键盘/Industrial keyboard
工业镜头/Industrial lens
工业烤箱/Industrial oven
工业冷水机/Industrial chillers
工业炉/Industrial furnaces
工业炉窑/Industrial furnaces
工业平板电脑/Industrial Tablet PC
工业设备/Industrial Equipment
工业水洗机/Industrial washing machine
工业污水处理/Industrial wastewater treatment
工业吸尘器/Industrial vacuum cleaner
工业洗衣机/Industrial washing machine
工业窑炉/Industrial furnaces
工业油烟净化器/Industrial fume purifier
工业制冷机/Industrial chillers
工字钢弯拱机/I-beam bending machine
公路试验仪器/Highway test equipment
攻丝机/Tapping machine
攻丝扭矩机/Tapping torque machine
供电系统/power supply system
供暖设备/Heating equipment
供水设备/Water supply equipment
勾机/Hook machine
狗粮设备/Dog food equipment
鼓风干燥箱/Blast oven
鼓式削片机/Drum chipper
固定升降机/Fixed lift
固定式登车桥/Fixed bridge
固定式升降货梯/Fixed lift ladder
固定式升降机/Fixed lift
固化设备/Curing equipment
固特机械/Gute Machinery
固液分离机/Solid - liquid separator
刮板输送机/Scraper conveyor
挂面机/Noodle machine
管道检测设备/Pipe inspection equipment
管式反应器/Tubular reactor
管线机/Pipeline machine
灌缝机/Filling machine
灌浆泵/Grouting pump
灌胶机/Filling machine
灌装机/Filling machine
灌装机械/Filling machinery
光触媒除甲醛/Photocatalyst in addition to formaldehyde
光伏产品/Solar Products
光伏设备/Photovoltaic equipment
光固机/Light curing machine
光纤打标机/Fiber marking machine
光纤激光打标机/Fiber laser marking machine
光纤激光器/Fiber lasers
光学镜片/Optical lenses
光学仪器/Optical Instruments
广告雕刻机/Advertising engraving machine
轨道灯/Track Lighting
轨道火车/Rail train
轨道小火车/Track train
桂林米粉机/Guilin rice noodle machine
辊式破碎机/Roller crusher
辊筒线输送机/Roller conveyor
滚齿机/Hobbing machine
滚焊机/Roll welder
滚丝机/Rolling machine
滚筒电机/Roller motor
滚筒筛/Drum sieve
滚筒筛沙机/Drum screening machine
滚筒输送机/Roller conveyor
滚筒洗轮机/Roller Washing Machine
滚轴洗轮机/Roller Washing Machine
锅炉安装/Boiler installation
锅炉泵/Boiler pump
锅炉辅机/Boiler auxiliary machine
锅炉软化水设备/Boiler softened water equipment
锅炉设备/Boiler equipment
国产数控/Domestic CNC
国丰机械/Guofeng Machinery
果蔬清洗加工设备/Fruit and vegetable cleaning processing equipment
裹包机/Wrapping machine
过胶机/A plastic machine
过梁机/Beam machine
过滤筛/Filter screen
过滤设备/Filter equipment
过滤式除尘器/Filter type dust collector
过载保护器/Overload protector
海水淡化设备/Desalination equipment
汗蒸设备/Khan steam equipment
焊割机/Welding machine
焊接工装夹具/Welding fixture
焊接设备/Welding equipment
焊丝设备/Welding equipment
焊条机/Welding machine
焊锡机/Soldering machine
行车记录仪/Driving recorder
行星式切管机/Planetary pipe cutting machine
行星式球磨机/Planetary ball mill
绗缝机/Quilting machine
合肥地暖/Hefei to warm
合金刀轮/Alloy knife wheel
合金分析仪/Alloy analyzer
合力叉车/Together forklift
和面机/And machine
河北农机/Hebei agricultural machinery
河道清淤/River dredging
河粉机/River powder machine
河南收割机/Henan harvesters
河南太阳能热水工程/Henan solar hot water project
核桃清洗机/Walnut cleaning machine
恒温恒湿机/Constant temperature and humidity machine
恒温恒湿机组/Constant temperature and humidity units
恒温恒湿试验室/Constant temperature and humidity test room
恒温恒湿试验箱/Constant temperature and humidity test chamber
恒温摇床/Constant temperature shaker
恒温泳池设备/Constant temperature swimming pool equipment
珩磨机/Honing machine
横机/Flat knitting machine
烘焙机/Baking machine
烘房/Drying room
烘干机设备/Dryer equipment
烘干炉/Drying furnace
烘干设备/Drying equipment
红豆饼机/Red bean cake machine
红薯淀粉机/Sweet potato starch machine
红薯粉条机/Sweet potato vermicelli machine
红外测温仪/Infrared Thermometer
红外水分测定仪仪/Infrared moisture analyzer
后帮机/After the help machine
呼叫系统/Call system
护栏打桩机/Fence piling machine
护坡砖机/Slope protection brick machine
护眼台灯/Eye lamp
花生糖机械/Peanut sugar machinery
花生榨油机/Peanut oil press
划线机/Scribing machine
划线平台/Crossed platform
滑板冲浪设备/Skateboarding equipment
滑触线/Trolley line
化肥设备/Fertilizer equipment
化肥造粒机/Fertilizer granulator
化工泵/Chemical pump
化工机械/Chemical machinery
化工设备/Chemical Equipment
化纤机械/Chemical fiber machinery
化学实验室/chemistry lab
化学仪器/Chemical instruments
化验设备/Laboratory equipment
化验仪器/Laboratory equipment
画舫船/Boat boat
环保工程设备/Environmental protection engineering equipment
环保设备/Green facilities
环境检测仪器/Environmental testing equipment
环境试验设备/Environmental testing equipment
环境试验箱/Environmental test chamber
环境试验仪器/Environmental testing equipment
环境箱/Environment box
环链电动葫芦/Electric chain hoist
环链葫芦/Chain hoist
环卫机械/Sanitation machinery
环形导轨/Ring guide
换画灯箱/Change the light box
换气式老化试验箱/Ventilation aging test chamber
换热机组/Heat exchanger unit
换热器/Heat Exchanger
换热设备/Heat transfer equipment
黄金探测器/Gold detector
黄油枪加油机/Grease gun refueling machine
灰钙机/Ash calcium machine
回火炉/Back to the stove
回转窑/Rotary kiln
回转支承/Slewing ring
混合动力节能冷却塔/Hybrid energy saving cooling tower
混合机厂家/Mixer manufacturers
混合机设备/Mixer equipment
混合设备/Mixing equipment
混流泵/Mixed flow pump
混泥土搅拌车/Mixed soil mixers
混凝土泵/Concrete pump
混凝土泵车/Concrete pump truck
混凝土垫块机/Concrete pad machine
混凝土机械/Concrete machinery
混凝土搅拌车/Concrete mixer truck
混凝土搅拌罐车/Concrete mixing tanker
混凝土搅拌机/Concrete mixer
混凝土搅拌设备/Concrete mixing equipment
混凝土搅拌运输车/Concrete mixer truck
混凝土搅拌站厂家/Concrete mixing plant manufacturers
混凝土喷射机/Concrete jet
混凝土设备/Concrete equipment
混凝土输送泵/Concrete pump
混凝土振动棒/Concrete vibrating bar
活动脚手架/Active scaffolding
火锅专用电磁炉/Hot pot for induction cooker
火花塞/Spark plug
火箭发动机/Rocket engine
火焰切割机/Flame cutting machine
火灾探测器/Fire detectors
火灾自动报警系统/Automatic fire alarm system
货梯/Cargo ladder
机床/machine tool
机床防护罩/Machine guard
机床夹具/Machine fixture
机床排屑机/Machine chip conveyor
机床排屑机机床排屑器/Machine chip conveyor machine chip conveyor
机床配件/Machine accessories
机床设备/Machine equipment
机电设备/Electrical Equipment
机电制造/Electromechanical manufacturing
机房空调/Room air conditioning
机器人刀削面机/Robot knives
机械产品/Machinery Products
机械车库/Mechanical garage
机械动画/Mechanical animation
机械工具/Mechanical tools
机械行业/Machinery Industry
机械零件/Mechanical Parts
机械潜水表/Mechanical diving watch
机械式立体车库/Mechanical three-dimensional garage
机械式停车设备/Mechanical parking equipment
机械手臂/Mechanical arm
机械塑料吹膜机/Mechanical plastic blown film machine
机械锁/mechanical lock
机械制浆设备/Mechanical pulping equipment
机械自动化/Machinery Automation
机液一体式强夯机/Mechanical fluid integrated tamping machine
机油滤清器/Oil filter
机制木炭机/Mechanism charcoal machine
机制木炭设备/Mechanism charcoal equipment
基坑式洗轮机/Foundation Pit Washing Machine
激光打标/Laser Marking
激光打标机/laser marking machine
激光打标加工/Laser marking processing
激光刀模/Laser knife mold
激光雕刻机/laser cutting machine
激光雕刻切割机/Laser engraving cutting machine
激光管/Laser tube
激光焊机/Laser welding machine
激光焊接机/Laser welding machine
激光加工/Laser processing
激光粒度仪/Laser particle size analyzer
激光喷码机/Laser inkjet printer
激光平地机/Laser grader
激光切割机/laser cutter
激光切割机推荐/Laser cutting machine recommended
激光切割技术/Laser cutting technology
激光切割加工/Laser cutting
激光切割设备/Laser cutting equipment
激光设备/Laser equipment
激光手电/Laser flashlight
激光条幅机/Laser banners
集尘系统/Dust collection system
集成吊顶液压机/Integrated ceiling hydraulic press
集成水槽/Integrated sink
挤出设备/Extrusion equipment
挤压丝锥/Squeeze taps
计量泵/Metering pumps
计算机控制试压泵/Computer controlled pressure test pump
济南led显示屏/Jinan led display
济南恒安特仪表/Jinan Heng special instrument
济南轮椅/Jinan wheelchair
加工设备/Processing Equipment
加工中心/Machining Center
加气混凝土/Aerated concrete
加气混凝土砌块设备/Aerated concrete block equipment
加气混凝土设备/Aerated concrete equipment
加气机/Filling machine
加气块设备/Aerated block equipment
加气站/Gas station
加气站设备/Filling station equipment
加气砖设备/Aerated brick equipment
加热管/Heating pipe
加热炉/Heating furnace
加香机/Fragrance machine
家电清洗设备/Appliance cleaning equipment
家具设备/Furniture equipment
家具生产线/Furniture production line
家庭防盗报警/Home burglar alarm
家用纯水机/Household water machine
家用锅炉/Household boilers
家用汗蒸房/Home Khan steam room
家用花生榨油机/Home peanut oil press
家用换热器/Household heat exchanger
家用馒头机/Household bread machine
家用面条机/Home pasta machine
家用燃气报警器/Household gas alarm
家用水泵/Household water pump
家用小型太阳能发电/Household small solar power generation
家用医疗器械/Household medical equipment
家用制氧机/Household oxygen machine
夹胶玻璃设备/Laminated glass equipment
夹胶炉/Sandwich furnace
钾长石选矿设备/Potash feldspar beneficiation equipment
架桥机/Bridge machine
监控设备/Monitoring equipment
捡拾打捆机/Pick up balers
检测设备/Testing Equipment
检测仪器/Testing equipment
检验筛/Inspection sieve
减速马达/Deceleration motor
减压阀/Pressure reducing valve
剪板机/Cutting plate machine
剪板机折弯机/Shearing machine bending machine
剪切机/Cutting machine
剪线机/Thread cutting machine
建材机械/Building materials machinery
建筑工地洗轮机/Construction site washing wheel
建筑机械/Construction machinery
健身器材/Fitness Equipment
江苏洗车台/Jiangsu washing station
江苏液压/Jiangsu hydraulic
胶带机/Tape machine
胶辊/glue roll
胶体磨/Colloid mill
胶印机/Offset presses
胶装机/Glue installed machine
角磨机/Angle Grinder
饺子机/Dumpling machine
饺子皮机/Dumpling skin machine
绞肉机/Meat grinder
搅拌拖泵/Mix the towing pump
搅拌站/Mixing station
酵母烘干机/Yeast Dryer
接经机/Take the machine
接木机/Pick wood machine
秸秆板/Straw board
秸秆打捆机/Straw baler
秸秆颗粒机/Straw pellet machine
秸秆压块机/Straw briquetting machine
节电设备/Energy saving equipment
节能风机/Energy saving fan
节能空压机/Energy - saving air compressor
节能炉/Energy saving furnace
节能设备/Energy - saving equipment
节油器/Fuel economy
洁净工作台/Clean bench
截止阀/Shut-off valve
解冻设备/Thawing equipment
金刚石锯片/Diamond saw blade
金刚石砂轮/Diamond wheel
金矿选矿设备/Gold ore dressing equipment
金属表面处理/Metal surface treatment
金属槽筒/Metal tube
金属打包机/Metal baler
金属分离器/Metal separator
金属剪切机/Metal shearing machine
金属镜面加工设备/Metal mirror processing equipment
金属破碎机/Metal crusher
金属切割机/Metal cutting machine
金属热处理/Metal heat treatment
金属屑饼机/Metal crumb machine
金属圆锯机/Metal circular saw machine
金属转子流量计/Metal rotor flowmeter
金相显微镜/Metallographic microscope
进口导轨/Import guide
进口喷码机/Import Pen Maji
进口液压/Import hydraulic
精弹机/Fine machine
精炼设备/Refining equipment
精量播种机/Precision Seeder
精馏塔/Distillation column
精密电阻焊/Precision resistance welding
精密干燥箱/Precision oven
精密机床/Precision machine tools
精密铸造/Precision casting
精密铸造设备/Precision casting equipment
精细弹花机/Fine playing machine
精细振动筛/Fine vibrating screen
景观灯/Landscape lights
净化工作台/Clean the workbench
净化设备/Purification equipment
净水机/Water purifier
静电除尘/Electrostatic dust removal
静电除尘器/Electrostatic precipitators
静电喷枪/Electrostatic spray gun
静电喷塑/Electrostatic spray
静压箱/Static pressure box
静音空压机/Mute air compressor
镜面火花机/Mirror spark machine
镜铁矿磁选机/Mirror iron ore magnetic separator
酒店厨房设备/Hotel kitchen equipment
酒店工程灯/Hotel engineering lights
旧挖掘机/Old excavator
救生舱/Life saving cabin
锯床/Sawing machine
锯片磨齿机/Saw blade grinding machine
锯片铣刀/Saw blade cutter
聚氨酯机械/Polyurethane machinery
聚氨酯设备/Polyurethane equipment
卷板机/Bending machine
卷边机/Crimping machine
卷帘防护罩/Roller guard
卷筒纸印刷机/Web printing presses
卷烟机/Cigarette Maker
卷圆机/Roll machine
掘进机/Boring machine
掘进机配件/Boring machine accessories
咖啡包装机/Coffee packing machine
卡特装载机/Carter loaders
开槽机/Slotting machine
开创弹簧机/To create a spring machine
开沟机/Ditching machine
开茧机/Open cocoon machine
开炼机/Open mill
开水器/Water boilers
开松机/Open machine
抗磨实验机/Anti-wear test machine
抗磨试验机/Anti - wear testing machine
烤杯机/Baking cup machine
烤肠机/Sausage machine
烤地瓜机/Baked sweet potatoes
烤鸡炉/Roast chicken stove
烤冷面机器/Roasted cold machine
烤漆房/Paint room
烤漆房风机/Baking room fan
烤漆机/Paint machine
烤漆设备/Paint equipment
颗粒包装机械/Granule packaging machinery
颗粒机/Particle machine
可编程控制器/Programmable Controllers
可程式恒温恒湿箱/Programmable constant temperature and humidity box
刻绘机/Engraving machine
刻字机/Cutting plotter
客梯/Passenger ladder
坑道钻机/Tunnel rig
空分设备/Air separation equipment
空气锤/Air hammer
空气过滤/Air filtration
空气净化器/air purifier
空气净化设备/Air purification equipment
空气滤清器/air filter
空气源热泵热水器/Air source heat pump water heater
空心砖机/Hollow brick machine
空压机/Air compressor
空压机配件/Air compressor accessories
控制阀/Control valve
控制系统/Control System
跨区收割机/Spanning harvesters
块冰机/Block ice machine
快速成型机/Rapid prototyping machine
快速卷帘门/Fast shutter doors
快温变试验箱/Fast temperature change test chamber
矿砂机械/Ore machinery
矿筛/Ore sieve
矿山机器/Mining machinery
矿山机械厂/Mine Machinery Factory
矿山破碎/Mine broken
矿山破碎机/Mine crusher
矿山设备/Mine equipment
矿石设备/Ore equipment
矿用救生舱/Mine rescue cabin
矿用移动变电站/Mine mobile substation
矿用振动筛/Mine vibrating screen
矿渣立磨/Slag ground mill
框体机/Box machine
昆山机械加工/Kunshan mechanical processing
捆扎机/Strapping machine
扩香机/Expansion machine
垃圾车/rubbish truck
拉床/Broaching machine
拉钉枪/Pull nail gun
拉力机/tension machine
拉力试验机/Tensile testing machine
拉伸机/Stretching machine
拉丝机/Drawing Machine
廊坊机械/Langfang machinery
老化线/Aging line
老式汽车/Old car
雷蒙机/Raymond machine
雷蒙磨/Raymond Mill
雷蒙磨粉机/Raymond Mill
冷裱机/Cold mounted machine
冷藏车制冷机组/Refrigerated trucks
冷冻干燥机/Freeze dryer
冷冻机组/Refrigeration unit
冷镦机/Cold heading machine
冷干机/Cold and dry machine
冷焊机/Cold welding machine
冷挤压/Cold extrusion
冷挤压机/Cold extruder
冷面机/Cold noodle machine
冷凝水试验箱/Condensate test chamber
冷切锯/Cold cut saw
冷切制袋机/Cold cutting bag machine
冷却泵/Cooling the pump
冷却塔/Cooling Tower
冷却塔水轮机/Cooling tower turbine
冷却筒/Cooling tube
冷热冲击试验机/Hot and cold impact testing machine
冷水塔/Cold water tower
冷弯成型机械/Cold forming machinery
冷弯机/Cold bending machine
冷压机/Cold press
冷饮机/Cold drink machine
冷轧/Cold rolling
离心泵/Centrifugal pump
离心风机/Centrifugal fan
离心高效颗粒机/Centrifugal efficient particle machine
离心式净油机/Centrifugal oil purifier
离子风机/Ion fan
锂电池/lithium battery
锂电池设备/Lithium battery equipment
锂电池涂布机/Lithium battery coating machine
立车/Standing car
立磨/Vertical grinding
立磨机/Vertical mill
立式包装机/Vertical packaging machine
立式泵/Vertical pump
立式车床/Vertical lathe
立式明装风机盘管/Vertical mounted fan coil
立式磨床/Vertical grinder
立式炮塔铣床/Vertical turret milling machine
立式砂磨机/Vertical sanding machine
立式升降台铣床/Vertical lift milling machine
立式铣床/Vertical milling machine
立式注塑机/Vertical injection molding machine
立体停车库/Stereo parking garage
立体显示器/Stereoscopic display
立柱机/Column machine
沥青拌合站/Asphalt mixing station
沥青搅拌设备/Asphalt mixing equipment
沥青搅拌站/Asphalt mixing plant
连线机/Connection machine
连铸机/Continuous casting machine
吉印通 机/Joint machine
吉印通 收割机/Combine harvesters
练泥机/Mud machine
炼钢设备/Steelmaking equipment
炼胶机/Mixing machine
炼油设备/Refining equipment
链板输送机/Chain conveyor
凉皮机/Liangpi machine
粮保器材/Food security equipment
粮食磁选机/Food magnetic separator
粮食烘干机/Food dryer
粮食烘干塔/Food drying tower
粮食输送机/Food conveyor
两模板压铸机/Two die die casting machine
量具量仪/Measuring instrument
料封泵/Charge pump
淋水器/Water dispenser
淋雨试验机/Rain test machine
磷化线/Phosphating line
流动式粉碎机/Mobile grinder
流化床/Fluidized bed
硫化罐/Curing tank
硫化机/Curing machine
六面顶压机/Six top presses
龙门裁断机/Gantry cutting machine
龙门加工中心/Gantry machining center
龙门式加工中心/Gantry machining center
龙门铣/Gantry milling
龙门铣床/Gantry milling machine
龙山打包机/Longshan baler
笼屉/A drawer
楼房上料车/Building materials
楼宇对讲系统/Building intercom system
炉温测试仪/Furnace temperature tester
路面抛丸机/Road shot blasting machine
轮式收割机/Wheeled harvesters
轮胎保护链/Tire protection chain
轮胎炼油设备/Tire refinery equipment
螺带混合机/Ribbed Mixer
螺杆泵/Screw pump
螺杆机/Screw machine
螺杆启闭机/Screw hoist
螺杆式空压机/Screw type air compressor
螺杆式冷水机/Screw chiller
螺杆式启闭机/Screw type hoist
螺杆压缩机/Screw compressor
螺纹量规/Thread gauge
螺旋分级机/Screw classifier
螺旋管/Spiral tube
螺旋输送机/Screw conveyor
螺旋提升机/Screw lift
螺柱焊机/Stud welder
落地车床/Floor lathe
落地灯/floor lamp
落地镗床/Floor boring machine
落地镗铣床/Floor boring and milling machine
落砂机/Sanding machine
铝焊机/Aluminum welding machine
铝合金升降机/Aluminum lifts
铝合金升降平台/Aluminum lift platform
铝塑分离设备/Aluminum-plastic separation equipment
铝氧化设备/Aluminum oxide equipment
履带吊/Crawler crane
绿色能源/Green energy
滤清器厂/Filter factory
滤清器设备/Filter equipment
滤油机/Oil filter
滤油器/Oil filter
麻花机/Twist machine
麻山药收获机/Mahuang medicine harvester
麻醉机/Anesthesia Machine
埋弧焊/Submerged arc welding
麦氏真空计/Maxwell vacuum gauge
卖吊车/Selling a crane
脉冲布袋除尘器/Pulse bag filter
脉冲电磁阀/Pulse solenoid valve
脉冲压排机/Pulse press machine
馒头机/Bread machine
毛衣编织机/Sweater knitting machine
锚杆钻机/Bolt rig
铆接机/Riveting machine
铆接设备/Riveting equipment
煤棒机/Coal rod machine
煤矸石破碎机/Coal gangue crusher
煤矿洗轮机/Coal washing machine
煤气发生炉/Gas furnace
煤球机/Briquettes machine
煤炭粉碎机/Coal mill
煤炭检测仪器/Coal detection equipment
门窗机器/Doors and windows machines
门窗机械/Doors and windows machinery
门窗设备/Doors and windows equipment
门禁/Access control
门禁考勤/Access attendance
门头装饰扣板设备/Door head decorative gusset equipment
锰矿磁选机/Manganese ore separator
米粉机/Rice noodle machine
米线机/Rice noodle machine
密封垫切割机/Seal cutting machine
密封设备/Sealing equipment
棉被机械/Quilts machinery
棉花加工设备/Cotton processing equipment
棉花糖机/cotton candy machine
棉机/Cotton machine
免烧砖设备/Mianshao brick equipment
免摇启动器/Free shake starter
面板灯/Panel Light
面包机/Bread machine
面包砖机/Bread Brick Machine
面粉机/Flour machine
面粉机械/Flour machinery
面巾纸机/Tissue machine
面皮机/Dough machine
面条机/Noodle machine
灭菌锅/Sterilization pot
模板机/Template machine
模具配件/Mold parts
模内攻丝机/In-mold tapping machine
模切机/Die cutting machine
模切设备/Die cutting equipment
模压机/Molding machine
膜分离设备/Membrane separation equipment
摩擦焊机/Friction welding machine
摩擦磨损试验机/Friction and wear testing machine
摩擦压力机/Friction presses
摩托车减震器/Motorcycle shock absorber
摩托车节油器/Motorcycle fuel economy
摩托三轮车/Motorcycle tricycle
磨齿机/Grinding machine
磨刀机/Grinding machine
磨粉设备/Milling equipment
磨革机/Grinding machine
磨盘机/Grinding machine
抹灰机/Plastering machine
母线加工机/Bus processing machine
母线加工设备/Bus processing equipment
木材扒皮机/Wood picking machine
木材剥皮机/Wood peeling machine
木材粉碎机/Wood crusher
木材干燥/Wood dry
木材烘干设备/Wood drying equipment
木材加工机械/Wood processing machinery
木材切片机/Wood slicer
木材削片机/Wood chipper
木工车床/Woodworking lathe
木工带锯/Woodworking saws
木工带锯机/Woodworking Band Saw
木工雕刻机/Woodworking engraving machine
木工机床/Woodworking machine
木工机械/Woodworking machinery
木工机械大全/Woodworking Machinery Daquan
木工跑车/Woodworking sports car
木工数控车床/Woodworking CNC lathes
木炭机/Charcoal machine
木屑颗粒机/Wood pellet machine
木屑颗粒机厂家/Wood chip machine manufacturers
木屑压块机/Sawdust briquetting machine
木屑制粒机/Sawdust granulator
木制玩具/wooden toy
纳米砂磨机/Nano sanding machine
耐腐蚀泵/Corrosion resistant pump
耐磨陶瓷弯头/Wearable ceramic elbow
南京自动门/Nanjing automatic doors
内燃机/internal combustion engine
内燃机车/diesel locomotive
内燃凿岩机/Internal combustion rock drill
内圆磨床/Internal grinding machine
泥煤烘干机/Peat dryer
泥头车/Mud truck
腻子喷涂机/Putty sprayer
碾米机/Rice mill
酿造设备/Brewing equipment
牛筋面机/Beef tendon machine
牛力叉车/Cattle force forklift
牛仔洗染设备/Denim dyeing and dyeing equipment
扭转试验机/Torsion testing machine
农机/Agricultural machinery
农机监理/Agricultural machinery supervision
农学仪器/Agricultural instruments
农业机械/Agricultural machinery
农业机械配件/Agricultural machinery parts
农业仪器/Agricultural equipment
农用机械/agricultural machine
农用无人机/Agricultural unmanned aerial vehicle
暖通设备/HVAC equipment
拍击筛/Beat sieve
排污阀/Drain valve
排屑机/Chip conveyor
排屑机链板/Chip conveyor chain plate
盘式制动器/Disc brakes
抛丸除锈机/Shot blasting machine
抛丸机/Shot blasting machine
抛丸清理机/Shot Blasting Machine
抛丸清理设备/Shot Blasting Equipment
刨冰机/Ice machine
泡花碱设备/Blossom alkali equipment
泡沫机/Foam machine
泡沫机械设备/Foam machinery and equipment
泡沫造粒机/Foam granulator
泡塑机械/Foam machinery
配料机/Ingredients machine
喷绘机/Inkjet machine
喷浆机/Shotcrete machine
喷浆设备/Spraying equipment
喷胶机/Spray machine
喷胶棉生产线/Pen Jiaomian production line
喷淋塔/Spray tower
喷码机/Pen Maji
喷码机厂家/Pen Maji manufacturers
喷漆房/Spray booth
喷漆机/Painting machine
喷漆设备/Painting equipment
喷枪/spray gun
喷切一体机/Spray cutting machine
喷洒车/Spray truck
喷砂房/Sandblasting room
喷砂机/Sandblasting machine
喷射机/Jet machine
喷涂设备/Spraying equipment
喷雾干燥设备/Spray drying equipment
喷雾系统/Spray system
喷药车/Jet car
碰焊机/Touch welding machine
劈石机/Split stone machine
皮带式输送机/Belt conveyor
皮带输送机/Belt conveyors
啤酒设备/Beer equipment
啤酒饮料乳品设备/Beer Beverage Dairy Equipment
片冰机/Ice machine
拼图机/Puzzle machine
品牌电动叉车/Brand electric forklift
平板车/flatbed truck
平板磁选机/Flat magnetic separator
平板硫化机/Flat vulcanizing machine
平板运输车/Flatbed truck
平衡机/Balancing machine
平机/Flat machine
平面回转筛/Flat sieve
平面磨床/Surface Grinder
平面研磨机/Flat grinding machine
平模颗粒机/Flat die machine
平网印花机/Flat screen printing machine
平移门/Sliding door
平整机/Leveling machine
破石机/Broken stone machine
破碎机配件/Crusher accessories
破碎机械/Crushing machinery
破碎设备/Broken equipment
破碎站/Broken station
普通机床/Ordinary machine tools
起重搬运/Lifting handling
起重工具/Lifting tools
起重机车轮组/Crane wheel group
起重机械/Hoisting Machinery
起重配件/Lifting parts
起重设备/Lifting equipment
气扳机/Gas trigger
气泵/air pump
气铲/Gas shovel
气锤/air hammer
气垫膜/Air cushion film
气动扳手/Pneumatic wrench
气动锤/Pneumatic hammer
气动打标机/Pneumatic marking machine
气动打磨机/Pneumatic grinding machine
气动电磁阀/Pneumatic solenoid valve
气动隔膜泵/Pneumatic diaphragm pump
气动工具/Pneumatic tools
气动剪刀/Pneumatic scissors
气动螺丝刀/Pneumatic screwdriver
气动马达/Pneumatic motor
气动抛光机/Pneumatic polishing machine
气动喷枪/Pneumatic spray gun
气动起子/Pneumatic screwdriver
气动球阀/Pneumatic ball valve
气动升降杆/Pneumatic lifting rod
气动式取样器/Pneumatic sampler
气动液压/Pneumatic hydraulic
气动液压设备/Pneumatic hydraulic equipment
气动增压阀/Pneumatic supercharger
气缸活塞杆/Cylinder piston rod
气剪/Gas scissors
气流分级机/Air classifier
气流粉碎机/Air shredder
气流干燥机/Air dryer
气流干燥设备/Air drying equipment
气流磨/Airflow mill
气流式烘干机/Airflow dryer
气体报警器/Gas alarm
气体发生器/Gas generator
气体流量计/Gas flow meter
气体探测器/Gas detectors
气体增压泵/Gas booster pump
气腿式凿岩机/Gas-legged rock drill
气象仪器/Meteorological instruments
气液联动执行器/Gas - liquid linkage actuator
气液增压器/Gas-liquid supercharger
气源处理器/Air source processor
汽保工具/Auto insurance tools
汽保设备/Gas protection equipment
汽车led/Car led
汽车玻璃修补/Car glass repair
汽车发电机/Automotive generators
汽车防盗器/Car alarm
汽车行驶记录仪/Car driving recorder
汽车检测设备/Automotive testing equipment
汽车检测线/Car detection line
汽车检具/Car seized
汽车节油器/Car fuel economy
汽车烤漆房/Car paint room
汽车空气净化器/Car air purifier
汽车空调/Car Air Conditioner
汽车冷凝器/Car condenser
汽车离合器/Car clutch
汽车模具/Car mold
汽车清洗设备/Car cleaning equipment
汽车散热器/Car radiator
汽车生产线/Automobile production line
汽车水泵/Car water pump
汽车蒸发器/Car evaporator
汽车智能卡/Car smart card
汽夯/Steam tamping
汽化炉/Vaporization furnace
汽轮机/Steam turbine
汽油发电机/Gasoline generator
汽油发电机组/Gasoline generator
千斤顶检定装置/Jack test device
千张机/Thousands of machines
铅酸蓄电池/Lead-acid batteries
铅锌矿选矿设备/Lead - zinc ore dressing equipment
前帮机/Before the machine
潜孔钻/DTH drill
潜孔钻机/DTH drilling rig
潜孔钻具/DTH drill
潜水泵/Submersible pumps
潜水搅拌机/Diving mixer
嵌入式显示器/Embedded display
嵌线机/Embedded machine
强夯/Dynamic compaction
强夯机/Strong tamping machine
强夯设备/Dynamic compaction equipment
切菜机/Chopper machine
切草机/Cutting machine
切带机/Cutting machine
切割机/Cutting Machine
切割片/Cutting pieces
切割设备/Cutting equipment
切管机/Pipe cutting machine
青储机/Green storage machine
青核桃脱皮清洗机/Green walnut peeling cleaning machine
青贮机/Silo machine
青贮玉米收割机/Silage corn harvester
轻质砖设备/Lightweight brick equipment
清洁球机器/Clean the ball machine
清洁设备/Cleaning equipment
清扫设备/Cleaning equipment
清洗机/washing machine
清洗设备/Cleaning equipment
清选机/Cleaning machine
清淤机械/Dredging machinery
清淤设备/Dredging equipment
球阀/Ball valve
球磨机/Ball mill
球磨机选矿/Ball mill dressing
曲面丝印机/Curved screen printing machine
去离子水设备/Deionized water equipment
全电动搬运车/All electric van
全电动注塑机/All electric injection molding machine
全息设备/Holographic equipment
全自动包装机/Automatic packaging machine
全自动包子机/Automatic buns machine
全自动玻璃打砂机/Automatic glass sanding machine
全自动玻璃喷砂机/Automatic glass blasting machine
全自动草绳机/Automatic rope machine
全自动车床/Automatic lathes
全自动充绒机/Automatic filling machine
全自动弹花机/Automatic flower machine
全自动点胶机/Automatic dispenser
全自动封胶线/Automatic sealing line
全自动灌装机/Automatic filling machine
全自动机器人/Automatic robots
全自动捆扎机/Automatic strapping machine
全自动凉皮机/Automatic Liangpi machine
全自动酿酒机/Automatic wine machine
全自动配肥机/Automatic filling machine
全自动切铝机/Automatic cutting aluminum machine
全自动软水器/Automatic water softener
全自动上胶折边机/Automatic plastic folding machine
全自动丝网印刷机/Automatic screen printing machine
全自动套标机/Automatic sleeve machine
全自动锡膏印刷机/Automatic Paste Printing Machine
全自动洗车机/Automatic washing machine
全自动洗车设备/Automatic car washing equipment
全自动洗车台/Automatic washing station
全自动洗地机/Automatic washing machine
全自动印刷机/Automatic presses
全自动榨油机/Automatic press
全自动真空包装机/Automatic vacuum packaging machine
燃煤锅炉/Coal-fired boiler
燃煤热风炉/Coal fired hot stove
燃气报警器/Gas alarm
燃气发电机组/Gas generator
燃气锅炉/Gas boiler
燃气轮机/gas turbine
燃气内燃机/Gas internal combustion engine
燃气设备/Gas equipment
燃气调压器/Gas pressure regulator
燃气调压箱/Gas regulator box
燃气泄漏报警器/Gas leak alarm
燃油炉/Fuel burner
燃油滤清器/Fuel Filter
染色机/Dyeing machine
绕线机/Winding machine
热泵/Heat pump
热处理炉/Heat treatment furnace
热处理设备/Heat treatment equipment
热风炉/Hot air stove
热风循环烘箱/Hot air circulation oven
热干面机/Hot dry noodles
热狗机/Hot dog machine
热合机/Heat sealing machine
热老化试验箱/Heat aging test chamber
热磨机/Hot mill
热熔胶涂布机/Hot melt adhesive coating machine
热收缩包装机/Heat shrink packaging machine
热收缩机/Shrinking machine
热水器/Water heater
热压机/Hot press
热轧/Hot rolling
热转移印花机/Heat transfer printing machine
热转印封边机/Heat transfer edge banding machine
日光灯/fluorescent lamp
熔炼炉/Melting furnace
熔炼设备/Smelting equipment
熔模铸造/Investment casting
柔性立式磨机/Flexible vertical mill
柔印机/Flexo machine
揉棉机/Kneading machine
肉类滚揉机/Meat tumbling machine
肉类加工设备/Meat processing equipment
肉丸机/Meatball machine
蠕动泵/Peristaltic pump
乳品机械/Dairy machinery
软化水/Softened water
软化水设备/Softened water equipment
软起动器/Soft starter
软水器/water softener
润滑设备/Lubrication equipment
弱视治疗仪/Amblyopia treatment instrument
三边形压路机/Triangle roller
三辊机/Three roller machine
三辊研磨机/Three roller grinding machine
三回程烘干机/Three backhaul dryer
三江数控木工车床/Sanjiang CNC Woodworking Lathe
三菱变频器/Mitsubishi inverter
三筒烘干机/Three cylinder dryer
三头麻花机/Three head machine
三维包装机/Three - dimensional packaging machine
三维激光扫描仪/* D laser scanner
三维扣板机/Three-dimensional buckle machine
三一工程机械/Trinity construction machinery
三轴/Three axes
三坐标测量机/Coordinate measuring machine
伞翼机/Umbrella wing machine
散热片/heat sink
散热器/heat sink
散装水泥车/Bulk cement truck
散装水泥罐/Bulk cement tank
桑拿房/Sauna room
桑拿设备/Sauna equipment
扫地车/Sweeping the car
扫地机/Sweeping machine
扫地机器人/Sweeping robot
色带条幅机/Ribbon Banner Machine
色谱分析仪/Chromatographic analyzer
色选机/Color selection machine
杀菌机/Sterilization machine
沙冰机/Sand ice machine
沙发清洗机/Sofa cleaning machine
砂金矿选矿设备/Gold ore dressing equipment
砂轮/Grinding wheel
砂磨机/Sanding machine
砂石分离机/Gravel separation machine
砂石生产线/Gravel production line
筛分机/Sieving machine
筛分设备/Screening equipment
筛粉机/Sieve powder
筛沙船/Sieve ship
筛沙机/Screening machine
筛选机/Screening machine
晒图机/Shaitu machine
山推/Mountain push
商标机/Trademark machine
商超设备/Super equipment
商用电磁灶/Commercial electromagnetic cooker
商用豆浆机/Commercial Soymilk
商用洗碗机/Commercial dishwasher
商用消毒柜/Commercial disinfection cabinet
上光机/Polishing machine
上胶机/Glue machine
上壳机/Upper shell machine
上上电缆/On the cable
上银滚珠丝杆/On the silver ball screw
烧饼机/Biscuit machine
烧结炉/Sintering furnace
烧烤车/Barbecue car
烧烤机/Barbecue machine
射吸式抽沙船/Suction suction boat
射线检测/Ray detection
摄影灯/Photography lights
摄影设备/Photographic equipment
伸缩门/Retractable door
伸缩梯/Telescopic ladder
深孔刀具/Deep hole cutter
深孔设备/Deep hole equipment
深孔钻/Deep hole drilling
深孔钻加工/Deep hole drilling
深孔钻镗床/Deep hole drilling and boring machine
深圳自动/Shenzhen automatic
升降货梯/Lift the ladder
升降机厂家/Lift manufacturers
升降平台/Lifting platform
升降台铣床/Lift milling machine
升降梯/Lift ladder
生活垃圾处理设备/Domestic waste treatment equipment
生物安全柜/Biological safety cabinets
生物仪器/Biological instruments
生物质锅炉/Biomass boiler
生物质新能源颗粒机/Biomass new energy particle machine
施工电梯/Construction elevator
施工升降机/Construction lift
湿膜加湿器/Wet film humidifier
湿式磁选机/Wet magnetic separator
石材翻新机/Stone refurbished machine
石材机械/Stone machinery
石材加工/Stone processing
石材抛丸机/Stone shot blasting machine
石材研磨机/Stone grinding machine
石粉洗砂机/Stone powder sand washing machine
石化设备/Petrochemical equipment
石灰窑/Lime kiln
石家庄滴灌带/Shijiazhuang drip irrigation zone
石料生产线/Stone production line
石磨面粉机/Stone flour mill
石墨换热器/Graphite heat exchanger
石塑地板/Stone floor
石油量规/Oil gauge
石油螺纹量规/Oil thread gauge
石油设备/oil equipment
石油钻采设备/Oil drilling equipment
石油钻杆/Oil drill pipe
石油钻井设备/Oil drilling equipment
实验机/Experimental machine
实验室烘干箱/Laboratory drying box
实验室设备/laboratory equipment
实验室小型涂布机/Laboratory small coater
实验仪器/laboratory apparatus
食品包装机/Food packaging machine
食品包装机械/Food packaging machinery
食品工业/food industry
食品行业设备/Food industry equipment
食品行业用纯净水设备/Food industry with pure water equipment
食品机械/Food Machinery
食品加工机械/Food processing machinery
食品自动包装机/Automatic food packaging machine
试验变压器/Test transformer
试验机/Testing Machine
试验机维护/Testing machine maintenance
试验设备/Test equipment
试验箱/Test chamber
试验仪器/Test instrument
视频监控系统/Video surveillance system
室内儿童游乐场/Indoor children's playground
收尘器/Dust collector
收割机配件/Harvester accessories
收谷机/Harvesting machine
手部除菌器/Hand sterilizer
手持喷码机/Handheld Pen Maji
手动搬运车/Manual van
手动打包机/Manual baler
手动打码机/Manual coding machine
手工煎饼机/Hand pancake machine
手机批发/Mobile phone wholesale
手机屏蔽器/Mobile phone shield
手机综测仪/Mobile phone measuring instrument
手拉葫芦/Hand chain hoist
手帕纸机/Handkerchief machine
手套机/Glove machine
手提封边机/Portable edge machine
手推式洗地机/Push-type washing machine
手摇磨床/Hand grinding machine
售饭机/Shoufan machine
书画装裱机/Painting and writing machine
梳齿机/Comb machine
梳理机/Carding machine
梳棉机/Carding machine
疏浚设备/Dredging equipment
疏通机/Dredge machine
输送机械/Transport machinery
输送设备/Transport equipment
树脂砂设备/Resin sand equipment
数控车床编程/CNC lathe programming
数控车床加工/CNC lathe processing
数控冲床/CNC punch press
数控冲床模具/CNC punch press
数控刀具/CNC tool
数控钢筋弯箍机/CNC steel bending hoop machine
数控攻丝机/CNC tapping machine
数控滚齿机/CNC hobbing machine
数控回转工作台/CNC rotary table
数控火焰切割/CNC flame cutting
数控火焰切割机/CNC flame cutting machine
数控机床/CNC machine tools
数控机床厂/CNC machine tool factory
数控加工中心/CNC machining center
数控精雕机/CNC engraving machine
数控铝材/CNC aluminum
数控磨床/CNC grinding machine
数控木工车床/CNC woodworking lathe
数控木工带锯/CNC woodworking saws
数控木工机床/CNC woodworking machine
数控木工铣床/CNC woodworking milling machine
数控切割机/CNC cutting machine
数控设备/CNC equipment
数控设备应用与维护/Application and maintenance of numerical control equipment
数控送料机/CNC Feeder
数控镗床/CNC boring machine
数控弯箍机/CNC bending hoop machine
数控铣床/CNC milling machine
数控系统/Numerical control system
数控线切割/CNC wire cutting
数控旋压/CNC spinning
数控玉雕机/CNC jade carving machine
数控轧辊车床/CNC roll lathe
数控轧辊磨床/CNC roll grinder
数控折弯/CNC bending
数控折弯机/CNC bending machine
数控转塔冲床/CNC turret punch
数控钻床/CNC drilling machine
数码发电机/Digital generator
数码加脂泵/Digital grease pump
数码润滑泵/Digital lubrication pump
数码润滑器/Digital Lubricator
数码印花机/Digital printing machine
数码直喷/Digital direct injection
数码注油器/Digital oiler
数码自动加脂器/Digital automatic fater
数码自动注油器/Digital automatic oiler
数显表/Digital display
刷胶机/Brushing machine
双层罐/Double cans
双齿辊破碎机/Double roller crusher
双端面磨床/Double face grinder
双辊破碎机/Double roller crusher
双金属带锯条/Bimetal Band Saw Blade
双面研磨机/Double-sided grinding machine
双腔颚式破碎机/Double chamber jaw crusher
双吸泵/Double suction pump
水泵/Water pump
水泵交流/Water pump exchange
水泵配件大全/Water pump accessories Daquan
水产品加工/Aquatic products processing
水处理净化设备/Water treatment and purification equipment
水处理器/Water processor
水处理设备/Water treatment equipment
水刀/Water knife
水稻插秧机/Rice transplanter
水地源热泵/Water source heat pump
水分测定仪/Moisture Analyzer
水工设备/Hydraulic equipment
水环真空泵/Water ring vacuum pump
水净化设备/Water purification equipment
水空调/Water air conditioning
水冷空调/Water - cooled air - conditioning
水利机械/Water conservancy machinery
水煤浆锅炉/Coal - water slurry boiler
水磨/Water mill
水磨机/Water mill
水泥包装机/Cement packing machine
水泥包装机械/Cement packaging machinery
水泥垫块机/Cement pad machine
水泥发泡机/Cement foaming machine
水泥管设备/Cement pipe equipment
水泥罐/Cement cans
水泥回转窑/Cement rotary kiln
水泥机械/Cement machinery
水泥搅拌车/Cement mixer
水泥烟道机/Cement flue machine
水泥砖机/Cement brick machine
水切割/Water cut
水切割机多少钱一台/Water cutting machine how much money one
水上乐园/water park
水上游乐设备/Water amusement equipment
水上游艺设施/Water recreation facilities
水田筑埂机/Water harvesting machine
水洗机/Washing machine
水洗设备/Washing equipment
水源热泵/Water source heat pump
水胀机/Water swelling machine
水转印设备/Water transfer equipment
丝网除沫器/Wire mesh demister
丝网印刷机/Screen printing machine
丝印机/Silk screen machine
丝印器材/Silk screen equipment
斯特林发动机/Stirling engine
撕碎机设备/Shredder equipment
四辊破碎机/Four roll crusher
四棍卷板机/Four sticks curling machine
四开印刷机/Four open presses
四轮电动车/Four wheel electric car
四轮定位/Wheel alignment
四轮定位仪/Four wheel locator
四柱油压机/Four - column hydraulic press
伺服系统/server system
饲草打包机/Forage baler
饲料机械/Feeding machinery
饲料加工机械/Feed processing machinery
饲料搅拌粉碎机/Feed Mixing Crusher
饲料搅拌机/Feed Mixer
饲料筛分机/Feed sieving machine
苏州镭创光电/Suzhou radium a photoelectric
酥饼机/Crisp machine
速冻机/Freezing machine
塑粉设备/Plastic powder equipment
塑封机/Plastic machine
塑料储罐/Plastic storage tank
塑料打包机/Plastic baler
塑料干燥机/Plastic dryer
塑料焊接/Plastic welding
塑料焊接机/Plastic welding machine
塑料混合机/Plastic mixer
塑料混色机/Plastic blending machine
塑料机械/plastic robot
塑料机械设备/Plastic machinery and equipment
塑料挤出机/Plastic extruder
塑料搅拌机/Plastic mixer
塑料颗粒/Plastic particles
塑料颗粒机/Plastic particle machine
塑料垃圾桶/Plastic trash can
塑料模具设计与制造/Plastic mold design and manufacturing
塑料磨粉机/Plastic mill
塑料破碎机/Plastic crusher
塑料切粒机/Plastic pelletizer
塑料造粒机/Plastic granulator
塑料制袋机/Plastic bag machine
随车起重机/Lorry crane
随钻测井/Logging while drilling
碎木头机/Broken wood machine
隧道掘进机/Tunnel boring machine
塔吊配件/Tower crane accessories
塔吊塔机/Tower crane tower crane
塔机配件/Tower crane accessories
塔机塔吊/Tower crane crane
台式电镜/Desktop electron microscopy
太阳能/Solar energy
太阳能光伏/Solar photovoltaic
太阳能光伏发电/Solar photovoltaic power generation
太阳能热水工程/Solar hot water project
太阳能热水器/solar water heaters
太阳能支架/Solar stent
钛铁矿磁选机/Ilmenite magnetic separator
钛铁矿选矿设备/Ilmenite mineral processing equipment
探伤仪/Flaw detector
探针台/Probe station
汤圆机/Dumpling machine
搪玻璃反应釜/Glass-lined reactor
搪瓷反应釜/Enamel reaction kettle
搪瓷设备/Enamel equipment
镗床/Boring machine
镗缸/Boring cylinder
镗缸磨轴/Boring cylinder grinding shaft
镗铣床/Boring and milling machine
烫标机/Ironing machine
烫画机/Heat press machine
烫金机/Bronzing machine
烫平机/Ironing machine
烫印机/Hot stamping machine
烫钻机/Hot drilling machine
陶瓷加工机械/Ceramic processing machinery
陶瓷加工设备/Ceramic processing equipment
陶瓷纤维/Ceramic fiber
陶瓷窑炉/Ceramic kiln
套标机/Sets of standard machine
特种泵/Special pump
特种电缆/Special cable
特种吊具/Special spreader
特种机械/Special machinery
特种热泵/Special heat pump
特种设备/special equipment
体育设施/Sports facilities
天花灯/Ceiling light
天然气调压器/Natural gas regulator
田玉农机/Tian Yu agricultural machine
田园管理机/Pastoral management machine
填料塔/Packed tower
条幅机/Banner machine
条码设备/Bar code equipment
调节阀/Regulating valve
调直机/Straightening machine
调质炉/Conditioning furnace
贴标机/Labeling Machine
贴合机/Fit machine
铁甲工程机械/Armor construction machinery
铁艺设备/Iron equipment
停车场管理系统/Parking management system
停车场设备/Parking equipment
停车场收费系统/Parking fee system
停车库/Parking Garage
通风设备/Ventilation equipment
通信设备/communication device
通讯设备/Communication equipment
通用砂轮/Universal grinding wheel
通州折弯机/Tongzhou bending machine
砼泵/Concrete pump
砼泵管件/Concrete pump pipe fittings
铜排加工机/Copper processing machine
桶装水设备/Bottled water equipment
投币咖啡机/Coin coffee machine
投币式咖啡机/Coin-operated coffee machine
投影机吊架/Projector hanger
透水砖机/Permeable brick machine
凸版印刷机/Letterpress printing presses
凸轮分割器/Cam divider
凸轮轴位置传感器/Camshaft position sensor
图书防盗/Book security
涂布机/Coating machine
涂胶机/Coating machine
涂料设备/Coating equipment
涂料生产设备/Paint production equipment
涂装设备/Painting equipment
土豆粉机/Potato powder machine
土豆粉条机/Potato vermicelli machine
土豆切丝机/Potato cutting machine
推拉力计/Force Gauge
退火炉/Annealing furnace
拖泵/Tow pump
拖拉机液压/Tractor hydraulic
拖缆平车/Tow cable car
脱标机/Off the machine
脱硫除尘器/Desulfurization precipitator
脱模油设备/Stripping oil equipment
脱水机/Dehydration machine
脱水筛/Dehydration sieve
椭圆机/Elliptical machine
拓展器材/Expand equipment
挖机/Digging machine
挖机运输车/Digging truck
挖掘机憋机/Excavator hold machine
挖掘机视频/Excavator video
挖坑机/Digging machine
挖藕机/Digging machine
挖沙船/Dredging boat
挖沙机械挖沙船/Dredging machinery dredging boat
瓦楞机/Corrugated machine
外圆磨/Cylindrical grinding
弯管机液压全自动/Bending machine hydraulic automatic
丸子机/Ball machine
万能材料试验机/Universal testing machine
万能工具磨床/Universal tool grinder
万能拉力机/Universal Rally Machine
万能平板机/Universal tablet machine
万能试验机/Universal testing machine
万能铣床/Universal milling machine
万能液压试验机/Universal hydraulic testing machine
网带烘干机/Mesh belt dryer
网带式烘干机/Mesh belt dryer
网带输送机/Mesh belt conveyor
网络摄像机/Web video camera
往复泵/Reciprocating pump
微波干燥/Microwave drying
微波干燥机/Microwave dryer
微光夜视仪/Low light night vision
微型泵/Miniature pump
微型电动葫芦/Mini electric hoist
微型真空泵/Miniature vacuum pump
微型自动钓鱼器/Mini automatic fishing machine
围栏机械/Fence machinery
卫生级隔膜泵/Sanitary diaphragm pump
卫生间智能垃圾处理器/Bathroom intelligent waste processor
卫生纸复卷机/Toilet paper rewinder
卫生纸机/Toilet paper machine
温度冲击试验机/Temperature impact testing machine
温度冲击试验箱/Temperature impact test chamber
温度老化室/Temperature aging room
温度验证仪/Temperature verification instrument
温控设备/Temperature control equipment
温控仪/Temperature Controller
温室大棚骨架机/Greenhouse skeleton machine
纹身机/Tattoo machine
稳定土拌合站/Stable soil mixing station
稳定土拌和站/Stable soil mixing station
涡旋式空压机/Scroll air compressor
沃尔沃挖掘机/Volvo Excavator
卧式车床/Horizontal lathe
卧式螺带混合机/Horizontal Ribbed Mixer
卧式螺带混料机/Horizontal ribbon mixing machine
卧式砂磨机/Horizontal sanding machine
卧式铣床/Horizontal milling machine
污泥烘干机/Sludge drying machine
污泥压滤机/Sludge filter press
污水处理设备/Sewage treatment equipment
污水流量计/Sewage flow meter
污水源热泵/Sewage source heat pump
无尘车间/dust-free workshop
无尘锯/Clean saw
无尘室/Clean room
无尘室吸尘器/Clean room vacuum cleaner
无电机冷却塔/No motor cooling tower
无动力风机/No power fan
无纺布生产线/Nonwovens production line
无纺布制袋机/Non - woven bag making machine
无负压供水设备/No negative pressure water supply equipment
无杆气缸/Rodless cylinder
无菌灌装/Aseptic filling
无卡旋切机/No card peeling machine
无气喷涂机/Airless sprayer
无刷变阻启动器/Brushless variable resistance starter
无刷电机/Brushless Motor
无刷无环起动器/Brushless ringless starter
无刷无环软启动器/Brushless acyclic soft starter
无损检测仪器/Nondestructive testing equipment
无损探伤/Nondestructive testing
无塔供水/No tower water supply
无凸轮弹簧机/No cam spring machine
无线传输设备/Wireless transmission equipment
无线网络设备/Wireless network equipment
无心磨床/Centerless grinder
无油真空泵/Oil - free vacuum pump
无纸记录仪/Paperless recorder
无轴螺旋输送机/No shaft screw conveyor
五谷磨粉机/Grain mill
五谷杂粮磨粉机/Grain cereal mill
五金工具/hardware tools
五金机械/Hardware machinery
武汉空压机/Wuhan air compressor
舞台灯光设备/Stage lighting equipment
舞台桁架/Stage truss
舞台机械/Stage machinery
舞台设备/Stage equipment
舞台音响/Stage sound
物流设备/Logistics equipment
雾炮/Fog gun
雾炮车/Fog guns
雾炮机/Fog guns
吸尘车/Vacuum car
吸尘吸水机/Vacuum suction machine
吸泥船/Mud tanker
吸皮机/Suction skin machine
吸沙船/Sand suction boat
吸收塔/Absorption tower
吸塑灯箱/Blister light box
吸塑机/Blister machine
锡膏印刷机/Paste printing presses
洗车机/car washer
洗车设备/Car wash equipment
洗车台/Washing station
洗涤机械/Washing machine
洗涤设备/Washing equipment
洗地机/floor washer
洗轮机/Wash the wheel
洗轮机厂家/Washing machine manufacturers
洗麦机/Washing machine
洗煤设备/Coal washing equipment
洗面机/Washing machine
洗沙机/Sand washing machine
洗沙设备/Sand washing equipment
洗砂机/Sand Washing Machine
洗石机/Stone washing machine
洗唰唰洗碗机/Wash shabu dishwasher
洗头车/Shampoo car
洗脱机/Elution machine
洗选设备/Washing equipment
洗衣房设备/Laundry equipment
铣边机/Milling machine
铣床/Milling machine
铣刀/Milling cutter
铣刀研磨机/Milling cutter
铣端面打中心孔机床/Milling end face center hole machine
下料机/Cutting machine
下向焊/Down welding
氙灯光源/Xenon light source
氙灯老化试验箱/Xenon lamp aging test chamber
氙灯耐气候试验箱/Xenon lamp weather resistant chamber
现代挖掘机/Modern excavator
现磨豆浆机/Cashmere machine
线号机/Line number machine
线缆设备/Cable equipment
线切割/Wire cutting
线切割机/Wire cutting machine
线切割加工/Wire cutting
线条灯/Line lights
香肠机/Sausage machine
箱包缝纫机/Luggage sewing machine
箱式剪切机/Box shearing machine
箱式淋雨试验箱/Box type rain test chamber
橡胶板/rubber Board
橡胶成型机/Rubber molding machine
橡胶粉碎机/Rubber grinder
橡胶机械/Rubber machinery
橡胶挤出机/Rubber extruder
橡胶注射机/Rubber injection machine
橡胶自动拆边机/Automatic rubber removal machine
消毒柜/Disinfection cabinet
消毒机/Disinfection machine
消防排烟风机/Fire exhaust fan
消防器材/Fire equipment
消防设备/Fire Equipment
消声室/Anechoic chamber
消失模机械/Elimination of mold machinery
消失模铸造设备/Lost Foam Casting Equipment
小吊运机/Small lifting machine
小麦收割机/Wheat harvesters
小模数齿轮/Small modulus gear
小模数滚齿机/Small modulus hobbing machine
小食品机械/Small food machinery
小型插秧机/Small transplanter
小型柴油发电机/Small diesel generators
小型超声波清洗机/Small ultrasonic cleaning machine
小型抽沙船/Small sand ship
小型磁选机/Small magnetic separator
小型打桩机/Small pile driver
小型粉碎机/Small grinder
小型机械/Small machinery
小型家用榨油机/Small household press
小型搅拌机/Small mixer
小型空压机/Small air compressor
小型立式加工中心/Small vertical machining center
小型煤气发生炉/Small gas furnace
小型破碎机/Small crusher
小型收割机/Small harvesters
小型研磨机/Small grinding machine
小型液压机/Small hydraulic press
小型玉米收割机/Small Corn Harvester
小型造纸机/Small paper machine
小型榨油机/Small oil press
小型振动筛/Small vibrating screen
小型制袋机/Small bag machine
小型装载机/Small loader
小型钻井机/Small drilling rig
校平机/Leveling machine
校油泵/School oil pump
校直机/Straightening machine
鞋底清洁机/Sole cleaning machine
鞋底清洗机/Sole cleaning machine
鞋机/Shoe machine
鞋套机/Shoe cover machine
鞋眼机/Shoes eye machine
卸船机/Unloading machine
新风系统/Fresh air system
新宏昌专用车/New Hongchang special vehicles
新能源颗粒机/New energy particle machine
新乡机械/Xinxiang machinery
新型快拆脚手架/New fast scaffolding
新型磨粉机/New mill
新型游乐设备/New amusement equipment
新增压缸/New cylinder
型煤设备/Briquette equipment
型煤压球机/Briquette pressure ball machine
醒发箱/Proof box
兴福厨具/Xingfu kitchen utensils
绣花机/Embroidery machine
溴化锂制冷机/Lithium bromide refrigerator
悬挂输送机/Suspension conveyor
悬辊机/Hanging machine
旋风铣/Whirlwind milling
旋喷泵/Jet pump
旋切机/Peeling machine
旋切机找圆机/Peeling machine to find round machine
旋挖机/Rotary digger
旋挖钻机/Rotary Drilling Rig
旋振筛/Rotary vibrating screen
旋转接头/Rotary joint
选金设备/Election equipment
选矿设备/Mineral processing equipment
选铜设备/Copper equipment
巡逻机/Patrol machine
循环流化床/Circulating fluidized bed
循环流化床锅炉/Circulating fluidized bed boiler
压合机/Press machine
压花机/Embossing machine
压接机/Crimping machine
压块机/Briquetting machine
压冷面机器/Pressure cold surface machine
压力变送器/Pressure Transmitters
压力罐/pressure tank
压力容器/Pressure vessel
压滤机/Filter press
压滤机入料泵/Filter press
压面机/Pressing machine
压球机/Pressure ball machine
压塑机/Compression molding machine
压缩空气干燥设备/Compressed air drying equipment
压瓦机/Pressing machine
压延机/Calendering machine
压铸机/Die Casting Machine
压铸模具/Die casting mold
压铸油温机/Die - casting oil temperature machine
压砖机/Press machine
鸭嘴阀/Duckbill valve
牙科设备/Dental equipment
牙轮钻头/Cone bit
芽苗菜机/Sprouts machine
芽苗机/Sprouting machine
亚伟速录机/Yawei Speed ??Recorder
氩弧焊/Argon arc welding
氩弧焊机/Argon arc welding machine
烟道机/Flue machine
烟花鞭炮运输车/Fireworks and firecrackers
烟雾机/Smoke machine
烟箱/Smoke box
烟熏炉/Smoke furnace
岩石分裂机/Rock splitting machine
岩石劈裂机/Rock splitting machine
岩石钻机/Rock drill
岩田喷枪/Iwata gun
研华工控机/Advantech IPC
研磨机/Grinding machine
盐雾测试箱/Salt spray test box
盐雾腐蚀试验箱/Salt spray corrosion test chamber
盐雾喷水试验机/Salt spray water testing machine
盐雾试验机/Salt spray test machine
眼镜设备/Glasses equipment
眼科设备/Ophthalmic equipment
演出设备/Performing equipment
阳极氧化/Anodic oxidation
阳极氧化设备/Anodizing equipment
养蜂车/Bee carrock
养护机械/Maintenance machinery
养殖设备/Breeding equipment
养殖污水处理/Aquaculture treatment
养殖污水处理设备/Aquaculture wastewater treatment equipment
氧化电源/Oxidation power supply
氧化设备/Oxidation equipment
氧助力节油器/Oxygen booster
摇摆机/Swing machine
摇摆筛/Swing sieve
摇臂铣床/Rocker milling machine
摇臂钻/Rocker drill
摇臂钻床/Radial drilling machine
咬口机/Sealing machine
冶金机械/Metallurgical machinery
冶金设备/Metallurgical equipment
冶炼设备/Smelting equipment
液氮深冷试验箱/Liquid nitrogen cryogenic chamber
液化气气化器/Liquefied gas gasifier
液化石油气叉车/Liquefied petroleum gas forklift
液力偶合器/Hydraulic coupling
液体包装机/Liquid packing machine
液体灌装机/Liquid filling machine
液体流量计量控制/Liquid flow metering control
液下泵/Liquid pump
液压扳手/Hydraulic wrench
液压扳手泵/Hydraulic wrench pump
液压泵/Hydraulic pump
液压泵维修/Hydraulic pump repair
液压冲孔机/Hydraulic punching machine
液压传动/Hydraulic transmission
液压动力单元/Hydraulic power unit
液压阀/Hydraulic valves
液压工具/Hydraulic tools
液压管/Hydraulic tube
液压夯实机/Hydraulic ramming machine
液压机/Hydraulic Press
液压机系统/Hydraulic press system
液压机械制造/Hydraulic machinery manufacturing
液压扭矩扳手/Hydraulic torque wrench
液压平台/Hydraulic platform
液压升降货梯/Hydraulic lift ladder
液压升降机/Hydraulic lift
液压升降平台/Hydraulic lifting platform
液压升降台/Hydraulic lift
液压弯管机/Hydraulic pipe bending machine
液压系统/Hydraulic system
液压油缸/Hydraulic cylinder
液压油管/Hydraulic tubing
液压与气动/Hydraulic and pneumatic
液压凿岩机/Hydraulic rock drill
液压增压器/Hydraulic supercharger
一体化污水处理设备/Integrated sewage treatment equipment
医疗废物转运车/Medical waste transfer vehicle
医疗器械/medical instruments
医疗设备/Medical equipment
医药器械/Medical equipment
仪表车床/Instrument lathe
仪表仪器自动化设备/Instrumentation automation equipment
仪器仪表自动化设备/Instrumentation automation equipment
移动电站/Mobile power station
移动空压机/Mobile air compressor
移动皮带输送机/Mobile belt conveyor
移动破碎机/Mobile crusher
移动破碎站/Mobile crushing station
移动式隧道窑/Mobile tunnel kiln
移印机/Printing machine
移栽机/Transplanting machine
义齿雕刻机/Denture engraving machine
艺术玻璃设备/Art glass equipment
抑尘车/Dust suppression car
抑尘喷洒车/Dust suppression sprayer
易拉罐分切机/Cans slitting machine
易拉罐粉碎机/Can Crusher
音响设备/Audio equipment
银晨锅炉/Yinchen boiler
银泰丝杆/Yintai screw
饮料机/Beverage machine
饮料机械/Beverage machinery
饮料生产线/Beverage production line
印后设备/Postpress equipment
印花机/Printing machine
印花设备/Printing equipment
印前设备/Prepress equipment
印染机械/Printing and dyeing machinery
印刷机/Printing presses
印刷机械/printing machine
印刷机中央供墨系统/Printing machine central ink supply system
印刷设备/Printing Equipment
荧光分光光度计/Fluorescence spectrophotometer
影像测量仪/Image measuring instrument
影院设备/Theater equipment
硬度计/Hardness Tester
永磁传动/Permanent magnet drive
泳池设备/Swimming pool equipment
泳池水处理/Swimming pool water treatment
优质吹膜机/Quality blown film machine
油泵/Oil pump
油坊/Oil mill
油缸/Fuel tank
油冷却器/Oil cooler
油漆喷枪/Paint spray gun
油压缓冲器/Hydraulic buffer
油压机/Hydraulic press
油烟净化一体机/Fume purification one machine
油炸锅/Fry Pan
油炸机/Frying machine
游乐设备/Playground Equipment
游乐设施/Recreational facilities
游艺设备/Recreational equipment
游艺设施/Recreational facilities
游泳池净化/Swimming pool purification
有机肥料设备/Organic fertilizer equipment
有机肥设备/Organic fertilizer equipment
有机肥生产设备/Organic fertilizer production equipment
有机肥生产线/Organic fertilizer production line
鱼丸机/Fish ball machine
渔业机械/Fishery machinery
羽绒机械/Down machine
玉麦收割机/Cornmeal harvester
玉米加工机械/Corn processing machinery
玉米秸秆压块机/Corn stalk briquetting machine
玉米吉印通 收割机/Corn combine harvester
玉米面条机/Corn pasta machine
玉米膨化机/Corn extruder
玉米收获机/Corn harvester
玉米脱粒机/Corn thresher
浴池锅炉/Bath boilers
预应力智能张拉设备/Prestressed intelligent tensioning equipment
豫皖塔机/Yu Wan tower machine
园林机械/Garden machinery
园艺机械/Gardening machinery
原生态石磨豆浆机/The original ecological stone Soymilk
原水处理设备/Raw water treatment equipment
圆度仪/Roundness meter
圆锯机/Circular saw machine
圆锯片切削/Circular saw blade cutting
圆木推台锯/Round wooden saws
圆形粉皮机/Round Fenpi machine
圆振动筛/Circular vibrating screen
圆振筛/Circular vibrating screen
圆织机/Round loom
圆锥机/Cone machine
圆锥机破碎机/Cone Crusher
圆锥破/Cone broken
圆锥破碎机/Cone crusher
圆锥式破碎机/Cone crusher
远红外/Far infrared
月饼机/Moon cake machine
运城风机/Yuncheng fan
运输机/Transport aircraft
运砖车/Brick car
熨平机/Ironing machine
杂粮粉丝机/Miscellaneous grains fan machine
杂粮面条机/Miscellaneous grains noodle machine
凿岩机/Rock drill
凿岩机械/Drilling machinery
凿岩台车/Drilling trolley
造纸机械/Papermaking machinery
增压泵/Booster pump
增压缸/Pressurized cylinder
增压压装机械/Pressurized press machine
渣浆泵/Slurry pump
轧辊车床/Roller lathe
轧圆机/Rolling machine
铡草机/Chaff cutter
榨油机/Oil press
榨油机厂家/Oil press manufacturers
榨油机设备/Oil press equipment
榨油机械/Oil press
榨油设备/Oil extraction equipment
粘箱机/Sticking machine
斩拌机/Chopping machine
展览搭建/Exhibition building
长臂挖掘机/Long arm excavator
沼气热水器/Biogas water heater
沼气设备/Biogas equipment
折边机/Flap machine
折弯机/Bending machine
折弯机模具/Bending machine mold
折纸机/Folding machine
针车/Needle car
针织机/Knitting machine
真空包装机/Vacuum packaging machine
真空泵/Vacuum pump
真空镀膜/Vacuum coating
真空镀膜机/Vacuum coating machine
真空镀膜设备/Vacuum coating equipment
真空断路器/Vacuum circuit breakers
真空粉末加料机/Vacuum powder feeder
真空覆膜机/Vacuum laminating machine
真空干燥机/Vacuum dryer
真空干燥器/Vacuum dryer
真空滚揉机/Vacuum roll kneading machine
真空机组/Vacuum unit
真空浸漆设备/Vacuum impregnation equipment
真空冷冻干燥机/Vacuum freeze dryer
真空炉/Vacuum furnace
真空滤油机/Vacuum oil purifier
真空乳化机/Vacuum emulsifier
真空贴合机/Vacuum laminating machine
真空油炸机/Vacuum frying machine
真空预冷机/Vacuum preheater
真密度仪/True density meter
真石漆搅拌机/Really stone paint mixer
真石漆设备/Really stone paint equipment
振动电机/Vibration motor
振动螺旋提升机/Vibration screw lift
振动盘/Vibration plate
振动筛/Vibrating sieve
振动筛厂家/Vibrating screen manufacturers
振动筛分机/Vibrating screen
振动筛机/Vibrating screen machine
振动筛网/Vibrating screen
振动时效/Vibration aging
振动试验机/Vibration testing machine
振动试验台/Vibration test stand
振动台厂/Vibration table factory
振动提升机/Vibration hoist
振动研磨机/Vibration grinding machine
振平尺/Flat feet
振筛机/Vibrating machine
震动盘/Vibration plate
震动筛/Vibrating sieve
震动筛选/Vibration screening
蒸包炉/Steaming stove
蒸饭车/Rice cars
蒸饭柜/Steamer cabinet
蒸汽锅炉/Steam boilers
蒸汽清洗机/Steam cleaning machine
整烫设备/Ironing equipment
正弦变频器/Sine frequency converter
织网机/Weaving machine
直绗机/Straight quilting machine
直流串励电机/DC series motor
直流电焊机/DC welding machine
直流电弧炉/DC arc furnace
直流焊机/DC welding machine
直排筛/Straight sieve
直线传动/Straight drive
直线导轨/Linear Guides
直线筛/Straight screen
直线振动筛/Linear vibrating screen
直饮机/Straight drink machine
植保机械/Plant protection machinery
植保无人机/Plant protection unmanned aerial vehicles
植毛机/Planting machine
止回阀/Check valve
纸杯机/Paper cup machine
纸管机/Paper tube machine
纸管机械/Paper tube machinery
纸机/Paper machine
纸巾包装机/Tissue wrapping machine
纸巾机/Paper towel machine
纸塑分离机/Paper and plastic separator
纸箱打包机/Carton packer
纸箱设备/Carton equipment
纸箱印刷机械/Carton printing machinery
制冰机/Ice maker
制袋机/Bag machine
制氮机/Nitrogen generator
制钉机/Nail machine
制钉机城/Nail machine city
制粉机/Milling machine
制浆造纸/Pulp and paper
制冷机组/Cooling system
制冷设备/Refrigeration equipment
制冷压缩机/Refrigeration compressor
制沙机/Sand machine
制砂机/Sand making machine
制砂机破碎机/Sand making machine crusher
制砂设备/Sand making equipment
制砂生产线/Sand production line
制刷机械/Brush machinery
制桶设备/Barrel equipment
制香机/Fragrant machine
制鞋机械/Footwear machinery
制氧机/oxygen machine
制氧设备/Oxygen equipment
制样机/System prototype
制药机械/Pharmaceutical machinery
制药设备/Pharmaceutical equipment
制药专用设备/Special equipment for pharmaceuticals
制砖机械/Brick machinery
制砖设备/Brick equipment
质子磁力仪/Proton magnetometer
智能家居/Smart home
智能家居产品/Smart home products
智能家居控制系统/Intelligent home control system
智能家居系统/Smart home system
智能卡/smart card
智能楼宇/Intelligent building
智能抹灰机/Intelligent plastering machine
智能全自动抹灰机/Intelligent automatic plastering machine
智能扫地机/Intelligent sweeping machine
智能锁/smart Lock
智能停车场/Intelligent parking lot
智能停车场管理系统/Intelligent parking management system
智能自行车/Smart bike
智盘/Intellectual disc
中国除尘器/China dust collector
中国工地洗车机/Chinese site washing machine
中国磨刀机/Chinese grinding machine
中国塔吊/China Tower crane
中国泰鑫鸿业/China Taixin Hongye
中国五金/China Hardware
中国振动筛/Chinese vibrating screen
中空壁缠绕管设备/Hollow wall winding pipe equipment
中空式液压扳手/Hollow hydraulic wrench
中频电炉/Intermediate frequency electric furnace
中频感应加热炉/Medium frequency induction heating furnace
中频炉/Intermediate frequency furnace
中频炉变压器/Intermediate frequency furnace transformer
中频熔炼炉/Intermediate frequency melting furnace
中央空调末端设备/Central air conditioning terminal equipment
中走丝/In the wire
重锤破碎机/Heavy hammer crusher
重工机械/Heavy Machinery
重汽离合器/Heavy truck clutch
重庆滤油机/Chongqing oil filter
重庆塔吊/Chongqing tower crane
重型机械设备/Heavy machinery and equipment
重型清障车/Heavy wrecker
重型卧式车床/Heavy duty horizontal lathe
轴流泵/Axial flow pump
轴流风机/Axial Fan
轴线车/Axis car
轴重仪/Axle load
竹制品/bamboo product
注塑机/Injection molding machine
注塑机机械手/Injection molding machine manipulator
注油器/Oil injector
柱塞泵/Plunger pump
铸铁平台/Cast iron platform
铸铁镶铜闸门/Cast iron with copper gate
铸铁闸门/Cast iron gate
铸造机/Casting machine
铸造量具/Casting gauges
铸造缺陷修补机/Casting defect repair machine
铸造设备/Casting equipment
铸造生产线/Casting production line
筑埂机/Build a ridge machine
抓木机/Grasping wood machine
抓烟机/Cigarette machine
专业舞台灯光设备/Professional stage lighting equipment
专用机床/Special machine tools
专用设备/Professional setting
砖机/Brick machine
砖机设备/Brick equipment
转移印花/Transfer printing
桩工机械/Pile driving machinery
装车输送机/Loading conveyor
装船机/Shipping machine
装订机/Binding Machine
装盒机/Cartoning machine
装甲车辆/Armored vehicles
装饰塔/Decorative towers
装箱机/Packing machine
装载机秤/Loader scale
装载机电子秤/Loader electronic scales
淄博机械/Zibo machinery
紫外光加速老化箱/Ultraviolet light accelerates the aging box
紫外光老化试验箱/UV aging test chamber
紫外老化试验箱/UV aging test chamber
紫外线灭菌器/UV sterilizer
紫外线杀菌/UV sterilization
紫外线消毒/UV disinfection
紫外线消毒器设备/UV sterilizer equipment
紫外线消毒设备/UV disinfection equipment
自动包装机/Automatic packaging machine
自动变速箱保养/Automatic gearbox maintenance
自动车床/Automatic lathe
自动车床加工/Automatic lathe processing
自动冲床送料机/Automatic punch feeder
自动打包机/Automatic baler
自动点胶机/Automatic dispenser
自动钉箱机/Automatic nail machine
自动封箱机/Automatic sealing machine
自动干手器/Automatic hand dryer
自动攻丝机/Automatic tapping machine
自动灌胶机/Automatic filling machine
自动焊机/Automatic welding machine
自动焊接设备/Automatic welding equipment
自动焊锡机/Automatic soldering machine
自动行走升降机/Automatic walking lift
自动行走升降平台/Automatic walking platform
自动化机械/Automated machinery
自动化机械设备/Automated machinery and equipment
自动化设备/Automation equipment
自动化输送设备/Automated conveying equipment
自动化物流技术/Automated logistics technology
自动集中供墨系统/Automatic centralized ink supply system
自动加油器/Automatic oiler
自动胶针机/Automatic needle machine
自动码垛机/Automatic palletizing machine
自动码垛机器人/Automatic palletizing robots
自动排气阀/Auto exhaust valve
自动喷漆机/Automatic painting machine
自动喷涂设备/Automatic spraying equipment
自动润滑器/Automatic lubricator
自动识别/Automatic Identification
自动锁螺丝机/Automatic lock screw machine
自动贴标机/Automatic labeling machine
自动涂胶机/Automatic coating machine
自动洗车设备/Automatic car washing equipment
自动洗轮机/Automatic washing machine
自动仪表车床/Automatic instrument lathe
自动注油器/Automatic oiler
自动注脂器/Automatic grease injector
自动装盒机/Automatic cartoning machine
自动装箱机/Automatic packing machine
自攻丝/Self tapping
自磨机/Self-grinding machine
自平衡多级泵/Self-balancing multistage pump
自吸泵/Self-priming pump
自卸车/Dump truck
纵剪开平/Vertical cut open
纵剪线/Slitting line
走心机/Take the heart
阻火器/Flame arrester
组合机床/Combination machine
组培设备/Tissue culture equipment
组装线/Assembly line
钻床/Drilling machine
钻攻机/Drilling machine
钻井机/Drilling machine
钻井平台/drilling platform
钻井设备/Drilling equipment
钻石刀具/Diamond tools
钻石刀轮/Diamond wheel
钻探机/Drilling machine
钻探设备/Drilling equipment
钻头磨刀机/Drill grinding machine
钻头研磨机/Drill grinding machine
钻铣床/Drilling and milling machine
钻桩机/Drilling machine
最强冷焊机/The strongest cold welding machine
坐标磨床/Coordinate grinder
好了,言归正传;下面列出工业设备类外贸营销中常用的一些产品中文及英文名称的翻译译文供参考。在外贸推广过程中,无论是通过youtube, gofair发布视频,还是自己官网关键词优化,记得务必多放外商最可能搜的相关关键词,比如:China, Factory, Price... 自己发挥想象吧。
* 0* 不锈钢水箱/* 0* stainless steel water tank
* d打印设备/* d print device
* d软件/* d software
7* 00牛变发动机/7* 00 cattle change engine
ats注油器/ats oiler
bb肥设备/bb fertilizer equipment
cnc机床/cnc machine
cnc加工/cnc processing
cnc加工中心/cnc machining center
cnc数控机床/cnc CNC machine tools
ktv设备/ktv device
led灯/led lights
led灯管/led tube
led灯具/led lamps
led泛光灯/led flood light
led工程灯/led engineering lights
led老化综合线/led aging integrated line
led面板灯/led panel lights
led日光灯/led fluorescent light
led日光灯管/led fluorescent tube
led射灯/led spotlights
led台灯/led lamp
led天花灯/led ceiling light
led筒灯/led downlight
led投光灯/led flood light
led吸顶灯/led ceiling lamp
led洗墙灯/led wall washer
mtv合成机/mtv synthesis machine
oca贴合机/oca laminating machine
oca真空贴合机/oca vacuum laminating machine
pcb设备/pcb equipment
pet清洗设备/cleaning equipment
pke智能锁/pke smart lock
pvc输送带/pvc conveyor belt
smc气缸/smc cylinder
smt设备/smt device
t恤印花机/t shirt printing machine
uv固化机/uv curing machine
uv固化设备/uv curing equipment
uv光固机/uv light curing machine
v型混合机/v-type mixer
wsa自动清洗/wsa automatic cleaning
x光透视仪/x-ray instrument
安防监控设备/Security monitoring equipment
安防监控系统/Security monitoring system
安全阀/Safety valve
凹版印刷机/Gravure printing presses
奥的斯电梯技术/Otis Elevator Technology
扒渣机/Slag machine
拔丝机/Wire drawing machine
霸州机械/Bazhou Machinery
摆管淋雨试验装置/Swing tube rain test device
摆环箱/Ring box
搬运工具/Handling tools
搬运设备/Handling equipment
板金加工/Sheet metal processing
板框压滤机/Plate and frame filter press
板链输送机/Plate chain conveyor
板式换热器/Plate heat exchanger
板式塔/Plate tower
钣金设备/Sheet metal equipment
办公家具/office furniture
办公设备/office equipment
半导体激光打标机/Semiconductor laser marking machine
半导体设备/Semiconductor equipment
半球摄像机/Dome camera
半自动车床/Semi-automatic lathe
半自动灌装机/Semi - automatic filling machine
邦定机/Bonding machine
棒磨机/Rod mill
包边机/Wrapping machine
包覆机/Covering machine
包装机/Packing Machine
包装机械/Packaging Machinery
包装机械设备/Packaging machinery and equipment
包装设备/Packaging equipment
包子机/Buns machine
煲仔饭机/Claypot machine
保洁车/Cleaning car
保温车/Insulation car
保温风机/Insulation fan
保温砂浆设备/Insulation mortar equipment
报废汽车/Scrapped cars
抱砖机/Hold the brick machine
爆米花机/popcorn machine
北京水处理/Beijing water treatment
北京自动门/Beijing automatic doors
泵管厂/Pumping plant
闭式冷却塔/Closed cooling tower
壁灯/wall lamp
变频供水设备/Frequency conversion water supply equipment
变频器/Frequency converter
变位机/Positioning machine
变压器防盗锁/Transformer anti - theft lock
变压器设备/Transformer equipment
便携式轴重仪/Portable axle loader
标牌机/Signing machine
表箱锁/Table box lock
冰激淋机/Ice cream machine
冰激凌机/Ice cream machine
冰淇淋机/ice cream machine
冰水机/Ice water machine
波峰焊回流焊等电子设备/Wave soldering reflow and other electronic equipment
波纹管补偿器/Bellows compensator
玻化微珠/Glass beads
玻璃打砂机/Glass sanding machine
玻璃倒角机/Glass chamfering machine
玻璃钢管/Glass pipe
玻璃钢管道/Fiberglass pipe
玻璃钢罐/Glass steel cans
玻璃钢冷却塔/FRP cooling towers
玻璃机器/Glass machine
玻璃机械/Glass machinery
玻璃夹胶炉/Glass clamp furnace
玻璃冷凝器/Glass condenser
玻璃磨边机/Glass edging machine
玻璃清洗机/Glass cleaning machine
玻璃水设备/Glass water equipment
玻璃水生产设备/Glass water production equipment
玻璃纤维网格布/Glass fiber mesh
玻璃制品/Glass product
玻纤纤维剑杆机/Glass fiber rapier
剥皮机/Peeling machine
补水阀/Water valve
补胎机/Tire repair machine
不干胶模切机/Self-adhesive die-cutting machine
不锈钢电解抛光/Stainless steel electrolytic polishing
不锈钢电解抛光设备/Stainless steel electrolytic polishing equipment
不锈钢阀门/Stainless steel valves
不锈钢反应釜/Stainless steel reactor
不锈钢管件/Stainless steel pipe fittings
不锈钢机械加工/Stainless steel machining
不锈钢链板/Stainless steel chain plate
不锈钢抛光/Stainless steel polished
不锈钢切管机/Stainless steel pipe cutting machine
不锈钢酸洗钝化工艺/Stainless steel pickling passivation process
不用托板砖机/Do not have a pallet machine
擦鞋机/Shoe shine machine
财务装订机/Financial binding machine
裁断机/Cutting machine
采金船/Gold mining boat
采棉机/Picking machine
采暖炉/Heating furnace
彩钢板设备/Color plate equipment
彩钢设备/Color steel equipment
彩钢瓦机/Color steel tile machine
彩瓦机/Color tile machine
餐巾纸机/Napkin machine
餐巾纸机器/Napkin machine
餐具包装机/Tableware packaging machine
仓储设备/Warehousing equipment
草帘机/Grass curtain machine
草坪机/Lawn machine
测试仪器/test instrument
测试治具/Test fixture
测振仪/Vibration meter
插头模/Plug mold
插秧机/rice transplanter
茶叶包装机/Tea packing machine
拆装机/Disassembly machine
柴油发电机/Diesel generators
柴油发电机组/Diesel generator sets
柴油机/diesel engine
柴油机水泵/Diesel pump
柴油滤清器/Diesel filter
缠绕包装机/Wrapping machine
缠绕管/Winding tube
缠绕膜包装机/Stretch film packing machine
铲车秤/Forklift scale
肠粉机/Intestinal powder machine
超纯水机/Ultra pure water machine
超纯水设备/Ultra - pure water equipment
超低温技术/Ultra - low temperature technology
超低温制冷/Ultra-low temperature refrigeration
超级木工车床/Super Woodworking Lathes
超滤机/Ultrafiltration machine
超滤膜/Ultrafiltration membrane
超滤设备/Ultrafiltration equipment
超声波点焊机/Ultrasonic spot welding machine
超声波发生器/Ultrasonic generator
超声波焊接机/Ultrasonic welding machine
超声波加湿器/Ultrasonic humidifier
超声波清洗机/Ultrasonic cleaning machine
超声波清洗设备/Ultrasonic cleaning equipment
超声波设备/Ultrasonic equipment
超声波水表/Ultrasonic water meter
超声波塑料焊接机/Ultrasonic plastic welding machine
超声波细胞粉碎机/Ultrasonic cell grinder
超声波振动筛/Ultrasonic vibrating screen
超声冲击/Ultrasonic shock
超市设备/Supermarket equipment
超微粉碎机/Ultrafine grinder
超细磨粉机/Ultra - fine milling machine
炒冰机/Fried ice machine
炒瓜子机/Fried melon machine
炒货机/Roasting machine
车床工具/Lathe tools
车床加工/Lathe processing
车顶箱/Roof box
车辆检测器/Vehicle detectors
车牌识别/License Plate Recognition
车牌识别摄像机/License plate recognition camera
车用尿素设备/Vehicle urea equipment
车用尿素生产设备/Vehicle urea production equipment
车载钻机/Vehicle rig
成型机/Forming Machine
成型设备/Forming equipment
程序锁/Program lock
齿辊破碎机/Roller crusher
齿轮泵/Gear pump
齿轮测量中心/Gear measuring center
齿轮加工/Gear processing
齿轮加工机床/Gear machining machine
齿轮减速机/Gear reducer
赤铁矿选矿/Hematite beneficiation
冲击夯/Impact ram
冲击破/Impact broken
冲击式破碎机/Impact crusher
冲击压路机/Impact roller
冲击钻机/Impact rig
冲孔机/Punching machine
冲孔设备/Punching equipment
冲孔网/Punching net
冲压机/Punching machine
冲压模具/Stamping die
冲压设备/Stamping equipment
充电宝/power Bank
充电宝摄像机/Charger treasure camera
宠物食品设备/Pet food equipment
抽油机/Pumping unit
抽油烟机/Range hood
臭氧发生器/Ozone generator
臭氧设备/Ozone equipment
臭氧消毒/Ozone disinfection
除尘机/Dust removal machine
除尘配件/Dust removal accessories
除尘器脉冲控制仪/Dust collector pulse controller
除尘设备/Dust removal equipment
除盐水设备/Separate salt water equipment
厨房设备/kitchen equipment
厨房设备维修/Kitchen equipment maintenance
厨房自动灭火设备/Kitchen automatic fire extinguishing equipment
畜牧风机/Livestock fan
触摸屏/touch screen
触摸屏贴合机/Touch screen laminating machine
传动设备/Transmission equipment
传动轴/transmission shaft
传输设备/Transmission equipment
传真机/fax machine
传质设备/Mass transfer equipment
船舶电子电气/Ship electrical and electronic
船舶辅机/Ship auxiliary
船舶设备/Ship equipment
船用变压器/Marine Transformers
船用柴油机/Marine diesel engine
床身式数控铣床/Bed type CNC milling machine
吹干机/Drying machine
吹膜机/Blowing Machine
吹瓶机/Blow Molding Machine
吹塑机/Blow molding machine
炊具机械/Cooking machinery
炊事机械/Cooking machinery
垂直提升机/Vertical hoist
锤式破碎机/Hammer crusher
纯净水处理设备/Pure water treatment equipment
纯净水设备/Pure water equipment
纯水机/Pure water machine
纯水设备/Pure water equipment
纯吸扫路车/Pure suction road vehicles
醇基燃料锅炉/Alcohol-based fuel boilers
磁粉离合器/Magnetic clutch
磁粉探伤机/Magnetic particle testing machine
磁粉制动器/Magnetic brake
磁力泵/Magnetic pump
磁力吊/Magnetic hanging
磁力反应釜/Magnetic reactor
磁力搅拌高压反应釜/Magnetic stirrer high pressure reactor
磁选机/Magnetic separator
磁选机厂家/Magnetic separator manufacturers
磁选设备/Magnetic separation equipment
磁窑挖掘机/Magnetic kiln excavator
磁座钻/Magnetic drill
粗糙度仪/Roughness Tester
萃取设备/Extraction equipment
萃取塔/Extraction tower
淬火机床/Quenching machine
存包柜/Storage cabinet
搓丝机/Threading machine
搓牙机/Roll machine
打包带机械/Packed with machinery
打包带设备/Packed with equipment
打标机/Marking Machine
打钉机/Nailing machine
打粉机/Powdering machine
打胶机/Glue machine
打井机/Drilling machine
打码机/Coding machine
打毛机/Hair machine
打圈焊接一体机/Circle welding one machine
打圈机/Circle machine
打砂机/Playing sand machine
打头机/Head machine
打桩机/Pile driver
大豆榨油机/Soybean oil press
大方机械/Generous machinery
大方集团/Generous group
大金中央空调/Daikin central air conditioning
大拉皮机/Large leather machine
大米机/Rice machine
大棚支架机/Shed support machine
大水磨/Big water mill
大蒜收获机械/Garlic harvesting machinery
大拖拉机/Large tractor
大型低温液体贮槽/Large cryogenic liquid storage tank
大型机械设备/Large machinery and equipment
大型破碎机/Large crusher
大型水洗机/Large washing machine
大型撕碎机/Large shredder
大型游乐设备/Large amusement equipment
大型玉米脱粒机/Large corn thresher
带锯/Band saw
带锯机/Band saw machine
带锯切纸机/Band sawing machine
带锯条/Band saw blade
带式干燥机/Belt dryer
带式输送机/Belt conveyor
带式压滤机/Belt filter press
单饼机/Single cake machine
单点黄油自动加脂器/Single point butter automatic greaseer
单点润滑器/Single point lubricator
单点数码润滑器/Single point digital lubricator
单级双吸离心泵/Single stage double suction centrifugal pump
单绞机/Single twist machine
单针绗缝机/Single needle quilting machine
单柱液压机/Single column hydraulic press
弹花机/Playing machine
弹花机设备/Playing machine equipment
弹簧机/Spring machine
弹簧式安全阀/Spring type safety valve
弹簧圆锥机/Spring cone machine
弹簧支吊架/Spring hanger
刀削面机/Cut the face machine
刀削面机器人/Cut the face of the robot
导轨防护罩/Guide guard
导轨平台/Rail platform
导热油泵/Heat pump
导热油锅炉/Heat conduction oil boiler
导热油加热器/Heat conduction oil heater
导热油炉/Conducting oil furnace
捣固机/Tamping machine
道路清障车/Road wrecker
德国电梯/German elevator
灯光设备/Lighting equipment
登车桥/Boarding bridge
等离子表面处理/Plasma surface treatment
等离子表面处理机/Plasma surface treatment machine
等离子粉末堆焊机/Plasma powder surfacing machine
等离子切割机/Plasma cutting machine
低温萃取油/Low temperature extraction oil
低温冷冻机/Low temperature freezer
低温真空泵/Low temperature vacuum pump
低压电器/Low voltage electrical appliances
低压铸造/Low pressure casting
地板采暖/Floor heating
地磅秤/To scale
地瓜机/Sweet potatoes
地基打桩机/Foundation pile driver
地脚螺栓/Anchor bolts
地爬车/To crawl
地坪机械/Floor machinery
地坪研磨机/Floor grinder
地毯清洗机/Carpet cleaning machine
地下穿孔机/Underground piercing machine
地源热泵井/Ground source heat pump well
地源热泵空调/Ground source heat pump air conditioning
递进式润滑设备/Progressive lubrication equipment
点焊机/Spot welding
点胶设备/Dispensing equipment
电饼铛/Electric baking pan
电波钟/Radio clock
电池设备/Battery equipment
电吹风/hair dryer
电磁阀/The electromagnetic valve
电磁流量计/Electromagnetic Flowmeter
电磁炉/Induction Cooker
电磁式振动台/Electromagnetic vibration table
电磁吸盘/Electromagnetic sucker
电动扳手/Electric wrench
电动餐车/Electric dining car
电动叉车/Electric forklift
电动车/Electric car
电动车行业交流/Electric car industry exchange
电动单梁起重机/Electric single girder crane
电动缸/Electric cylinder
电动隔膜泵/Electric diaphragm pump
电动工具/electrical tools
电动葫芦/Electric hoist
电动环卫车/Electric sanitation car
电动卷扬机/Electric winch
电动冷藏车/Electric refrigerated trucks
电动螺丝刀/electric screw driver
电动螺旋压力机/Electric screw presses
电动喷雾器/Electric sprayer
电动千斤顶/Electric jack
电动伸缩门/Electric retractable door
电动升降平台/Electric lift platform
电动石磨/Electric stone mill
电动四轮车/Electric four-wheeler
电动推杆/electric putter
电动洗地机/Electric scrubber
电镀电源/Electroplating power supply
电镀设备/Electroplating equipment
电镀污水处理/Electroplating wastewater treatment
电工设备/Electrical equipment
电工仪器仪表/Electrical instrumentation
电锅炉/Electric boiler
电焊机/Welding machine
电弧炉/Electric arc furnace
电化学单点自动注油器/Electrochemical single point automatic oiler
电化学自动加脂器/Electrochemical automatic fater
电化学自动注脂器/Electrochemical automatic greaseer
电火花机/EDM machine
电机车/Electric locomotive
电机设备/Motor equipment
电机自动化/Motor automation
电加热管/Electric heating tube
电加热搅拌罐/Electric heating agitator
电加热器/Electric heaters
电解槽/Electrolytic cell
电解抛光/Electrolytic polishing
电解抛光设备/Electrolytic polishing equipment
电开水器/Electric boilers
电缆设备/Cable equipment
电力表箱锁/Power meter box lock
电力机车/Electric locomotive
电炉/Electric furnace
电炉变压器/Electric furnace transformer
电路板回收设备/Circuit board recycling equipment
电脑弹簧机/Computer spring machine
电脑雕刻机/Computer engraving machine
电脑绗缝机/Computer quilting machine
电脑刷车机/Computer brush machine
电脑绣花机/Computer embroidery machine
电气成套设备/Electrical equipment
电气柜空调/Electrical cabinet air conditioning
电气设备/Electrical Equipment
电器设备/electrical equipment
电热板/Heating plate
电热管设备/Electric tube equipment
电刷镀/Brush plating
电线电缆检测设备/Wire and cable testing equipment
电液推杆/Electro-hydraulic putter
电泳设备/Electrophoresis equipment
电主轴/Electric spindle
电子测量仪器/Electronic measuring instruments
电子产品/electronic product
电子产品制造设备/Electronic products manufacturing equipment
电子存包柜/Electronic storage cabinet
电子拉力机/Electronic Rally Machine
电子拉力试验机/Electronic tensile testing machine
电子汽车衡/Electronic truck scale
电子散热器/Electronic radiator
电子设备/Electronic equipment
电子巡更/Electronic patrol
电子镇流器/Electronic ballast
电子自动化设备/Electronic automation equipment
电阻焊机/Resistance welding machine
电钻/Electric drill
垫片切割机/Gasket cutting machine
淀粉设备/Starch equipment
雕刻机/Engraving machine
雕刻机大全/Engraving machine Daquan
雕刻机多少钱一台/Engraving machine how much money one
雕铣机/Engraving and milling machine
吊运机/Lifting machine
吊装机械/Hoisting machinery
蝶阀/Butterfly valve
丁基胶涂布机/Butyl rubber coating machine
鼎犇负压风机/Ding Ben negative pressure fan
钉角机/Nailing machine
定硫仪/Fixed sulfur instrument
定型机/Stereotypes machine
定制家具/customized furniture
动力机械/Power Machinery
动平衡机/Balancing machine
动物油设备/Animal oil equipment
斗式提升机/Bucket elevator
豆腐坊/Tofu Square
豆腐机/Tofu machine
豆腐皮机/Tofu skin machine
豆浆设备/Soy milk equipment
豆丝机/Beans machine
豆芽机/Bean sprouts machine
豆制品机械/Bean products machinery
豆制品加工设备/Bean processing equipment
豆制品设备/Equipment for soy products
镀膜机/Coating machine
端面铣床/Face milling machine
锻钎机/Forging machine
锻压机/Forging machine
锻压机床/Forging machine
锻压机械/Forging machinery
锻压设备/Forging equipment
堆焊耐磨/Surfacing wear
对辊破碎机/Roller crusher
对焊机/Butt welding machine
对讲机/Walkie - talkie
多点润滑器/Multi-point lubricator
多点自动注油器/Multi-point automatic oiler
多功能保洁车/Multi-function cleaning car
多功能剪切机/Multi-function shearing machine
多功能洗地机/Multi-function scrubber
多功能钻机/Multi-function rig
多级泵/Multi-stage pump
多级离心泵/Multi-stage centrifugal pump
多乐信除湿机/Duoxinxin dehumidifier
多吸头排污泵/Multi - suction head sewage pump
多线切割/Multi-line cutting
多仪阀门/Multi-instrument valve
多轴钻床/Multi-axis drilling machine
鹅卵石制砂机/Pebble sand making machine
鄂式破碎机/Jaw crusher
颚破机/Jaw crusher
二保焊/Two welding
二通插装阀/Two-way cartridge valve
二氧化硫试验箱/Sulfur dioxide test chamber
二氧化氯发生器/Chlorine dioxide generator
二氧化碳保护焊机/Carbon dioxide protection welding machine
发电厂/power plant
发电电焊一体机_电焊机带发电机/Power generation welding machine _ welding machine with generator
发电机组/Generator set
发电机组厂家/Generator manufacturers
发动机燃烧室/Engine combustor
发酵设备/Fermentation equipment
发卡机/Card issuer
阀门厂/Valve factory
阀门电装/Valve Denso
阀门品牌/Valve brand
法兰机/Flange machine
翻斗车/Dump truck
反击锤式破碎机/Counter hammer crusher
反击破/Fight back
反击破碎机/Counterattack crusher
反击式破碎机/Impact Crusher
反渗透纯水设备/Reverse osmosis water equipment
反渗透膜/Reverse osmosis membrane
反渗透设备/Reverse osmosis equipment
反渗透水处理设备/Reverse osmosis water treatment equipment
方向机/Direction machine
防爆/Explosion protection
防爆电动叉车/Explosion - proof electric forklift
防爆风机/Explosion - proof fan
防尘试验箱/Dust test chamber
防尘罩/Dust cover
防盗报警系统/Anti - theft alarm system
防冻液设备/Antifreeze equipment
防腐工程/Anti - corrosion works
防腐设备/Anti - corrosion equipment
防护罩/protecting mask
防雷器/Lightning protection device
防汛打桩机/Flooding piling machine
仿生机器人/Bionic robots
仿形机/Copy machine
纺纱机/Spinning machine
纺织彩印机/Textile color printing machine
纺织机械/Textile machinery
非标自动化设备/Non - standard automation equipment
非晶合金变压器/Amorphous alloy transformer
废机油炼油设备/Waste oil refining equipment
废机油设备/Waste oil equipment
废旧轮胎炼油设备/Waste tire refinery equipment
废轮胎炼油设备/Waste tire refinery equipment
废气处理/Exhaust gas treatment
废气处理设备/Exhaust gas treatment equipment
废水处理/Wastewater treatment
废塑料炼油设备/Waste plastic refinery equipment
废铁剪切机/Scrap iron cutting machine
废铁破碎机/Scrap iron crusher
废纸打包机/Waste paper baler
沸腾干燥机/Boiling drier
沸腾炉/Boiling furnace
分级机/Grading machine
分离设备/Separate equipment
分析仪器/Analytical Instruments
分页机/Paging machine
分子筛/Molecular sieves
粉干机/Drying machine
粉煤灰烘干机/Fly ash dryer
粉磨机/Grinding machine
粉末堆焊机/Powder welding machine
粉皮机/Fenpi machine
粉皮机器/Fenpi machine
粉墙机/Powder wall machine
粉丝机/Fan machine
粉碎机械/Crushing machinery
粉碎设备/Crushing equipment
粉碎式割台/Pulverized cutting table
粉条机/Vermicelli machine
风铲/Wind shovel
风镐/Picks up
风机厂/Fan factory
风机盘管/Fan coil
风机设备/Fan equipment
风机水帘/Fan curtain
风冷冷水机/Air-cooled chiller
风冷模块/Air cooling module
风冷却器/Air cooler
风力发电/wind power
风力发电机/Wind Turbines
风力发电机组/Wind Turbine
风淋室厂家/Air shower manufacturers
风幕机/Air Curtain
风炮/Wind gun
风批/Wind approved
封边机/Banding Machine
封箱机/Sealing machine
蜂窝煤机/Honeycomb machine
缝纫设备/Sewing equipment
缝制设备/Sewing equipment
佛珠机/Buddha beads machine
孵化机/Hatching machine
孵化设备/Incubation equipment
服装打样机/Clothing proofing machine
服装机械/Clothing machinery
服装设备/Clothing equipment
服装印花/Clothing printing
浮吊/Floating crane
浮选机/Flotation machine
浮选机设备/Flotation machine equipment
腐蚀机/Corrosion machine
负压风机/Negative pressure fan
复合肥料设备/Compound fertilizer equipment
复合机/Complex machine
复合破碎机/Composite crusher
复合式破碎机/Composite crusher
复混肥设备/Compound fertilizer equipment
复频筛/Compound screen
复印纸/Copy Paper
覆膜机/Laminating machine
改性沥青设备/Modified asphalt equipment
改装灯/Modified lights
改装汽车/Modified car
感应加热/Induction heating
感应加热器/Induction heater
感应加热设备/Induction heating equipment
感应炉/Induction furnace
干豆腐机/Dry tofu machine
干式磁选机/Dry magnetic separator
干鞋器/Dry shoes
干燥车/Dry car
干燥机械/Drying machinery
干燥炉/Drying furnace
干燥设备/Drying equipment
干燥箱/Drying oven
钢厂洗轮机/Steel wheel washing machine
钢轨探伤车/Steel track car
钢化炉/Steel furnace
钢筋加工/Reinforcement processing
钢筋加工机械/Reinforcement processing machinery
钢筋加工设备/Reinforcement processing equipment
钢筋设备/Steel equipment
钢筋调直机/Steel straightening machine
钢筋弯箍机/Steel bending hoop machine
钢卷尺/Steel tape
钢球设备/Steel ball equipment
钢丝绳/Wire rope
港口设备/Port equipment
港口洗轮机/Port washing machine
高低温冲击试验机/High and low temperature impact testing machine
高低温交变湿热试验箱/High and low temperature alternating hot and humid chamber
高低温交变试验机/High and low temperature alternating test machine
高低温交变试验箱/High and low temperature alternating test chamber
高低温湿热试验箱/High and low temperature hot and humid chamber
高低温试验箱/High and low temperature test chamber
高低压吹膜机/High and low pressure blown film machine
高端商用制冷设备/High-end commercial refrigeration equipment
高尔夫球车/Golf carts
高尔夫设备/Golf equipment
高空作业车/Aerial work car
高空作业平台/Aerial work platform
高能激光/High energy laser
高浓度泵/High concentration pump
高频淬火/High frequency quenching
高频淬火设备/High frequency quenching equipment
高频感应加热/High frequency induction heating
高频感应加热设备/High frequency induction heating equipment
高频焊机/High frequency welding machine
高频焊接/High frequency welding
高频焊接机/High frequency welding machine
高频红外碳硫分析仪/High frequency infrared carbon and sulfur analyzer
高频机/High frequency machine
高频加热机/High frequency heating machine
高频加热设备/High frequency heating equipment
高频炉/High frequency furnace
高频筛/High frequency screen
高频退火机/High frequency annealing machine
高强磁选设备/High-strength magnetic separation equipment
高清摄像机/HD camcorder
高速分散机/High speed disperser
高速卷帘门/High speed shutter doors
高梯度磁选机/High gradient magnetic separator
高温沸腾炉/High temperature boiling furnace
高温炉/High temperature furnace
高温马达/High temperature motor
高温灭菌锅/High temperature sterilization pot
高温试验箱/High temperature chamber
高效电机/Efficient motor
高压超细磨粉机/High - pressure ultra - fine milling machine
高压电力设备/High voltage power equipment
高压反应釜/High pressure reactor
高压风机/High pressure air blower
高压辊磨机/High pressure roller mill
高压均质机/High pressure homogenizer
高压清洗机/High pressure cleaner
高压球阀/High pressure ball valve
高压水枪/High pressure water gun
高压水清洗/High pressure water cleaning
高压往复泵/High pressure reciprocating pump
高压无气喷涂机/High pressure airless sprayer
割草船/Mowing boat
割草机/Lawn mower
阁楼伸缩楼梯/Attic stretching staircase
格栅灯/Grille lights
隔膜泵/Diaphragm pump
给料机/feeding machine
亘德扫地机/Tengde sweeping machine
工厂设备/factory equipment
工程车/Engineering vehicles
工程车辆洗轮机/Engineering vehicle washing wheel
工程灯/Engineering lights
工程灯具/Engineering fixtures
工程机/Engineering machine
工程机械/Engineering machinery
工程机械配件/Construction machinery parts
工程拖链/Engineering towline
工程洗轮机/Engineering washing machine
工程钻机/Engineering rig
工地喷雾机/Site sprayer
工地洗车槽/Site wash car
工地洗车机/Site washing machine
工地洗车设备/Site car washing equipment
工地洗车台/Site washing station
工地洗轮机/Site washing machine
工地自动洗车机/Site automatic washing machine
工控机/Industrial computer
工控设备/Industrial equipment
工控系统/Industrial control system
工控主板/Industrial motherboard
工业超声波清洗机/Industrial ultrasonic cleaning machine
工业除尘器/Industrial dust collector
工业电炉/Industrial furnaces
工业动力工具/Industrial power tools
工业反渗透设备/Industrial reverse osmosis equipment
工业风扇/Industrial fan
工业缝纫机/Industrial sewing machine
工业锅炉/Industrial boilers
工业烘干机/Industrial dryer
工业机器人/Industrial robot
工业机器人技术/Industrial Robotics
工业加湿机/Industrial humidifier
工业监测设备/Industrial monitoring equipment
工业键盘/Industrial keyboard
工业镜头/Industrial lens
工业烤箱/Industrial oven
工业冷水机/Industrial chillers
工业炉/Industrial furnaces
工业炉窑/Industrial furnaces
工业平板电脑/Industrial Tablet PC
工业设备/Industrial Equipment
工业水洗机/Industrial washing machine
工业污水处理/Industrial wastewater treatment
工业吸尘器/Industrial vacuum cleaner
工业洗衣机/Industrial washing machine
工业窑炉/Industrial furnaces
工业油烟净化器/Industrial fume purifier
工业制冷机/Industrial chillers
工字钢弯拱机/I-beam bending machine
公路试验仪器/Highway test equipment
攻丝机/Tapping machine
攻丝扭矩机/Tapping torque machine
供电系统/power supply system
供暖设备/Heating equipment
供水设备/Water supply equipment
勾机/Hook machine
狗粮设备/Dog food equipment
鼓风干燥箱/Blast oven
鼓式削片机/Drum chipper
固定升降机/Fixed lift
固定式登车桥/Fixed bridge
固定式升降货梯/Fixed lift ladder
固定式升降机/Fixed lift
固化设备/Curing equipment
固特机械/Gute Machinery
固液分离机/Solid - liquid separator
刮板输送机/Scraper conveyor
挂面机/Noodle machine
管道检测设备/Pipe inspection equipment
管式反应器/Tubular reactor
管线机/Pipeline machine
灌缝机/Filling machine
灌浆泵/Grouting pump
灌胶机/Filling machine
灌装机/Filling machine
灌装机械/Filling machinery
光触媒除甲醛/Photocatalyst in addition to formaldehyde
光伏产品/Solar Products
光伏设备/Photovoltaic equipment
光固机/Light curing machine
光纤打标机/Fiber marking machine
光纤激光打标机/Fiber laser marking machine
光纤激光器/Fiber lasers
光学镜片/Optical lenses
光学仪器/Optical Instruments
广告雕刻机/Advertising engraving machine
轨道灯/Track Lighting
轨道火车/Rail train
轨道小火车/Track train
桂林米粉机/Guilin rice noodle machine
辊式破碎机/Roller crusher
辊筒线输送机/Roller conveyor
滚齿机/Hobbing machine
滚焊机/Roll welder
滚丝机/Rolling machine
滚筒电机/Roller motor
滚筒筛/Drum sieve
滚筒筛沙机/Drum screening machine
滚筒输送机/Roller conveyor
滚筒洗轮机/Roller Washing Machine
滚轴洗轮机/Roller Washing Machine
锅炉安装/Boiler installation
锅炉泵/Boiler pump
锅炉辅机/Boiler auxiliary machine
锅炉软化水设备/Boiler softened water equipment
锅炉设备/Boiler equipment
国产数控/Domestic CNC
国丰机械/Guofeng Machinery
果蔬清洗加工设备/Fruit and vegetable cleaning processing equipment
裹包机/Wrapping machine
过胶机/A plastic machine
过梁机/Beam machine
过滤筛/Filter screen
过滤设备/Filter equipment
过滤式除尘器/Filter type dust collector
过载保护器/Overload protector
海水淡化设备/Desalination equipment
汗蒸设备/Khan steam equipment
焊割机/Welding machine
焊接工装夹具/Welding fixture
焊接设备/Welding equipment
焊丝设备/Welding equipment
焊条机/Welding machine
焊锡机/Soldering machine
行车记录仪/Driving recorder
行星式切管机/Planetary pipe cutting machine
行星式球磨机/Planetary ball mill
绗缝机/Quilting machine
合肥地暖/Hefei to warm
合金刀轮/Alloy knife wheel
合金分析仪/Alloy analyzer
合力叉车/Together forklift
和面机/And machine
河北农机/Hebei agricultural machinery
河道清淤/River dredging
河粉机/River powder machine
河南收割机/Henan harvesters
河南太阳能热水工程/Henan solar hot water project
核桃清洗机/Walnut cleaning machine
恒温恒湿机/Constant temperature and humidity machine
恒温恒湿机组/Constant temperature and humidity units
恒温恒湿试验室/Constant temperature and humidity test room
恒温恒湿试验箱/Constant temperature and humidity test chamber
恒温摇床/Constant temperature shaker
恒温泳池设备/Constant temperature swimming pool equipment
珩磨机/Honing machine
横机/Flat knitting machine
烘焙机/Baking machine
烘房/Drying room
烘干机设备/Dryer equipment
烘干炉/Drying furnace
烘干设备/Drying equipment
红豆饼机/Red bean cake machine
红薯淀粉机/Sweet potato starch machine
红薯粉条机/Sweet potato vermicelli machine
红外测温仪/Infrared Thermometer
红外水分测定仪仪/Infrared moisture analyzer
后帮机/After the help machine
呼叫系统/Call system
护栏打桩机/Fence piling machine
护坡砖机/Slope protection brick machine
护眼台灯/Eye lamp
花生糖机械/Peanut sugar machinery
花生榨油机/Peanut oil press
划线机/Scribing machine
划线平台/Crossed platform
滑板冲浪设备/Skateboarding equipment
滑触线/Trolley line
化肥设备/Fertilizer equipment
化肥造粒机/Fertilizer granulator
化工泵/Chemical pump
化工机械/Chemical machinery
化工设备/Chemical Equipment
化纤机械/Chemical fiber machinery
化学实验室/chemistry lab
化学仪器/Chemical instruments
化验设备/Laboratory equipment
化验仪器/Laboratory equipment
画舫船/Boat boat
环保工程设备/Environmental protection engineering equipment
环保设备/Green facilities
环境检测仪器/Environmental testing equipment
环境试验设备/Environmental testing equipment
环境试验箱/Environmental test chamber
环境试验仪器/Environmental testing equipment
环境箱/Environment box
环链电动葫芦/Electric chain hoist
环链葫芦/Chain hoist
环卫机械/Sanitation machinery
环形导轨/Ring guide
换画灯箱/Change the light box
换气式老化试验箱/Ventilation aging test chamber
换热机组/Heat exchanger unit
换热器/Heat Exchanger
换热设备/Heat transfer equipment
黄金探测器/Gold detector
黄油枪加油机/Grease gun refueling machine
灰钙机/Ash calcium machine
回火炉/Back to the stove
回转窑/Rotary kiln
回转支承/Slewing ring
混合动力节能冷却塔/Hybrid energy saving cooling tower
混合机厂家/Mixer manufacturers
混合机设备/Mixer equipment
混合设备/Mixing equipment
混流泵/Mixed flow pump
混泥土搅拌车/Mixed soil mixers
混凝土泵/Concrete pump
混凝土泵车/Concrete pump truck
混凝土垫块机/Concrete pad machine
混凝土机械/Concrete machinery
混凝土搅拌车/Concrete mixer truck
混凝土搅拌罐车/Concrete mixing tanker
混凝土搅拌机/Concrete mixer
混凝土搅拌设备/Concrete mixing equipment
混凝土搅拌运输车/Concrete mixer truck
混凝土搅拌站厂家/Concrete mixing plant manufacturers
混凝土喷射机/Concrete jet
混凝土设备/Concrete equipment
混凝土输送泵/Concrete pump
混凝土振动棒/Concrete vibrating bar
活动脚手架/Active scaffolding
火锅专用电磁炉/Hot pot for induction cooker
火花塞/Spark plug
火箭发动机/Rocket engine
火焰切割机/Flame cutting machine
火灾探测器/Fire detectors
火灾自动报警系统/Automatic fire alarm system
货梯/Cargo ladder
机床/machine tool
机床防护罩/Machine guard
机床夹具/Machine fixture
机床排屑机/Machine chip conveyor
机床排屑机机床排屑器/Machine chip conveyor machine chip conveyor
机床配件/Machine accessories
机床设备/Machine equipment
机电设备/Electrical Equipment
机电制造/Electromechanical manufacturing
机房空调/Room air conditioning
机器人刀削面机/Robot knives
机械产品/Machinery Products
机械车库/Mechanical garage
机械动画/Mechanical animation
机械工具/Mechanical tools
机械行业/Machinery Industry
机械零件/Mechanical Parts
机械潜水表/Mechanical diving watch
机械式立体车库/Mechanical three-dimensional garage
机械式停车设备/Mechanical parking equipment
机械手臂/Mechanical arm
机械塑料吹膜机/Mechanical plastic blown film machine
机械锁/mechanical lock
机械制浆设备/Mechanical pulping equipment
机械自动化/Machinery Automation
机液一体式强夯机/Mechanical fluid integrated tamping machine
机油滤清器/Oil filter
机制木炭机/Mechanism charcoal machine
机制木炭设备/Mechanism charcoal equipment
基坑式洗轮机/Foundation Pit Washing Machine
激光打标/Laser Marking
激光打标机/laser marking machine
激光打标加工/Laser marking processing
激光刀模/Laser knife mold
激光雕刻机/laser cutting machine
激光雕刻切割机/Laser engraving cutting machine
激光管/Laser tube
激光焊机/Laser welding machine
激光焊接机/Laser welding machine
激光加工/Laser processing
激光粒度仪/Laser particle size analyzer
激光喷码机/Laser inkjet printer
激光平地机/Laser grader
激光切割机/laser cutter
激光切割机推荐/Laser cutting machine recommended
激光切割技术/Laser cutting technology
激光切割加工/Laser cutting
激光切割设备/Laser cutting equipment
激光设备/Laser equipment
激光手电/Laser flashlight
激光条幅机/Laser banners
集尘系统/Dust collection system
集成吊顶液压机/Integrated ceiling hydraulic press
集成水槽/Integrated sink
挤出设备/Extrusion equipment
挤压丝锥/Squeeze taps
计量泵/Metering pumps
计算机控制试压泵/Computer controlled pressure test pump
济南led显示屏/Jinan led display
济南恒安特仪表/Jinan Heng special instrument
济南轮椅/Jinan wheelchair
加工设备/Processing Equipment
加工中心/Machining Center
加气混凝土/Aerated concrete
加气混凝土砌块设备/Aerated concrete block equipment
加气混凝土设备/Aerated concrete equipment
加气机/Filling machine
加气块设备/Aerated block equipment
加气站/Gas station
加气站设备/Filling station equipment
加气砖设备/Aerated brick equipment
加热管/Heating pipe
加热炉/Heating furnace
加香机/Fragrance machine
家电清洗设备/Appliance cleaning equipment
家具设备/Furniture equipment
家具生产线/Furniture production line
家庭防盗报警/Home burglar alarm
家用纯水机/Household water machine
家用锅炉/Household boilers
家用汗蒸房/Home Khan steam room
家用花生榨油机/Home peanut oil press
家用换热器/Household heat exchanger
家用馒头机/Household bread machine
家用面条机/Home pasta machine
家用燃气报警器/Household gas alarm
家用水泵/Household water pump
家用小型太阳能发电/Household small solar power generation
家用医疗器械/Household medical equipment
家用制氧机/Household oxygen machine
夹胶玻璃设备/Laminated glass equipment
夹胶炉/Sandwich furnace
钾长石选矿设备/Potash feldspar beneficiation equipment
架桥机/Bridge machine
监控设备/Monitoring equipment
捡拾打捆机/Pick up balers
检测设备/Testing Equipment
检测仪器/Testing equipment
检验筛/Inspection sieve
减速马达/Deceleration motor
减压阀/Pressure reducing valve
剪板机/Cutting plate machine
剪板机折弯机/Shearing machine bending machine
剪切机/Cutting machine
剪线机/Thread cutting machine
建材机械/Building materials machinery
建筑工地洗轮机/Construction site washing wheel
建筑机械/Construction machinery
健身器材/Fitness Equipment
江苏洗车台/Jiangsu washing station
江苏液压/Jiangsu hydraulic
胶带机/Tape machine
胶辊/glue roll
胶体磨/Colloid mill
胶印机/Offset presses
胶装机/Glue installed machine
角磨机/Angle Grinder
饺子机/Dumpling machine
饺子皮机/Dumpling skin machine
绞肉机/Meat grinder
搅拌拖泵/Mix the towing pump
搅拌站/Mixing station
酵母烘干机/Yeast Dryer
接经机/Take the machine
接木机/Pick wood machine
秸秆板/Straw board
秸秆打捆机/Straw baler
秸秆颗粒机/Straw pellet machine
秸秆压块机/Straw briquetting machine
节电设备/Energy saving equipment
节能风机/Energy saving fan
节能空压机/Energy - saving air compressor
节能炉/Energy saving furnace
节能设备/Energy - saving equipment
节油器/Fuel economy
洁净工作台/Clean bench
截止阀/Shut-off valve
解冻设备/Thawing equipment
金刚石锯片/Diamond saw blade
金刚石砂轮/Diamond wheel
金矿选矿设备/Gold ore dressing equipment
金属表面处理/Metal surface treatment
金属槽筒/Metal tube
金属打包机/Metal baler
金属分离器/Metal separator
金属剪切机/Metal shearing machine
金属镜面加工设备/Metal mirror processing equipment
金属破碎机/Metal crusher
金属切割机/Metal cutting machine
金属热处理/Metal heat treatment
金属屑饼机/Metal crumb machine
金属圆锯机/Metal circular saw machine
金属转子流量计/Metal rotor flowmeter
金相显微镜/Metallographic microscope
进口导轨/Import guide
进口喷码机/Import Pen Maji
进口液压/Import hydraulic
精弹机/Fine machine
精炼设备/Refining equipment
精量播种机/Precision Seeder
精馏塔/Distillation column
精密电阻焊/Precision resistance welding
精密干燥箱/Precision oven
精密机床/Precision machine tools
精密铸造/Precision casting
精密铸造设备/Precision casting equipment
精细弹花机/Fine playing machine
精细振动筛/Fine vibrating screen
景观灯/Landscape lights
净化工作台/Clean the workbench
净化设备/Purification equipment
净水机/Water purifier
静电除尘/Electrostatic dust removal
静电除尘器/Electrostatic precipitators
静电喷枪/Electrostatic spray gun
静电喷塑/Electrostatic spray
静压箱/Static pressure box
静音空压机/Mute air compressor
镜面火花机/Mirror spark machine
镜铁矿磁选机/Mirror iron ore magnetic separator
酒店厨房设备/Hotel kitchen equipment
酒店工程灯/Hotel engineering lights
旧挖掘机/Old excavator
救生舱/Life saving cabin
锯床/Sawing machine
锯片磨齿机/Saw blade grinding machine
锯片铣刀/Saw blade cutter
聚氨酯机械/Polyurethane machinery
聚氨酯设备/Polyurethane equipment
卷板机/Bending machine
卷边机/Crimping machine
卷帘防护罩/Roller guard
卷筒纸印刷机/Web printing presses
卷烟机/Cigarette Maker
卷圆机/Roll machine
掘进机/Boring machine
掘进机配件/Boring machine accessories
咖啡包装机/Coffee packing machine
卡特装载机/Carter loaders
开槽机/Slotting machine
开创弹簧机/To create a spring machine
开沟机/Ditching machine
开茧机/Open cocoon machine
开炼机/Open mill
开水器/Water boilers
开松机/Open machine
抗磨实验机/Anti-wear test machine
抗磨试验机/Anti - wear testing machine
烤杯机/Baking cup machine
烤肠机/Sausage machine
烤地瓜机/Baked sweet potatoes
烤鸡炉/Roast chicken stove
烤冷面机器/Roasted cold machine
烤漆房/Paint room
烤漆房风机/Baking room fan
烤漆机/Paint machine
烤漆设备/Paint equipment
颗粒包装机械/Granule packaging machinery
颗粒机/Particle machine
可编程控制器/Programmable Controllers
可程式恒温恒湿箱/Programmable constant temperature and humidity box
刻绘机/Engraving machine
刻字机/Cutting plotter
客梯/Passenger ladder
坑道钻机/Tunnel rig
空分设备/Air separation equipment
空气锤/Air hammer
空气过滤/Air filtration
空气净化器/air purifier
空气净化设备/Air purification equipment
空气滤清器/air filter
空气源热泵热水器/Air source heat pump water heater
空心砖机/Hollow brick machine
空压机/Air compressor
空压机配件/Air compressor accessories
控制阀/Control valve
控制系统/Control System
跨区收割机/Spanning harvesters
块冰机/Block ice machine
快速成型机/Rapid prototyping machine
快速卷帘门/Fast shutter doors
快温变试验箱/Fast temperature change test chamber
矿砂机械/Ore machinery
矿筛/Ore sieve
矿山机器/Mining machinery
矿山机械厂/Mine Machinery Factory
矿山破碎/Mine broken
矿山破碎机/Mine crusher
矿山设备/Mine equipment
矿石设备/Ore equipment
矿用救生舱/Mine rescue cabin
矿用移动变电站/Mine mobile substation
矿用振动筛/Mine vibrating screen
矿渣立磨/Slag ground mill
框体机/Box machine
昆山机械加工/Kunshan mechanical processing
捆扎机/Strapping machine
扩香机/Expansion machine
垃圾车/rubbish truck
拉床/Broaching machine
拉钉枪/Pull nail gun
拉力机/tension machine
拉力试验机/Tensile testing machine
拉伸机/Stretching machine
拉丝机/Drawing Machine
廊坊机械/Langfang machinery
老化线/Aging line
老式汽车/Old car
雷蒙机/Raymond machine
雷蒙磨/Raymond Mill
雷蒙磨粉机/Raymond Mill
冷裱机/Cold mounted machine
冷藏车制冷机组/Refrigerated trucks
冷冻干燥机/Freeze dryer
冷冻机组/Refrigeration unit
冷镦机/Cold heading machine
冷干机/Cold and dry machine
冷焊机/Cold welding machine
冷挤压/Cold extrusion
冷挤压机/Cold extruder
冷面机/Cold noodle machine
冷凝水试验箱/Condensate test chamber
冷切锯/Cold cut saw
冷切制袋机/Cold cutting bag machine
冷却泵/Cooling the pump
冷却塔/Cooling Tower
冷却塔水轮机/Cooling tower turbine
冷却筒/Cooling tube
冷热冲击试验机/Hot and cold impact testing machine
冷水塔/Cold water tower
冷弯成型机械/Cold forming machinery
冷弯机/Cold bending machine
冷压机/Cold press
冷饮机/Cold drink machine
冷轧/Cold rolling
离心泵/Centrifugal pump
离心风机/Centrifugal fan
离心高效颗粒机/Centrifugal efficient particle machine
离心式净油机/Centrifugal oil purifier
离子风机/Ion fan
锂电池/lithium battery
锂电池设备/Lithium battery equipment
锂电池涂布机/Lithium battery coating machine
立车/Standing car
立磨/Vertical grinding
立磨机/Vertical mill
立式包装机/Vertical packaging machine
立式泵/Vertical pump
立式车床/Vertical lathe
立式明装风机盘管/Vertical mounted fan coil
立式磨床/Vertical grinder
立式炮塔铣床/Vertical turret milling machine
立式砂磨机/Vertical sanding machine
立式升降台铣床/Vertical lift milling machine
立式铣床/Vertical milling machine
立式注塑机/Vertical injection molding machine
立体停车库/Stereo parking garage
立体显示器/Stereoscopic display
立柱机/Column machine
沥青拌合站/Asphalt mixing station
沥青搅拌设备/Asphalt mixing equipment
沥青搅拌站/Asphalt mixing plant
连线机/Connection machine
连铸机/Continuous casting machine
吉印通 机/Joint machine
吉印通 收割机/Combine harvesters
练泥机/Mud machine
炼钢设备/Steelmaking equipment
炼胶机/Mixing machine
炼油设备/Refining equipment
链板输送机/Chain conveyor
凉皮机/Liangpi machine
粮保器材/Food security equipment
粮食磁选机/Food magnetic separator
粮食烘干机/Food dryer
粮食烘干塔/Food drying tower
粮食输送机/Food conveyor
两模板压铸机/Two die die casting machine
量具量仪/Measuring instrument
料封泵/Charge pump
淋水器/Water dispenser
淋雨试验机/Rain test machine
磷化线/Phosphating line
流动式粉碎机/Mobile grinder
流化床/Fluidized bed
硫化罐/Curing tank
硫化机/Curing machine
六面顶压机/Six top presses
龙门裁断机/Gantry cutting machine
龙门加工中心/Gantry machining center
龙门式加工中心/Gantry machining center
龙门铣/Gantry milling
龙门铣床/Gantry milling machine
龙山打包机/Longshan baler
笼屉/A drawer
楼房上料车/Building materials
楼宇对讲系统/Building intercom system
炉温测试仪/Furnace temperature tester
路面抛丸机/Road shot blasting machine
轮式收割机/Wheeled harvesters
轮胎保护链/Tire protection chain
轮胎炼油设备/Tire refinery equipment
螺带混合机/Ribbed Mixer
螺杆泵/Screw pump
螺杆机/Screw machine
螺杆启闭机/Screw hoist
螺杆式空压机/Screw type air compressor
螺杆式冷水机/Screw chiller
螺杆式启闭机/Screw type hoist
螺杆压缩机/Screw compressor
螺纹量规/Thread gauge
螺旋分级机/Screw classifier
螺旋管/Spiral tube
螺旋输送机/Screw conveyor
螺旋提升机/Screw lift
螺柱焊机/Stud welder
落地车床/Floor lathe
落地灯/floor lamp
落地镗床/Floor boring machine
落地镗铣床/Floor boring and milling machine
落砂机/Sanding machine
铝焊机/Aluminum welding machine
铝合金升降机/Aluminum lifts
铝合金升降平台/Aluminum lift platform
铝塑分离设备/Aluminum-plastic separation equipment
铝氧化设备/Aluminum oxide equipment
履带吊/Crawler crane
绿色能源/Green energy
滤清器厂/Filter factory
滤清器设备/Filter equipment
滤油机/Oil filter
滤油器/Oil filter
麻花机/Twist machine
麻山药收获机/Mahuang medicine harvester
麻醉机/Anesthesia Machine
埋弧焊/Submerged arc welding
麦氏真空计/Maxwell vacuum gauge
卖吊车/Selling a crane
脉冲布袋除尘器/Pulse bag filter
脉冲电磁阀/Pulse solenoid valve
脉冲压排机/Pulse press machine
馒头机/Bread machine
毛衣编织机/Sweater knitting machine
锚杆钻机/Bolt rig
铆接机/Riveting machine
铆接设备/Riveting equipment
煤棒机/Coal rod machine
煤矸石破碎机/Coal gangue crusher
煤矿洗轮机/Coal washing machine
煤气发生炉/Gas furnace
煤球机/Briquettes machine
煤炭粉碎机/Coal mill
煤炭检测仪器/Coal detection equipment
门窗机器/Doors and windows machines
门窗机械/Doors and windows machinery
门窗设备/Doors and windows equipment
门禁/Access control
门禁考勤/Access attendance
门头装饰扣板设备/Door head decorative gusset equipment
锰矿磁选机/Manganese ore separator
米粉机/Rice noodle machine
米线机/Rice noodle machine
密封垫切割机/Seal cutting machine
密封设备/Sealing equipment
棉被机械/Quilts machinery
棉花加工设备/Cotton processing equipment
棉花糖机/cotton candy machine
棉机/Cotton machine
免烧砖设备/Mianshao brick equipment
免摇启动器/Free shake starter
面板灯/Panel Light
面包机/Bread machine
面包砖机/Bread Brick Machine
面粉机/Flour machine
面粉机械/Flour machinery
面巾纸机/Tissue machine
面皮机/Dough machine
面条机/Noodle machine
灭菌锅/Sterilization pot
模板机/Template machine
模具配件/Mold parts
模内攻丝机/In-mold tapping machine
模切机/Die cutting machine
模切设备/Die cutting equipment
模压机/Molding machine
膜分离设备/Membrane separation equipment
摩擦焊机/Friction welding machine
摩擦磨损试验机/Friction and wear testing machine
摩擦压力机/Friction presses
摩托车减震器/Motorcycle shock absorber
摩托车节油器/Motorcycle fuel economy
摩托三轮车/Motorcycle tricycle
磨齿机/Grinding machine
磨刀机/Grinding machine
磨粉设备/Milling equipment
磨革机/Grinding machine
磨盘机/Grinding machine
抹灰机/Plastering machine
母线加工机/Bus processing machine
母线加工设备/Bus processing equipment
木材扒皮机/Wood picking machine
木材剥皮机/Wood peeling machine
木材粉碎机/Wood crusher
木材干燥/Wood dry
木材烘干设备/Wood drying equipment
木材加工机械/Wood processing machinery
木材切片机/Wood slicer
木材削片机/Wood chipper
木工车床/Woodworking lathe
木工带锯/Woodworking saws
木工带锯机/Woodworking Band Saw
木工雕刻机/Woodworking engraving machine
木工机床/Woodworking machine
木工机械/Woodworking machinery
木工机械大全/Woodworking Machinery Daquan
木工跑车/Woodworking sports car
木工数控车床/Woodworking CNC lathes
木炭机/Charcoal machine
木屑颗粒机/Wood pellet machine
木屑颗粒机厂家/Wood chip machine manufacturers
木屑压块机/Sawdust briquetting machine
木屑制粒机/Sawdust granulator
木制玩具/wooden toy
纳米砂磨机/Nano sanding machine
耐腐蚀泵/Corrosion resistant pump
耐磨陶瓷弯头/Wearable ceramic elbow
南京自动门/Nanjing automatic doors
内燃机/internal combustion engine
内燃机车/diesel locomotive
内燃凿岩机/Internal combustion rock drill
内圆磨床/Internal grinding machine
泥煤烘干机/Peat dryer
泥头车/Mud truck
腻子喷涂机/Putty sprayer
碾米机/Rice mill
酿造设备/Brewing equipment
牛筋面机/Beef tendon machine
牛力叉车/Cattle force forklift
牛仔洗染设备/Denim dyeing and dyeing equipment
扭转试验机/Torsion testing machine
农机/Agricultural machinery
农机监理/Agricultural machinery supervision
农学仪器/Agricultural instruments
农业机械/Agricultural machinery
农业机械配件/Agricultural machinery parts
农业仪器/Agricultural equipment
农用机械/agricultural machine
农用无人机/Agricultural unmanned aerial vehicle
暖通设备/HVAC equipment
拍击筛/Beat sieve
排污阀/Drain valve
排屑机/Chip conveyor
排屑机链板/Chip conveyor chain plate
盘式制动器/Disc brakes
抛丸除锈机/Shot blasting machine
抛丸机/Shot blasting machine
抛丸清理机/Shot Blasting Machine
抛丸清理设备/Shot Blasting Equipment
刨冰机/Ice machine
泡花碱设备/Blossom alkali equipment
泡沫机/Foam machine
泡沫机械设备/Foam machinery and equipment
泡沫造粒机/Foam granulator
泡塑机械/Foam machinery
配料机/Ingredients machine
喷绘机/Inkjet machine
喷浆机/Shotcrete machine
喷浆设备/Spraying equipment
喷胶机/Spray machine
喷胶棉生产线/Pen Jiaomian production line
喷淋塔/Spray tower
喷码机/Pen Maji
喷码机厂家/Pen Maji manufacturers
喷漆房/Spray booth
喷漆机/Painting machine
喷漆设备/Painting equipment
喷枪/spray gun
喷切一体机/Spray cutting machine
喷洒车/Spray truck
喷砂房/Sandblasting room
喷砂机/Sandblasting machine
喷射机/Jet machine
喷涂设备/Spraying equipment
喷雾干燥设备/Spray drying equipment
喷雾系统/Spray system
喷药车/Jet car
碰焊机/Touch welding machine
劈石机/Split stone machine
皮带式输送机/Belt conveyor
皮带输送机/Belt conveyors
啤酒设备/Beer equipment
啤酒饮料乳品设备/Beer Beverage Dairy Equipment
片冰机/Ice machine
拼图机/Puzzle machine
品牌电动叉车/Brand electric forklift
平板车/flatbed truck
平板磁选机/Flat magnetic separator
平板硫化机/Flat vulcanizing machine
平板运输车/Flatbed truck
平衡机/Balancing machine
平机/Flat machine
平面回转筛/Flat sieve
平面磨床/Surface Grinder
平面研磨机/Flat grinding machine
平模颗粒机/Flat die machine
平网印花机/Flat screen printing machine
平移门/Sliding door
平整机/Leveling machine
破石机/Broken stone machine
破碎机配件/Crusher accessories
破碎机械/Crushing machinery
破碎设备/Broken equipment
破碎站/Broken station
普通机床/Ordinary machine tools
起重搬运/Lifting handling
起重工具/Lifting tools
起重机车轮组/Crane wheel group
起重机械/Hoisting Machinery
起重配件/Lifting parts
起重设备/Lifting equipment
气扳机/Gas trigger
气泵/air pump
气铲/Gas shovel
气锤/air hammer
气垫膜/Air cushion film
气动扳手/Pneumatic wrench
气动锤/Pneumatic hammer
气动打标机/Pneumatic marking machine
气动打磨机/Pneumatic grinding machine
气动电磁阀/Pneumatic solenoid valve
气动隔膜泵/Pneumatic diaphragm pump
气动工具/Pneumatic tools
气动剪刀/Pneumatic scissors
气动螺丝刀/Pneumatic screwdriver
气动马达/Pneumatic motor
气动抛光机/Pneumatic polishing machine
气动喷枪/Pneumatic spray gun
气动起子/Pneumatic screwdriver
气动球阀/Pneumatic ball valve
气动升降杆/Pneumatic lifting rod
气动式取样器/Pneumatic sampler
气动液压/Pneumatic hydraulic
气动液压设备/Pneumatic hydraulic equipment
气动增压阀/Pneumatic supercharger
气缸活塞杆/Cylinder piston rod
气剪/Gas scissors
气流分级机/Air classifier
气流粉碎机/Air shredder
气流干燥机/Air dryer
气流干燥设备/Air drying equipment
气流磨/Airflow mill
气流式烘干机/Airflow dryer
气体报警器/Gas alarm
气体发生器/Gas generator
气体流量计/Gas flow meter
气体探测器/Gas detectors
气体增压泵/Gas booster pump
气腿式凿岩机/Gas-legged rock drill
气象仪器/Meteorological instruments
气液联动执行器/Gas - liquid linkage actuator
气液增压器/Gas-liquid supercharger
气源处理器/Air source processor
汽保工具/Auto insurance tools
汽保设备/Gas protection equipment
汽车led/Car led
汽车玻璃修补/Car glass repair
汽车发电机/Automotive generators
汽车防盗器/Car alarm
汽车行驶记录仪/Car driving recorder
汽车检测设备/Automotive testing equipment
汽车检测线/Car detection line
汽车检具/Car seized
汽车节油器/Car fuel economy
汽车烤漆房/Car paint room
汽车空气净化器/Car air purifier
汽车空调/Car Air Conditioner
汽车冷凝器/Car condenser
汽车离合器/Car clutch
汽车模具/Car mold
汽车清洗设备/Car cleaning equipment
汽车散热器/Car radiator
汽车生产线/Automobile production line
汽车水泵/Car water pump
汽车蒸发器/Car evaporator
汽车智能卡/Car smart card
汽夯/Steam tamping
汽化炉/Vaporization furnace
汽轮机/Steam turbine
汽油发电机/Gasoline generator
汽油发电机组/Gasoline generator
千斤顶检定装置/Jack test device
千张机/Thousands of machines
铅酸蓄电池/Lead-acid batteries
铅锌矿选矿设备/Lead - zinc ore dressing equipment
前帮机/Before the machine
潜孔钻/DTH drill
潜孔钻机/DTH drilling rig
潜孔钻具/DTH drill
潜水泵/Submersible pumps
潜水搅拌机/Diving mixer
嵌入式显示器/Embedded display
嵌线机/Embedded machine
强夯/Dynamic compaction
强夯机/Strong tamping machine
强夯设备/Dynamic compaction equipment
切菜机/Chopper machine
切草机/Cutting machine
切带机/Cutting machine
切割机/Cutting Machine
切割片/Cutting pieces
切割设备/Cutting equipment
切管机/Pipe cutting machine
青储机/Green storage machine
青核桃脱皮清洗机/Green walnut peeling cleaning machine
青贮机/Silo machine
青贮玉米收割机/Silage corn harvester
轻质砖设备/Lightweight brick equipment
清洁球机器/Clean the ball machine
清洁设备/Cleaning equipment
清扫设备/Cleaning equipment
清洗机/washing machine
清洗设备/Cleaning equipment
清选机/Cleaning machine
清淤机械/Dredging machinery
清淤设备/Dredging equipment
球阀/Ball valve
球磨机/Ball mill
球磨机选矿/Ball mill dressing
曲面丝印机/Curved screen printing machine
去离子水设备/Deionized water equipment
全电动搬运车/All electric van
全电动注塑机/All electric injection molding machine
全息设备/Holographic equipment
全自动包装机/Automatic packaging machine
全自动包子机/Automatic buns machine
全自动玻璃打砂机/Automatic glass sanding machine
全自动玻璃喷砂机/Automatic glass blasting machine
全自动草绳机/Automatic rope machine
全自动车床/Automatic lathes
全自动充绒机/Automatic filling machine
全自动弹花机/Automatic flower machine
全自动点胶机/Automatic dispenser
全自动封胶线/Automatic sealing line
全自动灌装机/Automatic filling machine
全自动机器人/Automatic robots
全自动捆扎机/Automatic strapping machine
全自动凉皮机/Automatic Liangpi machine
全自动酿酒机/Automatic wine machine
全自动配肥机/Automatic filling machine
全自动切铝机/Automatic cutting aluminum machine
全自动软水器/Automatic water softener
全自动上胶折边机/Automatic plastic folding machine
全自动丝网印刷机/Automatic screen printing machine
全自动套标机/Automatic sleeve machine
全自动锡膏印刷机/Automatic Paste Printing Machine
全自动洗车机/Automatic washing machine
全自动洗车设备/Automatic car washing equipment
全自动洗车台/Automatic washing station
全自动洗地机/Automatic washing machine
全自动印刷机/Automatic presses
全自动榨油机/Automatic press
全自动真空包装机/Automatic vacuum packaging machine
燃煤锅炉/Coal-fired boiler
燃煤热风炉/Coal fired hot stove
燃气报警器/Gas alarm
燃气发电机组/Gas generator
燃气锅炉/Gas boiler
燃气轮机/gas turbine
燃气内燃机/Gas internal combustion engine
燃气设备/Gas equipment
燃气调压器/Gas pressure regulator
燃气调压箱/Gas regulator box
燃气泄漏报警器/Gas leak alarm
燃油炉/Fuel burner
燃油滤清器/Fuel Filter
染色机/Dyeing machine
绕线机/Winding machine
热泵/Heat pump
热处理炉/Heat treatment furnace
热处理设备/Heat treatment equipment
热风炉/Hot air stove
热风循环烘箱/Hot air circulation oven
热干面机/Hot dry noodles
热狗机/Hot dog machine
热合机/Heat sealing machine
热老化试验箱/Heat aging test chamber
热磨机/Hot mill
热熔胶涂布机/Hot melt adhesive coating machine
热收缩包装机/Heat shrink packaging machine
热收缩机/Shrinking machine
热水器/Water heater
热压机/Hot press
热轧/Hot rolling
热转移印花机/Heat transfer printing machine
热转印封边机/Heat transfer edge banding machine
日光灯/fluorescent lamp
熔炼炉/Melting furnace
熔炼设备/Smelting equipment
熔模铸造/Investment casting
柔性立式磨机/Flexible vertical mill
柔印机/Flexo machine
揉棉机/Kneading machine
肉类滚揉机/Meat tumbling machine
肉类加工设备/Meat processing equipment
肉丸机/Meatball machine
蠕动泵/Peristaltic pump
乳品机械/Dairy machinery
软化水/Softened water
软化水设备/Softened water equipment
软起动器/Soft starter
软水器/water softener
润滑设备/Lubrication equipment
弱视治疗仪/Amblyopia treatment instrument
三边形压路机/Triangle roller
三辊机/Three roller machine
三辊研磨机/Three roller grinding machine
三回程烘干机/Three backhaul dryer
三江数控木工车床/Sanjiang CNC Woodworking Lathe
三菱变频器/Mitsubishi inverter
三筒烘干机/Three cylinder dryer
三头麻花机/Three head machine
三维包装机/Three - dimensional packaging machine
三维激光扫描仪/* D laser scanner
三维扣板机/Three-dimensional buckle machine
三一工程机械/Trinity construction machinery
三轴/Three axes
三坐标测量机/Coordinate measuring machine
伞翼机/Umbrella wing machine
散热片/heat sink
散热器/heat sink
散装水泥车/Bulk cement truck
散装水泥罐/Bulk cement tank
桑拿房/Sauna room
桑拿设备/Sauna equipment
扫地车/Sweeping the car
扫地机/Sweeping machine
扫地机器人/Sweeping robot
色带条幅机/Ribbon Banner Machine
色谱分析仪/Chromatographic analyzer
色选机/Color selection machine
杀菌机/Sterilization machine
沙冰机/Sand ice machine
沙发清洗机/Sofa cleaning machine
砂金矿选矿设备/Gold ore dressing equipment
砂轮/Grinding wheel
砂磨机/Sanding machine
砂石分离机/Gravel separation machine
砂石生产线/Gravel production line
筛分机/Sieving machine
筛分设备/Screening equipment
筛粉机/Sieve powder
筛沙船/Sieve ship
筛沙机/Screening machine
筛选机/Screening machine
晒图机/Shaitu machine
山推/Mountain push
商标机/Trademark machine
商超设备/Super equipment
商用电磁灶/Commercial electromagnetic cooker
商用豆浆机/Commercial Soymilk
商用洗碗机/Commercial dishwasher
商用消毒柜/Commercial disinfection cabinet
上光机/Polishing machine
上胶机/Glue machine
上壳机/Upper shell machine
上上电缆/On the cable
上银滚珠丝杆/On the silver ball screw
烧饼机/Biscuit machine
烧结炉/Sintering furnace
烧烤车/Barbecue car
烧烤机/Barbecue machine
射吸式抽沙船/Suction suction boat
射线检测/Ray detection
摄影灯/Photography lights
摄影设备/Photographic equipment
伸缩门/Retractable door
伸缩梯/Telescopic ladder
深孔刀具/Deep hole cutter
深孔设备/Deep hole equipment
深孔钻/Deep hole drilling
深孔钻加工/Deep hole drilling
深孔钻镗床/Deep hole drilling and boring machine
深圳自动/Shenzhen automatic
升降货梯/Lift the ladder
升降机厂家/Lift manufacturers
升降平台/Lifting platform
升降台铣床/Lift milling machine
升降梯/Lift ladder
生活垃圾处理设备/Domestic waste treatment equipment
生物安全柜/Biological safety cabinets
生物仪器/Biological instruments
生物质锅炉/Biomass boiler
生物质新能源颗粒机/Biomass new energy particle machine
施工电梯/Construction elevator
施工升降机/Construction lift
湿膜加湿器/Wet film humidifier
湿式磁选机/Wet magnetic separator
石材翻新机/Stone refurbished machine
石材机械/Stone machinery
石材加工/Stone processing
石材抛丸机/Stone shot blasting machine
石材研磨机/Stone grinding machine
石粉洗砂机/Stone powder sand washing machine
石化设备/Petrochemical equipment
石灰窑/Lime kiln
石家庄滴灌带/Shijiazhuang drip irrigation zone
石料生产线/Stone production line
石磨面粉机/Stone flour mill
石墨换热器/Graphite heat exchanger
石塑地板/Stone floor
石油量规/Oil gauge
石油螺纹量规/Oil thread gauge
石油设备/oil equipment
石油钻采设备/Oil drilling equipment
石油钻杆/Oil drill pipe
石油钻井设备/Oil drilling equipment
实验机/Experimental machine
实验室烘干箱/Laboratory drying box
实验室设备/laboratory equipment
实验室小型涂布机/Laboratory small coater
实验仪器/laboratory apparatus
食品包装机/Food packaging machine
食品包装机械/Food packaging machinery
食品工业/food industry
食品行业设备/Food industry equipment
食品行业用纯净水设备/Food industry with pure water equipment
食品机械/Food Machinery
食品加工机械/Food processing machinery
食品自动包装机/Automatic food packaging machine
试验变压器/Test transformer
试验机/Testing Machine
试验机维护/Testing machine maintenance
试验设备/Test equipment
试验箱/Test chamber
试验仪器/Test instrument
视频监控系统/Video surveillance system
室内儿童游乐场/Indoor children's playground
收尘器/Dust collector
收割机配件/Harvester accessories
收谷机/Harvesting machine
手部除菌器/Hand sterilizer
手持喷码机/Handheld Pen Maji
手动搬运车/Manual van
手动打包机/Manual baler
手动打码机/Manual coding machine
手工煎饼机/Hand pancake machine
手机批发/Mobile phone wholesale
手机屏蔽器/Mobile phone shield
手机综测仪/Mobile phone measuring instrument
手拉葫芦/Hand chain hoist
手帕纸机/Handkerchief machine
手套机/Glove machine
手提封边机/Portable edge machine
手推式洗地机/Push-type washing machine
手摇磨床/Hand grinding machine
售饭机/Shoufan machine
书画装裱机/Painting and writing machine
梳齿机/Comb machine
梳理机/Carding machine
梳棉机/Carding machine
疏浚设备/Dredging equipment
疏通机/Dredge machine
输送机械/Transport machinery
输送设备/Transport equipment
树脂砂设备/Resin sand equipment
数控车床编程/CNC lathe programming
数控车床加工/CNC lathe processing
数控冲床/CNC punch press
数控冲床模具/CNC punch press
数控刀具/CNC tool
数控钢筋弯箍机/CNC steel bending hoop machine
数控攻丝机/CNC tapping machine
数控滚齿机/CNC hobbing machine
数控回转工作台/CNC rotary table
数控火焰切割/CNC flame cutting
数控火焰切割机/CNC flame cutting machine
数控机床/CNC machine tools
数控机床厂/CNC machine tool factory
数控加工中心/CNC machining center
数控精雕机/CNC engraving machine
数控铝材/CNC aluminum
数控磨床/CNC grinding machine
数控木工车床/CNC woodworking lathe
数控木工带锯/CNC woodworking saws
数控木工机床/CNC woodworking machine
数控木工铣床/CNC woodworking milling machine
数控切割机/CNC cutting machine
数控设备/CNC equipment
数控设备应用与维护/Application and maintenance of numerical control equipment
数控送料机/CNC Feeder
数控镗床/CNC boring machine
数控弯箍机/CNC bending hoop machine
数控铣床/CNC milling machine
数控系统/Numerical control system
数控线切割/CNC wire cutting
数控旋压/CNC spinning
数控玉雕机/CNC jade carving machine
数控轧辊车床/CNC roll lathe
数控轧辊磨床/CNC roll grinder
数控折弯/CNC bending
数控折弯机/CNC bending machine
数控转塔冲床/CNC turret punch
数控钻床/CNC drilling machine
数码发电机/Digital generator
数码加脂泵/Digital grease pump
数码润滑泵/Digital lubrication pump
数码润滑器/Digital Lubricator
数码印花机/Digital printing machine
数码直喷/Digital direct injection
数码注油器/Digital oiler
数码自动加脂器/Digital automatic fater
数码自动注油器/Digital automatic oiler
数显表/Digital display
刷胶机/Brushing machine
双层罐/Double cans
双齿辊破碎机/Double roller crusher
双端面磨床/Double face grinder
双辊破碎机/Double roller crusher
双金属带锯条/Bimetal Band Saw Blade
双面研磨机/Double-sided grinding machine
双腔颚式破碎机/Double chamber jaw crusher
双吸泵/Double suction pump
水泵/Water pump
水泵交流/Water pump exchange
水泵配件大全/Water pump accessories Daquan
水产品加工/Aquatic products processing
水处理净化设备/Water treatment and purification equipment
水处理器/Water processor
水处理设备/Water treatment equipment
水刀/Water knife
水稻插秧机/Rice transplanter
水地源热泵/Water source heat pump
水分测定仪/Moisture Analyzer
水工设备/Hydraulic equipment
水环真空泵/Water ring vacuum pump
水净化设备/Water purification equipment
水空调/Water air conditioning
水冷空调/Water - cooled air - conditioning
水利机械/Water conservancy machinery
水煤浆锅炉/Coal - water slurry boiler
水磨/Water mill
水磨机/Water mill
水泥包装机/Cement packing machine
水泥包装机械/Cement packaging machinery
水泥垫块机/Cement pad machine
水泥发泡机/Cement foaming machine
水泥管设备/Cement pipe equipment
水泥罐/Cement cans
水泥回转窑/Cement rotary kiln
水泥机械/Cement machinery
水泥搅拌车/Cement mixer
水泥烟道机/Cement flue machine
水泥砖机/Cement brick machine
水切割/Water cut
水切割机多少钱一台/Water cutting machine how much money one
水上乐园/water park
水上游乐设备/Water amusement equipment
水上游艺设施/Water recreation facilities
水田筑埂机/Water harvesting machine
水洗机/Washing machine
水洗设备/Washing equipment
水源热泵/Water source heat pump
水胀机/Water swelling machine
水转印设备/Water transfer equipment
丝网除沫器/Wire mesh demister
丝网印刷机/Screen printing machine
丝印机/Silk screen machine
丝印器材/Silk screen equipment
斯特林发动机/Stirling engine
撕碎机设备/Shredder equipment
四辊破碎机/Four roll crusher
四棍卷板机/Four sticks curling machine
四开印刷机/Four open presses
四轮电动车/Four wheel electric car
四轮定位/Wheel alignment
四轮定位仪/Four wheel locator
四柱油压机/Four - column hydraulic press
伺服系统/server system
饲草打包机/Forage baler
饲料机械/Feeding machinery
饲料加工机械/Feed processing machinery
饲料搅拌粉碎机/Feed Mixing Crusher
饲料搅拌机/Feed Mixer
饲料筛分机/Feed sieving machine
苏州镭创光电/Suzhou radium a photoelectric
酥饼机/Crisp machine
速冻机/Freezing machine
塑粉设备/Plastic powder equipment
塑封机/Plastic machine
塑料储罐/Plastic storage tank
塑料打包机/Plastic baler
塑料干燥机/Plastic dryer
塑料焊接/Plastic welding
塑料焊接机/Plastic welding machine
塑料混合机/Plastic mixer
塑料混色机/Plastic blending machine
塑料机械/plastic robot
塑料机械设备/Plastic machinery and equipment
塑料挤出机/Plastic extruder
塑料搅拌机/Plastic mixer
塑料颗粒/Plastic particles
塑料颗粒机/Plastic particle machine
塑料垃圾桶/Plastic trash can
塑料模具设计与制造/Plastic mold design and manufacturing
塑料磨粉机/Plastic mill
塑料破碎机/Plastic crusher
塑料切粒机/Plastic pelletizer
塑料造粒机/Plastic granulator
塑料制袋机/Plastic bag machine
随车起重机/Lorry crane
随钻测井/Logging while drilling
碎木头机/Broken wood machine
隧道掘进机/Tunnel boring machine
塔吊配件/Tower crane accessories
塔吊塔机/Tower crane tower crane
塔机配件/Tower crane accessories
塔机塔吊/Tower crane crane
台式电镜/Desktop electron microscopy
太阳能/Solar energy
太阳能光伏/Solar photovoltaic
太阳能光伏发电/Solar photovoltaic power generation
太阳能热水工程/Solar hot water project
太阳能热水器/solar water heaters
太阳能支架/Solar stent
钛铁矿磁选机/Ilmenite magnetic separator
钛铁矿选矿设备/Ilmenite mineral processing equipment
探伤仪/Flaw detector
探针台/Probe station
汤圆机/Dumpling machine
搪玻璃反应釜/Glass-lined reactor
搪瓷反应釜/Enamel reaction kettle
搪瓷设备/Enamel equipment
镗床/Boring machine
镗缸/Boring cylinder
镗缸磨轴/Boring cylinder grinding shaft
镗铣床/Boring and milling machine
烫标机/Ironing machine
烫画机/Heat press machine
烫金机/Bronzing machine
烫平机/Ironing machine
烫印机/Hot stamping machine
烫钻机/Hot drilling machine
陶瓷加工机械/Ceramic processing machinery
陶瓷加工设备/Ceramic processing equipment
陶瓷纤维/Ceramic fiber
陶瓷窑炉/Ceramic kiln
套标机/Sets of standard machine
特种泵/Special pump
特种电缆/Special cable
特种吊具/Special spreader
特种机械/Special machinery
特种热泵/Special heat pump
特种设备/special equipment
体育设施/Sports facilities
天花灯/Ceiling light
天然气调压器/Natural gas regulator
田玉农机/Tian Yu agricultural machine
田园管理机/Pastoral management machine
填料塔/Packed tower
条幅机/Banner machine
条码设备/Bar code equipment
调节阀/Regulating valve
调直机/Straightening machine
调质炉/Conditioning furnace
贴标机/Labeling Machine
贴合机/Fit machine
铁甲工程机械/Armor construction machinery
铁艺设备/Iron equipment
停车场管理系统/Parking management system
停车场设备/Parking equipment
停车场收费系统/Parking fee system
停车库/Parking Garage
通风设备/Ventilation equipment
通信设备/communication device
通讯设备/Communication equipment
通用砂轮/Universal grinding wheel
通州折弯机/Tongzhou bending machine
砼泵/Concrete pump
砼泵管件/Concrete pump pipe fittings
铜排加工机/Copper processing machine
桶装水设备/Bottled water equipment
投币咖啡机/Coin coffee machine
投币式咖啡机/Coin-operated coffee machine
投影机吊架/Projector hanger
透水砖机/Permeable brick machine
凸版印刷机/Letterpress printing presses
凸轮分割器/Cam divider
凸轮轴位置传感器/Camshaft position sensor
图书防盗/Book security
涂布机/Coating machine
涂胶机/Coating machine
涂料设备/Coating equipment
涂料生产设备/Paint production equipment
涂装设备/Painting equipment
土豆粉机/Potato powder machine
土豆粉条机/Potato vermicelli machine
土豆切丝机/Potato cutting machine
推拉力计/Force Gauge
退火炉/Annealing furnace
拖泵/Tow pump
拖拉机液压/Tractor hydraulic
拖缆平车/Tow cable car
脱标机/Off the machine
脱硫除尘器/Desulfurization precipitator
脱模油设备/Stripping oil equipment
脱水机/Dehydration machine
脱水筛/Dehydration sieve
椭圆机/Elliptical machine
拓展器材/Expand equipment
挖机/Digging machine
挖机运输车/Digging truck
挖掘机憋机/Excavator hold machine
挖掘机视频/Excavator video
挖坑机/Digging machine
挖藕机/Digging machine
挖沙船/Dredging boat
挖沙机械挖沙船/Dredging machinery dredging boat
瓦楞机/Corrugated machine
外圆磨/Cylindrical grinding
弯管机液压全自动/Bending machine hydraulic automatic
丸子机/Ball machine
万能材料试验机/Universal testing machine
万能工具磨床/Universal tool grinder
万能拉力机/Universal Rally Machine
万能平板机/Universal tablet machine
万能试验机/Universal testing machine
万能铣床/Universal milling machine
万能液压试验机/Universal hydraulic testing machine
网带烘干机/Mesh belt dryer
网带式烘干机/Mesh belt dryer
网带输送机/Mesh belt conveyor
网络摄像机/Web video camera
往复泵/Reciprocating pump
微波干燥/Microwave drying
微波干燥机/Microwave dryer
微光夜视仪/Low light night vision
微型泵/Miniature pump
微型电动葫芦/Mini electric hoist
微型真空泵/Miniature vacuum pump
微型自动钓鱼器/Mini automatic fishing machine
围栏机械/Fence machinery
卫生级隔膜泵/Sanitary diaphragm pump
卫生间智能垃圾处理器/Bathroom intelligent waste processor
卫生纸复卷机/Toilet paper rewinder
卫生纸机/Toilet paper machine
温度冲击试验机/Temperature impact testing machine
温度冲击试验箱/Temperature impact test chamber
温度老化室/Temperature aging room
温度验证仪/Temperature verification instrument
温控设备/Temperature control equipment
温控仪/Temperature Controller
温室大棚骨架机/Greenhouse skeleton machine
纹身机/Tattoo machine
稳定土拌合站/Stable soil mixing station
稳定土拌和站/Stable soil mixing station
涡旋式空压机/Scroll air compressor
沃尔沃挖掘机/Volvo Excavator
卧式车床/Horizontal lathe
卧式螺带混合机/Horizontal Ribbed Mixer
卧式螺带混料机/Horizontal ribbon mixing machine
卧式砂磨机/Horizontal sanding machine
卧式铣床/Horizontal milling machine
污泥烘干机/Sludge drying machine
污泥压滤机/Sludge filter press
污水处理设备/Sewage treatment equipment
污水流量计/Sewage flow meter
污水源热泵/Sewage source heat pump
无尘车间/dust-free workshop
无尘锯/Clean saw
无尘室/Clean room
无尘室吸尘器/Clean room vacuum cleaner
无电机冷却塔/No motor cooling tower
无动力风机/No power fan
无纺布生产线/Nonwovens production line
无纺布制袋机/Non - woven bag making machine
无负压供水设备/No negative pressure water supply equipment
无杆气缸/Rodless cylinder
无菌灌装/Aseptic filling
无卡旋切机/No card peeling machine
无气喷涂机/Airless sprayer
无刷变阻启动器/Brushless variable resistance starter
无刷电机/Brushless Motor
无刷无环起动器/Brushless ringless starter
无刷无环软启动器/Brushless acyclic soft starter
无损检测仪器/Nondestructive testing equipment
无损探伤/Nondestructive testing
无塔供水/No tower water supply
无凸轮弹簧机/No cam spring machine
无线传输设备/Wireless transmission equipment
无线网络设备/Wireless network equipment
无心磨床/Centerless grinder
无油真空泵/Oil - free vacuum pump
无纸记录仪/Paperless recorder
无轴螺旋输送机/No shaft screw conveyor
五谷磨粉机/Grain mill
五谷杂粮磨粉机/Grain cereal mill
五金工具/hardware tools
五金机械/Hardware machinery
武汉空压机/Wuhan air compressor
舞台灯光设备/Stage lighting equipment
舞台桁架/Stage truss
舞台机械/Stage machinery
舞台设备/Stage equipment
舞台音响/Stage sound
物流设备/Logistics equipment
雾炮/Fog gun
雾炮车/Fog guns
雾炮机/Fog guns
吸尘车/Vacuum car
吸尘吸水机/Vacuum suction machine
吸泥船/Mud tanker
吸皮机/Suction skin machine
吸沙船/Sand suction boat
吸收塔/Absorption tower
吸塑灯箱/Blister light box
吸塑机/Blister machine
锡膏印刷机/Paste printing presses
洗车机/car washer
洗车设备/Car wash equipment
洗车台/Washing station
洗涤机械/Washing machine
洗涤设备/Washing equipment
洗地机/floor washer
洗轮机/Wash the wheel
洗轮机厂家/Washing machine manufacturers
洗麦机/Washing machine
洗煤设备/Coal washing equipment
洗面机/Washing machine
洗沙机/Sand washing machine
洗沙设备/Sand washing equipment
洗砂机/Sand Washing Machine
洗石机/Stone washing machine
洗唰唰洗碗机/Wash shabu dishwasher
洗头车/Shampoo car
洗脱机/Elution machine
洗选设备/Washing equipment
洗衣房设备/Laundry equipment
铣边机/Milling machine
铣床/Milling machine
铣刀/Milling cutter
铣刀研磨机/Milling cutter
铣端面打中心孔机床/Milling end face center hole machine
下料机/Cutting machine
下向焊/Down welding
氙灯光源/Xenon light source
氙灯老化试验箱/Xenon lamp aging test chamber
氙灯耐气候试验箱/Xenon lamp weather resistant chamber
现代挖掘机/Modern excavator
现磨豆浆机/Cashmere machine
线号机/Line number machine
线缆设备/Cable equipment
线切割/Wire cutting
线切割机/Wire cutting machine
线切割加工/Wire cutting
线条灯/Line lights
香肠机/Sausage machine
箱包缝纫机/Luggage sewing machine
箱式剪切机/Box shearing machine
箱式淋雨试验箱/Box type rain test chamber
橡胶板/rubber Board
橡胶成型机/Rubber molding machine
橡胶粉碎机/Rubber grinder
橡胶机械/Rubber machinery
橡胶挤出机/Rubber extruder
橡胶注射机/Rubber injection machine
橡胶自动拆边机/Automatic rubber removal machine
消毒柜/Disinfection cabinet
消毒机/Disinfection machine
消防排烟风机/Fire exhaust fan
消防器材/Fire equipment
消防设备/Fire Equipment
消声室/Anechoic chamber
消失模机械/Elimination of mold machinery
消失模铸造设备/Lost Foam Casting Equipment
小吊运机/Small lifting machine
小麦收割机/Wheat harvesters
小模数齿轮/Small modulus gear
小模数滚齿机/Small modulus hobbing machine
小食品机械/Small food machinery
小型插秧机/Small transplanter
小型柴油发电机/Small diesel generators
小型超声波清洗机/Small ultrasonic cleaning machine
小型抽沙船/Small sand ship
小型磁选机/Small magnetic separator
小型打桩机/Small pile driver
小型粉碎机/Small grinder
小型机械/Small machinery
小型家用榨油机/Small household press
小型搅拌机/Small mixer
小型空压机/Small air compressor
小型立式加工中心/Small vertical machining center
小型煤气发生炉/Small gas furnace
小型破碎机/Small crusher
小型收割机/Small harvesters
小型研磨机/Small grinding machine
小型液压机/Small hydraulic press
小型玉米收割机/Small Corn Harvester
小型造纸机/Small paper machine
小型榨油机/Small oil press
小型振动筛/Small vibrating screen
小型制袋机/Small bag machine
小型装载机/Small loader
小型钻井机/Small drilling rig
校平机/Leveling machine
校油泵/School oil pump
校直机/Straightening machine
鞋底清洁机/Sole cleaning machine
鞋底清洗机/Sole cleaning machine
鞋机/Shoe machine
鞋套机/Shoe cover machine
鞋眼机/Shoes eye machine
卸船机/Unloading machine
新风系统/Fresh air system
新宏昌专用车/New Hongchang special vehicles
新能源颗粒机/New energy particle machine
新乡机械/Xinxiang machinery
新型快拆脚手架/New fast scaffolding
新型磨粉机/New mill
新型游乐设备/New amusement equipment
新增压缸/New cylinder
型煤设备/Briquette equipment
型煤压球机/Briquette pressure ball machine
醒发箱/Proof box
兴福厨具/Xingfu kitchen utensils
绣花机/Embroidery machine
溴化锂制冷机/Lithium bromide refrigerator
悬挂输送机/Suspension conveyor
悬辊机/Hanging machine
旋风铣/Whirlwind milling
旋喷泵/Jet pump
旋切机/Peeling machine
旋切机找圆机/Peeling machine to find round machine
旋挖机/Rotary digger
旋挖钻机/Rotary Drilling Rig
旋振筛/Rotary vibrating screen
旋转接头/Rotary joint
选金设备/Election equipment
选矿设备/Mineral processing equipment
选铜设备/Copper equipment
巡逻机/Patrol machine
循环流化床/Circulating fluidized bed
循环流化床锅炉/Circulating fluidized bed boiler
压合机/Press machine
压花机/Embossing machine
压接机/Crimping machine
压块机/Briquetting machine
压冷面机器/Pressure cold surface machine
压力变送器/Pressure Transmitters
压力罐/pressure tank
压力容器/Pressure vessel
压滤机/Filter press
压滤机入料泵/Filter press
压面机/Pressing machine
压球机/Pressure ball machine
压塑机/Compression molding machine
压缩空气干燥设备/Compressed air drying equipment
压瓦机/Pressing machine
压延机/Calendering machine
压铸机/Die Casting Machine
压铸模具/Die casting mold
压铸油温机/Die - casting oil temperature machine
压砖机/Press machine
鸭嘴阀/Duckbill valve
牙科设备/Dental equipment
牙轮钻头/Cone bit
芽苗菜机/Sprouts machine
芽苗机/Sprouting machine
亚伟速录机/Yawei Speed ??Recorder
氩弧焊/Argon arc welding
氩弧焊机/Argon arc welding machine
烟道机/Flue machine
烟花鞭炮运输车/Fireworks and firecrackers
烟雾机/Smoke machine
烟箱/Smoke box
烟熏炉/Smoke furnace
岩石分裂机/Rock splitting machine
岩石劈裂机/Rock splitting machine
岩石钻机/Rock drill
岩田喷枪/Iwata gun
研华工控机/Advantech IPC
研磨机/Grinding machine
盐雾测试箱/Salt spray test box
盐雾腐蚀试验箱/Salt spray corrosion test chamber
盐雾喷水试验机/Salt spray water testing machine
盐雾试验机/Salt spray test machine
眼镜设备/Glasses equipment
眼科设备/Ophthalmic equipment
演出设备/Performing equipment
阳极氧化/Anodic oxidation
阳极氧化设备/Anodizing equipment
养蜂车/Bee carrock
养护机械/Maintenance machinery
养殖设备/Breeding equipment
养殖污水处理/Aquaculture treatment
养殖污水处理设备/Aquaculture wastewater treatment equipment
氧化电源/Oxidation power supply
氧化设备/Oxidation equipment
氧助力节油器/Oxygen booster
摇摆机/Swing machine
摇摆筛/Swing sieve
摇臂铣床/Rocker milling machine
摇臂钻/Rocker drill
摇臂钻床/Radial drilling machine
咬口机/Sealing machine
冶金机械/Metallurgical machinery
冶金设备/Metallurgical equipment
冶炼设备/Smelting equipment
液氮深冷试验箱/Liquid nitrogen cryogenic chamber
液化气气化器/Liquefied gas gasifier
液化石油气叉车/Liquefied petroleum gas forklift
液力偶合器/Hydraulic coupling
液体包装机/Liquid packing machine
液体灌装机/Liquid filling machine
液体流量计量控制/Liquid flow metering control
液下泵/Liquid pump
液压扳手/Hydraulic wrench
液压扳手泵/Hydraulic wrench pump
液压泵/Hydraulic pump
液压泵维修/Hydraulic pump repair
液压冲孔机/Hydraulic punching machine
液压传动/Hydraulic transmission
液压动力单元/Hydraulic power unit
液压阀/Hydraulic valves
液压工具/Hydraulic tools
液压管/Hydraulic tube
液压夯实机/Hydraulic ramming machine
液压机/Hydraulic Press
液压机系统/Hydraulic press system
液压机械制造/Hydraulic machinery manufacturing
液压扭矩扳手/Hydraulic torque wrench
液压平台/Hydraulic platform
液压升降货梯/Hydraulic lift ladder
液压升降机/Hydraulic lift
液压升降平台/Hydraulic lifting platform
液压升降台/Hydraulic lift
液压弯管机/Hydraulic pipe bending machine
液压系统/Hydraulic system
液压油缸/Hydraulic cylinder
液压油管/Hydraulic tubing
液压与气动/Hydraulic and pneumatic
液压凿岩机/Hydraulic rock drill
液压增压器/Hydraulic supercharger
一体化污水处理设备/Integrated sewage treatment equipment
医疗废物转运车/Medical waste transfer vehicle
医疗器械/medical instruments
医疗设备/Medical equipment
医药器械/Medical equipment
仪表车床/Instrument lathe
仪表仪器自动化设备/Instrumentation automation equipment
仪器仪表自动化设备/Instrumentation automation equipment
移动电站/Mobile power station
移动空压机/Mobile air compressor
移动皮带输送机/Mobile belt conveyor
移动破碎机/Mobile crusher
移动破碎站/Mobile crushing station
移动式隧道窑/Mobile tunnel kiln
移印机/Printing machine
移栽机/Transplanting machine
义齿雕刻机/Denture engraving machine
艺术玻璃设备/Art glass equipment
抑尘车/Dust suppression car
抑尘喷洒车/Dust suppression sprayer
易拉罐分切机/Cans slitting machine
易拉罐粉碎机/Can Crusher
音响设备/Audio equipment
银晨锅炉/Yinchen boiler
银泰丝杆/Yintai screw
饮料机/Beverage machine
饮料机械/Beverage machinery
饮料生产线/Beverage production line
印后设备/Postpress equipment
印花机/Printing machine
印花设备/Printing equipment
印前设备/Prepress equipment
印染机械/Printing and dyeing machinery
印刷机/Printing presses
印刷机械/printing machine
印刷机中央供墨系统/Printing machine central ink supply system
印刷设备/Printing Equipment
荧光分光光度计/Fluorescence spectrophotometer
影像测量仪/Image measuring instrument
影院设备/Theater equipment
硬度计/Hardness Tester
永磁传动/Permanent magnet drive
泳池设备/Swimming pool equipment
泳池水处理/Swimming pool water treatment
优质吹膜机/Quality blown film machine
油泵/Oil pump
油坊/Oil mill
油缸/Fuel tank
油冷却器/Oil cooler
油漆喷枪/Paint spray gun
油压缓冲器/Hydraulic buffer
油压机/Hydraulic press
油烟净化一体机/Fume purification one machine
油炸锅/Fry Pan
油炸机/Frying machine
游乐设备/Playground Equipment
游乐设施/Recreational facilities
游艺设备/Recreational equipment
游艺设施/Recreational facilities
游泳池净化/Swimming pool purification
有机肥料设备/Organic fertilizer equipment
有机肥设备/Organic fertilizer equipment
有机肥生产设备/Organic fertilizer production equipment
有机肥生产线/Organic fertilizer production line
鱼丸机/Fish ball machine
渔业机械/Fishery machinery
羽绒机械/Down machine
玉麦收割机/Cornmeal harvester
玉米加工机械/Corn processing machinery
玉米秸秆压块机/Corn stalk briquetting machine
玉米吉印通 收割机/Corn combine harvester
玉米面条机/Corn pasta machine
玉米膨化机/Corn extruder
玉米收获机/Corn harvester
玉米脱粒机/Corn thresher
浴池锅炉/Bath boilers
预应力智能张拉设备/Prestressed intelligent tensioning equipment
豫皖塔机/Yu Wan tower machine
园林机械/Garden machinery
园艺机械/Gardening machinery
原生态石磨豆浆机/The original ecological stone Soymilk
原水处理设备/Raw water treatment equipment
圆度仪/Roundness meter
圆锯机/Circular saw machine
圆锯片切削/Circular saw blade cutting
圆木推台锯/Round wooden saws
圆形粉皮机/Round Fenpi machine
圆振动筛/Circular vibrating screen
圆振筛/Circular vibrating screen
圆织机/Round loom
圆锥机/Cone machine
圆锥机破碎机/Cone Crusher
圆锥破/Cone broken
圆锥破碎机/Cone crusher
圆锥式破碎机/Cone crusher
远红外/Far infrared
月饼机/Moon cake machine
运城风机/Yuncheng fan
运输机/Transport aircraft
运砖车/Brick car
熨平机/Ironing machine
杂粮粉丝机/Miscellaneous grains fan machine
杂粮面条机/Miscellaneous grains noodle machine
凿岩机/Rock drill
凿岩机械/Drilling machinery
凿岩台车/Drilling trolley
造纸机械/Papermaking machinery
增压泵/Booster pump
增压缸/Pressurized cylinder
增压压装机械/Pressurized press machine
渣浆泵/Slurry pump
轧辊车床/Roller lathe
轧圆机/Rolling machine
铡草机/Chaff cutter
榨油机/Oil press
榨油机厂家/Oil press manufacturers
榨油机设备/Oil press equipment
榨油机械/Oil press
榨油设备/Oil extraction equipment
粘箱机/Sticking machine
斩拌机/Chopping machine
展览搭建/Exhibition building
长臂挖掘机/Long arm excavator
沼气热水器/Biogas water heater
沼气设备/Biogas equipment
折边机/Flap machine
折弯机/Bending machine
折弯机模具/Bending machine mold
折纸机/Folding machine
针车/Needle car
针织机/Knitting machine
真空包装机/Vacuum packaging machine
真空泵/Vacuum pump
真空镀膜/Vacuum coating
真空镀膜机/Vacuum coating machine
真空镀膜设备/Vacuum coating equipment
真空断路器/Vacuum circuit breakers
真空粉末加料机/Vacuum powder feeder
真空覆膜机/Vacuum laminating machine
真空干燥机/Vacuum dryer
真空干燥器/Vacuum dryer
真空滚揉机/Vacuum roll kneading machine
真空机组/Vacuum unit
真空浸漆设备/Vacuum impregnation equipment
真空冷冻干燥机/Vacuum freeze dryer
真空炉/Vacuum furnace
真空滤油机/Vacuum oil purifier
真空乳化机/Vacuum emulsifier
真空贴合机/Vacuum laminating machine
真空油炸机/Vacuum frying machine
真空预冷机/Vacuum preheater
真密度仪/True density meter
真石漆搅拌机/Really stone paint mixer
真石漆设备/Really stone paint equipment
振动电机/Vibration motor
振动螺旋提升机/Vibration screw lift
振动盘/Vibration plate
振动筛/Vibrating sieve
振动筛厂家/Vibrating screen manufacturers
振动筛分机/Vibrating screen
振动筛机/Vibrating screen machine
振动筛网/Vibrating screen
振动时效/Vibration aging
振动试验机/Vibration testing machine
振动试验台/Vibration test stand
振动台厂/Vibration table factory
振动提升机/Vibration hoist
振动研磨机/Vibration grinding machine
振平尺/Flat feet
振筛机/Vibrating machine
震动盘/Vibration plate
震动筛/Vibrating sieve
震动筛选/Vibration screening
蒸包炉/Steaming stove
蒸饭车/Rice cars
蒸饭柜/Steamer cabinet
蒸汽锅炉/Steam boilers
蒸汽清洗机/Steam cleaning machine
整烫设备/Ironing equipment
正弦变频器/Sine frequency converter
织网机/Weaving machine
直绗机/Straight quilting machine
直流串励电机/DC series motor
直流电焊机/DC welding machine
直流电弧炉/DC arc furnace
直流焊机/DC welding machine
直排筛/Straight sieve
直线传动/Straight drive
直线导轨/Linear Guides
直线筛/Straight screen
直线振动筛/Linear vibrating screen
直饮机/Straight drink machine
植保机械/Plant protection machinery
植保无人机/Plant protection unmanned aerial vehicles
植毛机/Planting machine
止回阀/Check valve
纸杯机/Paper cup machine
纸管机/Paper tube machine
纸管机械/Paper tube machinery
纸机/Paper machine
纸巾包装机/Tissue wrapping machine
纸巾机/Paper towel machine
纸塑分离机/Paper and plastic separator
纸箱打包机/Carton packer
纸箱设备/Carton equipment
纸箱印刷机械/Carton printing machinery
制冰机/Ice maker
制袋机/Bag machine
制氮机/Nitrogen generator
制钉机/Nail machine
制钉机城/Nail machine city
制粉机/Milling machine
制浆造纸/Pulp and paper
制冷机组/Cooling system
制冷设备/Refrigeration equipment
制冷压缩机/Refrigeration compressor
制沙机/Sand machine
制砂机/Sand making machine
制砂机破碎机/Sand making machine crusher
制砂设备/Sand making equipment
制砂生产线/Sand production line
制刷机械/Brush machinery
制桶设备/Barrel equipment
制香机/Fragrant machine
制鞋机械/Footwear machinery
制氧机/oxygen machine
制氧设备/Oxygen equipment
制样机/System prototype
制药机械/Pharmaceutical machinery
制药设备/Pharmaceutical equipment
制药专用设备/Special equipment for pharmaceuticals
制砖机械/Brick machinery
制砖设备/Brick equipment
质子磁力仪/Proton magnetometer
智能家居/Smart home
智能家居产品/Smart home products
智能家居控制系统/Intelligent home control system
智能家居系统/Smart home system
智能卡/smart card
智能楼宇/Intelligent building
智能抹灰机/Intelligent plastering machine
智能全自动抹灰机/Intelligent automatic plastering machine
智能扫地机/Intelligent sweeping machine
智能锁/smart Lock
智能停车场/Intelligent parking lot
智能停车场管理系统/Intelligent parking management system
智能自行车/Smart bike
智盘/Intellectual disc
中国除尘器/China dust collector
中国工地洗车机/Chinese site washing machine
中国磨刀机/Chinese grinding machine
中国塔吊/China Tower crane
中国泰鑫鸿业/China Taixin Hongye
中国五金/China Hardware
中国振动筛/Chinese vibrating screen
中空壁缠绕管设备/Hollow wall winding pipe equipment
中空式液压扳手/Hollow hydraulic wrench
中频电炉/Intermediate frequency electric furnace
中频感应加热炉/Medium frequency induction heating furnace
中频炉/Intermediate frequency furnace
中频炉变压器/Intermediate frequency furnace transformer
中频熔炼炉/Intermediate frequency melting furnace
中央空调末端设备/Central air conditioning terminal equipment
中走丝/In the wire
重锤破碎机/Heavy hammer crusher
重工机械/Heavy Machinery
重汽离合器/Heavy truck clutch
重庆滤油机/Chongqing oil filter
重庆塔吊/Chongqing tower crane
重型机械设备/Heavy machinery and equipment
重型清障车/Heavy wrecker
重型卧式车床/Heavy duty horizontal lathe
轴流泵/Axial flow pump
轴流风机/Axial Fan
轴线车/Axis car
轴重仪/Axle load
竹制品/bamboo product
注塑机/Injection molding machine
注塑机机械手/Injection molding machine manipulator
注油器/Oil injector
柱塞泵/Plunger pump
铸铁平台/Cast iron platform
铸铁镶铜闸门/Cast iron with copper gate
铸铁闸门/Cast iron gate
铸造机/Casting machine
铸造量具/Casting gauges
铸造缺陷修补机/Casting defect repair machine
铸造设备/Casting equipment
铸造生产线/Casting production line
筑埂机/Build a ridge machine
抓木机/Grasping wood machine
抓烟机/Cigarette machine
专业舞台灯光设备/Professional stage lighting equipment
专用机床/Special machine tools
专用设备/Professional setting
砖机/Brick machine
砖机设备/Brick equipment
转移印花/Transfer printing
桩工机械/Pile driving machinery
装车输送机/Loading conveyor
装船机/Shipping machine
装订机/Binding Machine
装盒机/Cartoning machine
装甲车辆/Armored vehicles
装饰塔/Decorative towers
装箱机/Packing machine
装载机秤/Loader scale
装载机电子秤/Loader electronic scales
淄博机械/Zibo machinery
紫外光加速老化箱/Ultraviolet light accelerates the aging box
紫外光老化试验箱/UV aging test chamber
紫外老化试验箱/UV aging test chamber
紫外线灭菌器/UV sterilizer
紫外线杀菌/UV sterilization
紫外线消毒/UV disinfection
紫外线消毒器设备/UV sterilizer equipment
紫外线消毒设备/UV disinfection equipment
自动包装机/Automatic packaging machine
自动变速箱保养/Automatic gearbox maintenance
自动车床/Automatic lathe
自动车床加工/Automatic lathe processing
自动冲床送料机/Automatic punch feeder
自动打包机/Automatic baler
自动点胶机/Automatic dispenser
自动钉箱机/Automatic nail machine
自动封箱机/Automatic sealing machine
自动干手器/Automatic hand dryer
自动攻丝机/Automatic tapping machine
自动灌胶机/Automatic filling machine
自动焊机/Automatic welding machine
自动焊接设备/Automatic welding equipment
自动焊锡机/Automatic soldering machine
自动行走升降机/Automatic walking lift
自动行走升降平台/Automatic walking platform
自动化机械/Automated machinery
自动化机械设备/Automated machinery and equipment
自动化设备/Automation equipment
自动化输送设备/Automated conveying equipment
自动化物流技术/Automated logistics technology
自动集中供墨系统/Automatic centralized ink supply system
自动加油器/Automatic oiler
自动胶针机/Automatic needle machine
自动码垛机/Automatic palletizing machine
自动码垛机器人/Automatic palletizing robots
自动排气阀/Auto exhaust valve
自动喷漆机/Automatic painting machine
自动喷涂设备/Automatic spraying equipment
自动润滑器/Automatic lubricator
自动识别/Automatic Identification
自动锁螺丝机/Automatic lock screw machine
自动贴标机/Automatic labeling machine
自动涂胶机/Automatic coating machine
自动洗车设备/Automatic car washing equipment
自动洗轮机/Automatic washing machine
自动仪表车床/Automatic instrument lathe
自动注油器/Automatic oiler
自动注脂器/Automatic grease injector
自动装盒机/Automatic cartoning machine
自动装箱机/Automatic packing machine
自攻丝/Self tapping
自磨机/Self-grinding machine
自平衡多级泵/Self-balancing multistage pump
自吸泵/Self-priming pump
自卸车/Dump truck
纵剪开平/Vertical cut open
纵剪线/Slitting line
走心机/Take the heart
阻火器/Flame arrester
组合机床/Combination machine
组培设备/Tissue culture equipment
组装线/Assembly line
钻床/Drilling machine
钻攻机/Drilling machine
钻井机/Drilling machine
钻井平台/drilling platform
钻井设备/Drilling equipment
钻石刀具/Diamond tools
钻石刀轮/Diamond wheel
钻探机/Drilling machine
钻探设备/Drilling equipment
钻头磨刀机/Drill grinding machine
钻头研磨机/Drill grinding machine
钻铣床/Drilling and milling machine
钻桩机/Drilling machine
最强冷焊机/The strongest cold welding machine
坐标磨床/Coordinate grinder
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